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Is execution by lethal injection humane?

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Jan 30, 2003
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  1. She/Her
There was an article in my local newspaper about a study conducted by the Lancet, a medical journal. Florida now gives condemned prisoners a choice of electrocution or injection <s>unlike their victims, who have no choice</s>. Is there actually a "humane" way to kill someone? Thoughts?
Death is never humane, except when a person is in even greater suffering alive than dead.
Can execution by any means be humane? I doubt it.
I've never understood how ANY type of killing can be deemed "humane." Whether it's in cold blood or state-sponsored, it's still killing. I'm against the whole execution thing, but if we've got to have it, skip the "humane" crap and let's have fun.
I agree that execution is far from humane, especially considering there still exists the cahnce you're executing an innocent person. But I've heard they place things in the lthal injection you wouldn't use to put a dog to sleep. I've also heard the person is very much in pain it's just their muscles are paralyzed so they don't seem to react.
How bout we just throw them in a cell and starve them to death? Hey, I say, if the person is truly guilty, they brought it on themselves. If you are being executed, you've most likely murdered somebody. So, if you are guilty, than you brought it on yourself. You were far from humane with your victims.
If the lethal injection is botched, then it can be very painful for the condemned, but if everything goes according to plan then it accomplishes the quick and painless death.
How bout we just throw them in a cell and starve them to death? Hey, I say, if the person is truly guilty, they brought it on themselves. If you are being executed, you've most likely murdered somebody. So, if you are guilty, than you brought it on yourself. You were far from humane with your victims.

So the government and people in general should have the right to break its own laws if its against people who also broke those laws? Rape the rapists? Kill the killers? Run over drunk drivers? Forgive me if I don't agree with giving people any excuse to dance around the law and commit crimes, or for being inhumane.
Despite coming from a country that quite liberally uses the death penalty, I don't support it. Not only do I find it inhumane, but it's an incredibly childish manner to deal with someone who ran afoul of the law (especially for those who committed murder). And don't give me that "strong deterrent" nonsense - a life sentence without parole or some other kind of capital punishment that doesn't involve death or those that doesn't involve public shaming in a way (such as caning, which Singapore also practises) could work as well in my opinion.

Besides, if a person, after being executed, is found not guilty, can his sentence be reversed in any way?

From the above, I say: no manner of execution is humane.
I once watched a school debate on capital punishment, and I remember vaguely that someone cited a statistic that said it'd drastically reduce government expenditure on jails, or something--and they almost won. -_-

Personally, I'm against it. Hammurabi's Code is a couple millenia old.
Actually, I've heard the actual costs to usher someone through the entire deathrow process is more expensive than keeping them in prison for the rest of their lives.
Hey, terrorists and serial killers find ways out, if they get out, even 1, it would have been better if they were killed. Its a thing called justice, something America has lost its sense of.
It's always about how they find their way out. If there was something called, oh, I dunno, SECURITY, they wouldn't.

It's the reason 9/11 happened. And no IDs will help us, nor will disallowing water on airplanes. People will find a way to get through anything.

Anyway, my opinion on lethal injection? Well, some people honestly don't give a damn what the punishment is for their actions, because they believe in their own twisted mind that they're right, because someone or something told them they were, and that they'd be rewarded after death.
Killing someone is not justice, it's revenge.
Killing someone is not justice, it's revenge.

Revenge, justice, does it matter? Fact is, killers are dangerous, and in today's liberal society, there is no life in prision. Heck a good attourney and good behavior can get you out in just enough time to kill again. Now Im not saying that we should kill all our prisioners, but for the dangerous killers, who will kill again if given the chance, its a little too risky to NOT kill them. Why are people standing up for the rights of the killers? THEY HAVE NO RIGHTS! They sold their rights when they decided to violate another's right to live. We have to stop defending the killers, and start defending the vicitms.
Why are people standing up for the rights of the killers?

The best way to judge a society is by how it treats its least wanted members. That would be criminals and poor people. We live in a civlized society. We should be able to find a better solution to the problems of civilization than killing people we don't want anymore.

