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James' sexual orientation

What do you think is James' sexual orientation?

  • Asexual

    Votes: 2 2.6%
  • Straight

    Votes: 41 53.9%
  • Gay (confused or perfectly aware both count)

    Votes: 10 13.2%
  • Zoosexual (...what?)

    Votes: 2 2.6%
  • Bi (see 'gay' option)

    Votes: 15 19.7%
  • Pan ('open to all walks of life', not 'open to all sexual acts')

    Votes: 2 2.6%
  • Er...other?

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
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Roses Ablaze

Avatar by Ayumeg
Oct 7, 2003
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I think James is bi, personally. He's shown interest in girls, but the dubbers seem to be trying to make him fairly flamboyant. Can't speak for Kojiro.
Eh, I'd go bi at the most.

When the writers want a character to be gay, they make it blatantly obvious.

See: Harley.
Straight, since he's showed interest in female characters, but not in males. He's flamoyant, sure, but that's not the same as being attracted to males.

He's terrified of commitment for certain, though.
I thought it was kind of weird how he likes to cross dress.I think he's either bi or gay,but I'm not really sure though.
James is straight. Why?
- he had a crush on ghost girl
- he had a BIG crush on Rose
- he doesn't care about guys.
Ghost of Maidan's Peak can be argued. Rose can't. Guys... we have had no evidence. In theory, he could be bi, but all the evidence seems to point at straight.
Straight. We've seen him crush on girls, but not once on a guy.
Likes dresses /= gay

I voted 'other'. You see, I'm not sure what James is. He has shown interest in girls and no interest in boys (beyond some hideous fake cameradre with Ash on occasion).

However, you cannot get away from his transexuality. As much as I find them embarrassing at times, I think that the Pokemopolis DodgeMasters got it right: He is a lesbian in a male body. Poor dweeb! :p
Wouldn't that make Ash gay as well?
Not at all FV. Ash-gal was a simple disguise used to get access to the man-hating Rainbow Gym. Ash didn't exactly seem happy or comfortable with the idea.

James, on the other hand, seems to default to female costume almost as a preference, even when there is no attempt on TR's part to disguise their true identities. Indeed, he seems completely comfortable in dressing up in female dress.
Disguise is important for being criminals. Being comfortable with that is important and doesn't make James a homosexual. And don't forget: "Next time we steal men's clothes."
Yeah, Ash doesn't seem to enjoy crossdressing, James on the other hand, *loves it*

Even when May made Ash crossdress in early Hoenn, he didn't like wearing woman's clothes there either. And the difference is, Ash is *forced* to crossdress by other people.

Dressing as Ashley was to get into the Celadon Gym, and in Hoenn, May talks Ash into crossdressing to help get two people to fall in love. So with Ash, it was either May or the Celadon Gym that got him to crossdress.

With James, he does it for his own amusement.
I think James is straight, in some situations he wore girl's clothes but that don't make him gay.
Especially as James also had a reason to crossdress.
I mush choose 'other' simply because, while the options cover a lot of sexual preferences, they don't cover all the bases.

He ain't gay.

But he's not straight either. I'll be damned if he was.

He's not bisexual, and he ain't asexual. And he's not solely pansexual or 'zoosexual'.

He's just James. o_o A mix of littale things that ammount to no exact whole. He's part Rocketship', Blueship', Roseship', and in my opinion, he's got some Naiveship' and Jimship' in there too. Rumiship' doesn't exist in him anymore (and I wonder why */sarcasm*), while we're here.

And for y'all who insist James likes women, unless I'm mistaken, it was just one: Rose/Kate. The Maiden shouldn't count, simply because that was a trance/spell/enchantment for the /older/ males of the groups. You use the Maiden, you should be admitting Jimshipping has its standing too (as far as obviously-never-will-be-canon 'ships go).
I'm of the old opinion:

Kojiro is straight, but feminine.

James is gay.
James is flaming gay. Kojirou... despite the way 4kids have interpreted him, he always seemed more goofy to me than flamboyant, so I don't think the original writers are trying to stereotype him like they are with Harley. Being an adult character, he's presumably had enough time to come to terms with whatever his sexuality is, so it's probably safe to say that if he hasn't ever had a crush on a guy in the eight+ years we've been watching him, it's because he's not attracted to men.

Then again, he's only ever crushed on two women (three if the maiden counts). He doesn't seem to have much of a sex drive at all.

So... I'd put Kojirou at straight, bordering on asexual. Whereas James, as I said earlier, is gay.
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