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I'm making an Online Pokémon TCG Game

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Registered User
Aug 30, 2005
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on BYOND..

It's working out greaat so far though I actually didn't get much done yet.

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y28/TrainerAbu/TCGmadEarly.gif it so far ^^;.

it'll begin with just the base set, and mad mad quickly after I'll add Jungle, Fossil, and Gameboy-only cards..

Later it'll be a lot less text and pop up interface like (as in use graphics for everything, in the layout of the Gameboy TCG) along with you only having a pre-made deck you choose in the start and you gotta duel others in order to get huge boosters and eventually make your own decks..

Yosh ^_^!.
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Eh yeah, actually this is more of a BYOND community thing and I coulda kept the thing from myself but I thought I'd let ya know anyways since I just came to the forums today~.

(Some guy explaining that better @_@:

snes4life: wtf is apprentice

PsychicEspeon194: some maaaaaaaad suxy TCG pc program that ppl keep trying to use to play the pokemon game on GameFAQs but itz waaaaaay drugged up and every1 h8s it @_@.

snes4life: yeah that's like yugioh virtual desktop which BLOWSSSSSSSSSSSS
snes4life: and DMO on byond PWNZZZZZZZ it everyone agrees
snes4life: No one's done a Pokémon one on byond yet
snes4life: and it's a super awesome idea for the byond community
snes4life: because everyone loves duel monsters online
snes4life: and pokemon would be similar but a different experience)

yosh ^^.
*insert what I just said here @_@;* Er, Cool though, I didn't know about those programs ^^.

Err new screenz 8)

(Er that's small view so yeah. You can have it on a bigger view too..)

lame duel pic~

But yeah now I'll just be posting updates/screenshots at my journal at http://www.livejournal.com/users/trainerabu/ so yeah~.
So...Are you still working on this (I realise that this thread is 2 years old)? If not, has an online one been completed by anyone ever? Preferably where you don't have to give your IP out...
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When will the game be ready?
i cant wait to play it!

I'll check it out, I guess. BTW, Redshark is probably the best online Pokémon TCG simulator out there right now.
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