Saitama Prefectural Police investigators became suspicious of sale listings that advertised the game copies as containing over 800 Pokémon, including exclusive ones that could only be legitimately obtained in-person at movie theaters or stores. The suspect was selling copies of Pokémon Sun at ¥5,200 (about $34 USD) each, and 37 copies were seized from his home along with some hardware. Police had Nintendo confirm that the copies had been tampered with, and the suspect admitted to violating the act during questioning. The investigation is currently ongoing, as police believe he may have committed additional crimes.
Another man was arrested in Japan this year for violating the Unfair Competition Prevention Act in relation to Pokémon, in that case taking custom orders for rare Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet.
- Sources
「800匹以上取り揃えている」ポケモンのゲームデータを改ざんし販売 自称・自営業の男(32)を逮捕 | TBS NEWS DIG (1ページ)
人気ゲーム、ポケットモンスターのゲームソフトのデータを不正に改ざんし、石川県内の男性に販売したとして埼玉県の自称・自営業の男(32)が不正競争防止法違反の疑いで逮捕されました。男はことし5月、家庭用ゲ… (1ページ)