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If Ash brought one Pokemon back, which one should it be?


Not-well known member.
Oct 30, 2010
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So, if Ash could bring back one or more of his old Pokemon, including the ones he released/left to train, which one/s should it/they be?
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I wouldn't mind seeing Lapras again, if and when it grows up and leaves the other Lapras, but it probably wont happen.
Butterfree! That was his first caught. And Pidgeot! That was his second caught! And finally Lapras. How else is he gonna stop depending on a boat! Miss a boat? So what?! You got's a Lapras!:mallet::mallet::mallet::mallet::mallet::mallet:
Of the released pokemon? I might have to agree with Lapras, even though there is no way it's leaving it's pod/herd/whatever you want to call it. Just so Ash can have something to Surf on again. I know that they've avoided the issue by using some mode of transportation where Surf is usually used in the game, but for some reason, I want someone to ride on a pokemon again. (note: This statement is made for frivolous purposes, and I don't mind if it is never done) Why not any of the others you may ask? I have long since passed the point where I care. So what if he doesn't have Pidgeot, he has 4 other Flying/Normals. Butterfree has a mate and a life of it's own, I would not interfere with that for the world. The other pokes were given to his friends, so I don't count them as being Ash's pokemon anymore.

Of the "training" pokemon, the one I want to see released out of the limit is Charizard. It has been long enough. The reason Char was put in here to begin with is that Char was too powerful to keep around. They instead limited it's appearances by making Ash unable to call on it all the time. His other two Kanto starters have this, too, but Bulba is at least still at Oak's, even though he cannot leave it for more than one day without everything falling apart.

Back to the point, I feel this reason doesn't hold water anymore. Ash has two other really powerful pokemon now. Granted one of them will never leave Ash's side because he's the doggone mascot, but they like to use Pika as a punching bag lately. Sceppy, however, brings this point home because he has grown to be able to defeat a legend, and no one has problems with him being at Oak's. True, Sceppy is more of a mortal kind of powerful, as he did indeed work his way up there, but Charizard isn't exactly invincible, either. I can only vaguely see that Char can perhaps learn better from the powerful Chars of the valley than he can with Ash, or even just hanging around at Oak's. (evidently, they do train there, who knew?) Limiting Char just doesn't serve any purpose anymore. Do I feel the same way about the other starters? In a way, but I also feel they have gained responsibilities that are more important than battling. I suppose the same could be said of Char, since he has dedicated himself to Charla. (I may have to accept that as an answer, because it is possible we may never see Char again) What's that? Gliscor? We never discovered the fate of Gliscor, so I don't know what it's status is. Primeape wasn't around long, so I don't see the point.
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charizard! the thought that we will never see it again depresses me :'( it was his original powerhouse and im not saying infernape or sceptile are not as good but they dont give of the powerhouse vibe that charizard did... i would be happy if they just showed they had not completely abandoned him :/
As for released Pokemon, Lapras. I loved Lapras. Lapras is one of my favorites. Now from the ones he left with Professor Oak, I would say Infernape and Staraptor.
Released-Pidgeot. Unlike with Lapras he actually said he'd go back to get it and even mentioned that he hoped to see it again one day when he faced Falkner.

Training-Charizard, Squirtle or Bulbasaur. (Honestly i'd just like to see the last 2 evolve before Ash's time as the main character ends)
Gliscor and Gible, for a death-match between themselves. So people can stop arguing about them...
I'm gonna say Bayleef. It's crying out for it's last evolution and it's far too besotted with Ash to be pushed aside forever. I might also have said Snowrunt for cuteness and comedy but it ruined itself with the whole Glalie thing :,(
I think they should give Kingler some screen time. He never did anything, except owning that girl during the Kanto League. For the released Pokémon, I don't think he could bring Butterfree or Lapras back, because they have other things to do. He could bring back Pidgeot, though. I think he kicked that Fearow's butt long ago.
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