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Is this a result of global warming

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The Big Al

Mar 5, 2005
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We're in the most active Atlantic Hurricane Season in recorded history. So we might as well answer this question. Is this a result of Global Warming?

To all those neocons out there, Global Warming is a fact. We've seen that. The world is warmer.

The real question is weather or not this explosion of catatrophic Hurricanes. Considering Hurricanes exist to draw heat and moisture from the tropics and transport it to the temperate zones, the more heat in the tropics means the more Hurricanes in order to maintain balance.

Another process that transfers heat from the tropics to the temperate zones is the ocean currents. However, it is now a well accepted theory that the melting of the polar caps is dumbing massive amounts of fresh water into the oceans which can litterally plug the currents because it would be unable to lift in the polar regions.

This would mean Hurricanes would be the chief transport for heat and moisture and even more Hurricanes would form and perhaps year round. We may only be seeing the beginning of a very long era of active seasons and massive Hurricanes like Katrina, Rita, and Wilma.
*Sniff sniff* Is that a flamewar in the distance?

(Gets popcorn)
John Gibson's Take on Global Warming

I LOVE reading Gibson's articles. It's like seeing a man slowly go more and more insane.

Another FoxNews Take on Global Warming

Again, I love reading articles like that. Because, as we all know, if only 17 states are reporting new record highs, it must be ok. Of course...it fails to mention how many times they report new record highs...but whatever.

But is global warming responsible for this crap? I dunno. It doesn't seem like there's enough concrete data to be certain. It's a fact that the earth is slowly warming, but it's also been a long-held fact that that's just what is happening. The earth is getting warmer. As for what effect this is having on the weather...I'm not a meteorologist, so I'm certainly not going to say anything definite, but if the heated zones of the world are progressing to the north, then it's certainly having some effect, as Oklahoma has seen an EXTREMELY low number of tornadoes this year while the states to the north have seen an immense number. But whether this is part of some huge cycle, or the beginning of a new trend, I can't say with any certainty. Growing up, I don't remember it being any worse than this, but as a kid I may have just not been paying attention.

And keep in mind, this is the most active hurricane season ON RECORD. For all we know, there could be a massive cycle that we're going through, and we've just reached the really bad point. Next year we might only see a few. You can look at all the predictions for next year, but who knows what might happen to change them? And who knows how accurate they really are? Certainly if next year's season is just as bad, or worse, then I'd be more inclined to believe it's a serious factor, but right now I'm a little skeptical. But maybe I just haven't done enough research.
Since 95' we've seen active seasons one after the other. It's part of the Hurricane cycle that is expect to last for a last another decade. However, no one saw this. They expected a season like much like the last few with about 15 named storms. No one saw breaking the record and starting to use the Greek Alphabet all before the end of October. Another amazing development this season is the six major Hurricanes and the record three Catagory 5 Hurricanes holding the number 1, 4, and 6 in terms of lowest central pressure in the Atlantic basin. In fact, this has been described as a Western Pacific like season with very low pressure cyclones.

Is this because of Global Warming? First of all, Global warming is occuring thanks to both natural cycling and human activities. Neither alone could cause this warming.

Global warming portains to Hurricanes mainly for the water temperature on which they thrive. This year, the Atlanitc basin's water temperatures were way above average very early allowing the explosion Tropical Systems in July.
I was watching BBC News 24 yesterday, and there was a professor who said that it is, though only partly.

The fact that we have more this year is just due to where we currently are in a cycle. Humans haven't affected that. However, the greater intensity is due to climate change, which global warming is a big part of.

In theory, anyway. The statistics don't stretch back far enough to see if that is the case in practice.
Looking at the available data, it's hard to draw a conclusion. There's no real consensus concering the increase in global temperatures. Some studies have shown that the world's average temperature has risen by 0.9 degrees F (0.5 degrees C) since 1600. Other studies have only noted a 0.5 degrees F (0.3 degrees C) to 1 degree F (0.6 degrees C) rise in mean surface air temperatures in the past 100 years.

It's not know whether the rise is part of the Earth's natural climate cycle or a result of the increase in greenhouse gases from human activity. Solid evidence for greenhouse warming has not yet been found, though there is agreement that atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide is increasing. There are too many variables in determining Earth's atmosphere to make a definite conclusion.
GrnMarvl13 said:
Now, I'm sure this is a stupid question, but why not?
They've calculated how much the world would warm going through an intergalcial period and how much the world would warm with the excess green house gases in the atmosphere and neither alone cause a warming as strong as what we've been seeing.
Does this include other variables like volcanic activity, increased solar flares, or even holes in the ozone layer?
Volcanoes and Solar Flares are seasonal variables (lasting a couple to maybe a half dozen years) and the hole in the ozone layer has nothing to do with the surface temperaure of the earth.
Thinning of the ozone layer (ozonosphere) could cause a higher incidence of human skin cancer and cataracts, since the layer itself provides protection against the sun's UV radiation. Its connection to the 'greenhouse effect' is that certain chemicals including CFCs can cause the ozone 'hole' (over Antartica) to increase in size.
Actually, the ozone hole over Antartica is a seasonal occurance in which winds in the strosphere actually pull the ozone layer away from the south pole in the early spring. However it was getting worse and longer for a time.

In terms of CFC's. CFC's consumption is now down because of CFC-free refridgerents being available. The ozone problem is slowly improving.

Anyway, let's get back on topic and that's the recent hurricanes seasons that have been above average for 10 of the past 11 years.
I heard Bush simply has Halliburton create Hurricanes. He likes to aim for where minorities live. Y'know, because he hates them and all.
As far as global warming is concerned and the recent hurricanes over the past decade go, it's hard to ignore the evidence when it's bearing down on you with 100 mph winds and a potential 10-foot storm surge.
Juroujin said:
I heard Bush simply has Halliburton create Hurricanes. He likes to aim for where minorities live. Y'know, because he hates them and all.

No, no, no. Halliburton is behind all the wars. The hurricanes are a result of weather tampering due to a government run weather-control system set up, if I recall correctly, in Alaska. And Bush didn't start that, I BELIEVE it was Reagan. The subsequent presidents have merely carried on the legacy, i.e. Roswell.
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