Basic human rights are basic human rights. They shouldn't change or be stripped away by ANY action. Not just for the killers, but for the well-being of the society as a whole. If we condone any killing at all, what gives us the moral right to say that its wrong?

We have to stop defending the killers, and start defending the vicitms.

How does killing prisoners instead of simply incarcerating them defend victims?
The best way to judge a society is by how it treats its least wanted members. That would be criminals and poor people. We live in a civlized society. We should be able to find a better solution to the problems of civilization than killing people we don't want anymore.

Basic human rights are basic human rights. They shouldn't change or be stripped away by ANY action. Not just for the killers, but for the well-being of the society as a whole. If we condone any killing at all, what gives us the moral right to say that its wrong?

How does killing prisoners instead of simply incarcerating them defend victims?

It prevents them from killing again. Most killers, the ones who qualify for the death penalty, are evil. They will get out and try to kill again, and with liberal judges and a good attourney, that is possible. Its not like we're going around killing every person in jail, its only for the most repulsive criminals who have commited the most repulsive and unforgivable acts. If a criminal had your mother(wife, anyone you care about) held at gunpoint, and the only possible way to save them is to kill this criminal, would you do it? Or would you yammer on about HIS rights as he puts a bullet through your loved one's head. That is the purpose of the death penalty, to defend society. Face it, things can go wrong with prisioners, they can escape, and kill again. They can be busted out, or one of their buddies gets them out. They cant do any of this if they are dead. THAT is why the death penalty is necessary, because without it, society in general is in greater danger. And, if you cant accept this fact that criminals can escape, your living in a fantasy world.
Showcreator said:
Most killers, the ones who qualify for the death penalty, are evil.

Because you've conducted personal psychological interviews with them? Or are you just God? Wasn't it Jesus who said "let he who hath not sinned cast the first stone"?

If a criminal had your mother(wife, anyone you care about) held at gunpoint, and the only possible way to save them is to kill this criminal, would you do it?

There's a difference between shooting someone in a moment of adrenaline and letting them linger in jail before hooking them up to the magical mystery machine and filling their systems full of drugs until they die.

That is the purpose of the death penalty, to defend society.

No, that's the purpose of the police. The purpose of the death penalty is to act as a deterrent. Problem is that it doesn't work.

if you cant accept this fact that criminals can escape, your living in a fantasy world.

Because only convicted criminals are capable of murder? Because only ESCAPED convicted criminals are capable of murder? Why not just kill everyone. I guarantee you, there won't be any more murders.
Because you've conducted personal psychological interviews with them? Or are you just God? Wasn't it Jesus who said "let he who hath not sinned cast the first stone"?

There's a difference between shooting someone in a moment of adrenaline and letting them linger in jail before hooking them up to the magical mystery machine and filling their systems full of drugs until they die.

No, that's the purpose of the police. The purpose of the death penalty is to act as a deterrent. Problem is that it doesn't work.

Because only convicted criminals are capable of murder? Because only ESCAPED convicted criminals are capable of murder? Why not just kill everyone. I guarantee you, there won't be any more murders.

Hey, I never said the death penalty eliminates crime(you'd have to get rid of liberals completely before we can even reduce it significantly) The point is, police arnt everything. Criminals escape, whats the point of arresting them just to let them out to commit again? Why support them for the rest of their lives? Free food, free time to exercise. Heck, liberals have made jail a picnic for these criminals. So, we'll punish these guys by letting them live off the government for the rest of their lives. And if you're worried about lethal injection costing too much, we can always bring back ole'sparky.
Hey, I never said the death penalty eliminates crime(you'd have to get rid of liberals completely before we can even reduce it significantly) The point is, police arnt everything. Criminals escape, whats the point of arresting them just to let them out to commit again? Why support them for the rest of their lives? Free food, free time to exercise. Heck, liberals have made jail a picnic for these criminals. So, we'll punish these guys by letting them live off the government for the rest of their lives. And if you're worried about lethal injection costing too much, we can always bring back ole'sparky.

And, in yet another thread, you've missed all of my points. Congratulations. That's two in one day.
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