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Interesting GTS data released.


Jan 1, 2003
Reaction score
Daisuki updated today with some Wi-Fi stuff, including a whole bunch of GTS statistics and records. The version exclusives bit seems to suggest that the majority of DP owners have sided with Hickory when choosing a starter.
I'm surprised. Pocchama seems to be the most popular starter amongst US communities. Perhaps it's just that Ash chose Naetle in the anime?
Bah, Flash 8 required to access that particular section of the site... (Why doesn't Adobe/Macromedia release Flash 8 player for Linux? Doesn't hurt them a single bit to increase their mindshare.)

*boots up Windows*

Let's see... Top wanted Pokémon:
1. Palkia
2. Dialga
3. Gaburias
4. Naetle
5. Mikaruge
6. Munchlax
7. Milotic
8. Hikozaru
9. Agnom
10. Lucario (eh!?)

Top offered Pokémon:
1. Dialga
2. Palkia (where are they getting these endless supplies of them from?)
3. Mikaruge
4. Rayquaza
5. Groudon
6. Pochama
7. Hikozaru
8. Kyogre
9. Mewtwo
10. Milotic

Top traded Pokémon
1. Dialga
2. Palkia
3. Mikaruge
4. Milotic
5. Naetle
6. Gaburiasu
7. Munchlax
8. Hikozaru
9. Eevee (up 4 from last week, hmmm...)
10. Pochama

Top trades for Murkrow, a Diamond exlcusive:
1. Misdreavus
2. Naetle
3. Hikozaru

Top trades for Misdreavus, a Pearl exclusive:
1. Murkrow
2. Naetle
3. Hikozaru

Other exclusives:

Top trades for Zugaidosu:
1. Tatetops
2. Naetle
3. Hikozaru

Top trades for Tatetops:
1. Zugaidosu
2. Naetle
3. Hikozaru

Top trades for Mr. Mime:
1. Sudowoodo
2. Naetle
3. Hikozaru

Top trades for Sudowoodo:
1. Mr. Mime
2. Mime Jr.
3. Naetle

Top trades for Skunpoo:
1. Nyarma
2. Misdreavus
3. Naetle

Top trades for Nyarma:
1. Skunpoo
2. Naetle
3. Hikozaru

Top trades for Cascoon:
1. Silcoon
2. Hikozaru
3. Naetle (Hmm, backwards!)

Top trades for Silcoon:
1. Cascoon
2. Naetle
3. Hikozaru

Fascinating data. I only wish it was more detailed.

I'm surprised. Pocchama seems to be the most popular starter amongst US communities. Perhaps it's just that Ash chose Naetle in the anime?

I'm not sure how you're drawing your conclusions, but the way it looks to me is as if Pochama is the most popular - it is in high supply and low demand.
Munchlax is very hard too find, I still haven't seen one (or it's inscense).

But seriously, Liolu is GIVEN too you.
I'm not sure how you're drawing your conclusions, but the way it looks to me is as if Pochama is the most popular - it is in high supply and low demand.

I thought Hickory refered to Naetle in the starting post. I didn't bother to read the page itself.

Anyways, lookie like it's penguin, monkey, turtle in that order.

Top ten wanted - Munchlax and Lucario.... wtf?

The Lucario movie must have been very popular amongst the kiddies.
I think people are just restarting and speed running their games to get the mascot legendaries. As for Lucario, well, I know nearly everyone I know that plays pokemn is too lazy to raise the happiness. Wi-Fi is the ultimate quick-fix for Pokedex filling. And perhaps people don't know it need to be happy and level up at daytime.
Pretty dumb that anyone's too lazy to raise happiness. It maxes out at around level 24 for me if I hatch them. That's just around most Pokémon's first evolution. However, I know how the trade-for-full-dex thing goes, that's what I always do with the third version. Heck, with Crystal, I just dumped my full box of the 26 GS Unowns into it to finish the Unown Dex.

Do those stats for the wanted/traded/so on include eggs? Or are those allowed to be traded via Wi-Fi?
Definately off-topic here, but I think the absolute "omg pwnage I'm getting this game" factor for me is the eggs hatching at level 1 feature. That is so cool.

On topic, why were Milotic and Mikaruge not higher on the wanted list? It's not like a Dialga or Palkia are that difficult to get. But Milotic is a bitch to get and Mikaruge has a long-drawn obtain method, so I thought they'd be in higher demand.
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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