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Is the increase in rivals per saga since OS a bad thing?

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Jul 12, 2011
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From the start of Kanto, we had Gary, and as the episodes progressed, more rivals were brought into the show. The rivals pressure Ash or the travelling companions, but still they are likable in their own ways AND we look forward to their development and delicious contribution to the show.

But just how many rivals woud suffice? Do you think Ash has too many rivals this time?

For me, I preferred it when it was just Ash vs Gary - the one person he wanted to win and defeat. Maybe Ritchie was an okay rival, but he ended up being league material...
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I really liked Morrison and Tyson so two rivals works just fine. In DP Ash had four rivals if you count Nando and that was awesome. The only problem is their was nothing but rival battles and Tobias. It gave us less battles not more battles. The quality of Rival is not reduced by the quantity it seems random.
I prefer a few per region. I suppose the difference is in the OS Misty and Brock had no rivals.

So in addition to Ash, all of his friends got their own rivals too which adds to the count.
Absolutely Not. It actually was a brilliant idea and this is why:

1. Rivals give us brand new characters that(if used well) present to us new found strategies, storylines, and interesting dynamics. For example: Nando vs Zoey and Paul vs Barry, both battles used to get a message across. Also with Cabarnet vs Iris/Ash/Cilan. While she may have lost all three, the idea of progressing and keeping that motivation despite losing is actually a great inspirational message to present to the fanbase, at any age.

2. Rivals strive for the main protagonists to grow, as pokemon trainers, and ultimately as characters. Paul did this with Ash, and Ash did this with Paul. The writers hopefully will do this with Iris and Langley. Gary defeating Ash at the end of AG and Drew defeating May is another prime example on how, even after a huge triumph, not to get ahead of yourself. Rivals like Zoey and Soledad were great because despite their mundane appearance, they were presented to really show what flaws were in May and Dawn's battle techniques and how far they still had to go.

3. Rivals are an interesting change from the usual. Bel. Just....Bel. She brings the freshness, the funny, and the fun. Ursula was a great change from Zoey and Kenny, because Dawn did need someone to push her forward without being so nice. That's not how it goes down in the real world. Harley was PHE-NO-MEN-AL! Definitely a character no one ever saw, but happy they did in the long run. Barry was another one among the funny bunch.

Bottom line: Rivals are usually fun and great to have around because they are a change of what we are used to and they help the main protagonists to grow. I still hold strong to the idea that Giselle(from the School of Hard Knocks) should have been Misty's rival, while Damein(Charizard's first trainer) should have been Brock's. Both were really ticked about the way the perceived and treated pokemon respectively, so to see that further continued in Kanto instead of having Ash once again be the hero, would have been great. I'm sure they would have flushed their teams out much more.

As all of us can see, not all rivals are that awesome(Trip-we all see this), and can sometimes fuck this show up royally. But usually and thankfully that is not the case.
If they're all properly handled, then no. Otherwise, yes, I would say so. Though while I think there could have been some improvements, it's worked out okay for me.
No it's not a bad thing. This is what needed to happen in OS. Susie could have been Brock's rival while someone could have been Misty's even though they weren't in a competition. That way it would have been more interesting on their end and they both could have been more determined for their goals and dreams.
For a while, characters such as Bianca, Burgundy and Georgia would have made me say no, as they're all so much fun to watch, but now I'm going to have to say yes. There just isn't enough airtime - even in a series as long-winded as Pokemon - to give so many characters the proper development they need, nor is there enough to find out much about their training or their Pokemon. With Paul, you learnt about his backstory, you knew what Pokemon he used, and even what their moves and abilities were; it was plenty enough to gauge the differences between him & Ash and how they were both coming along as trainers, but with the BW rivals, you only know about two or three of their Pokemon, with most of them getting brushed aside easily when they do appear.

I'd much one properly developed rival to a bunch that barely ever appear, no matter how entertaining some of them are as characters off the battlefield - too many cooks spoil the broth.
I don't mind if the anime has a couple of rivals, but I would like it if it has one distinguished rival, so then you have a much better understanding of that rival and see all the Pokemon that the rival uses.
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