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j-sama's foil card collection quest

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Moe Moe MOE!
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
I have been collecting the TCG foil cards since Hidden Legends so here I'm going to post the cards that I have left for each recent expansion,

Hidden Legends (COMPLETED!!):

Fire Red/Leaf Green (7 left):
015 - Snorlax
020 - Cloyster
026 - Kingler
052 - Wigglytuff
064 - Growlithe
074 - Pikachu
088 - Celio's Network (Almost impossible to trade...)

Team Rocket Returns (COMPLETED!!)

Deoxys (11 left):
019 - Ludicolo
020 - Magcargo
032 - Grumpig
037 - Magcargo
042 - Nosepass
063 - Lotad
067 - Nincada
074 - Slugma
080 - Taillow
094 - Heal Energy
095 - Scramble Energy

Emerald (37 left... This is a long one)

001 - Blaziken
002 - Exploud
006 - Kyogre
007 - Manetric
010 - Sceptile
014 - Groudon
016 - Manetric
017 - Nosepass
018 - Relicanth
019 - Rhydon
020 - Seviper
023 - Camerupt
024 - Calydol
025 - Combusken
036 - Marshtomp
039 - Plusle
040 - Swalot
041 - Swellow
043 - Baltoy
045 - Doduo
048 - Electrike
050 - Feebas
052 - Larvitar
053 - Luvdisc
054 - Makuhita
055 - Meditite
058 - Numel
064 - Snorunt
066 - Spoink
067 - Swablu
071 - Voltorb
076 - Double Full Heal
081 - PokéNav
082 - Professor Birch
084 - Scott
088 - Metal Energy
089 - Multi Energy

Unseen Forces (57 left... so I'm going to list the ones I DO have)

001 - Ampharos
004 - Feraligatr
006 - Forretress
007 - Houndoom
008 - Jolteon
012 - Porygon2
013 - Slowbro
015 - Sudowoodo
016 - Sunflora
020 - Chansey
025 - Hitmonlee
026 - Hitmontop
029 - Lugia
031 - Smoochum
032 - Stantler
034 - Aipom
035 - Bayleef
039 - Granbull
040 - Lanturn
041 - Magcargo
046 - Scyther
049 - Xatu
050 - Yanma
052 - Chinchou
053 - Clefairy
054 - Cyndaquil
055 - Eevee
057 - Gligar
059 - Hoothoot
060 - Houndour
061 - Larvitar
067 - Poliwag
068 - Poliwhirl
070 - Pupitar
074 - Snubbull
075 - Spinarak
077 - Teddiursa
080 - Curse Powder
082 - Energy Removal 2
083 - Energy Root
089 - Porfessor Elm's Training Method
090 - Protective Orb
098 - Boost Energy
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Yesterday I managed to get both Rare Candy and Darkness Energy! I can't believe I managed to get those two... Anyway, I cheked your want list so here's the good stuff I have for you:

3 Ancient Technical Machine [Rock]
3 Beedrill (There goes my Speedrill project...)
1 Pidgeot
1 Surprise! Time Machine
1 Swoop! Teleporter
3 Dark Metal Energy
1 Here Comes Team Rocket! (It belongs to my sister, however)
3 Battle Frontier
1 Double Rainbow Energy
I've already got 2 Beedrill now (Forgot to fix that list for the trade I made at the tourney last weekend), but the rest would certainly come in hella handy. What were you wanting in trade or purchase for the lot?
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I wish for a trade, of course... but I'm not sure how to make it fair for both... One of my Beedrill is reverse foil so I can give it for the Vaporeon. The other one for the Typhlosion plus anything from the random trainers and the Sitrus Berry for the 3 ATM Rock. What do you say?
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