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Jelloland - banners and icons [on HIATUS]

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Jan 2, 2010
Reaction score

Welcome to my little candy shop. I do banners and icons. In the future I may expand to provide other services, but for now, this is what I do.

  1. There are no rules
  2. Official art only, please. No fanart unless you have explicit permission from the artist.
  3. One request at a time, please.
  4. Disregard Rule #1
  5. Host your own images, please :).
  6. Provide images to be used. I will not search for them and will ignore any requests not providing an image.
  7. Only taking 5 requests at a time. If a slot is full, please don't request until you see an empty slot.
  8. I like having creative freedom. Try not to include too many details if you want good results.
  9. I will love you more if you request things using comics.

This is just general, not all fields need to be filled.
Icon or Banner:
Additional instructions:


These are some icons that I did for some friends of mine here, and yes they share a theme. I like to keep these things simple, so expect this style to be used a lot.


For Masatoshi:

For Snowrunt:

For ~Pokemoll~:

I also created the Beast of the Sea skin for Bulbagarden, if you need more examples of what I can do.


  1. Pika3323 (Status: Working on it)
  2. ~Pokemoll~
  3. GengarEatBanana
  4. --
  5. --

Edit: I'm so sorry! Real life got in the way, and I just got more busier. I'll try to get everyone's requests finished by this weekend.
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Re: Jelloland

Gonna request something, then. :3

Icon or Banner: Banner
Size: 340px × 137px
Image(s): http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/File:Batman_034.jpg
Text: I wear a mask. And that mask, it's not to hide who I am, but to create what I am.
Additional instructions: No need to use the same background, you can bullshit around.

If you can do this, it'd be awesome. :3

Also, good luck with the shop! *cheers from the outside*
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Re: Jelloland

Woo, first request. Here is your finished request, sir. :3
Re: Jelloland - banners and icons

Jello, these are beautiful! I'm surprised hardly anyone's requested! I hope you don't mind if I request one~

Icon or Banner: Banner
Size: 340px × 137px, or whatever will look good in a signature!
Image(s): http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/9/98/Shaymin-anime.png
Text: none :3
Additional instructions: If you can add gracideas to the picture that would be awesome! But don't worry about it much, I trust your judgement! ♥
Re: Jelloland - banners and icons

Thanks for requesting, Lala. ♥
Here is your finished banner:

The code for it is: here.
Re: Jelloland - banners and icons

Oh my gosh, it's soooo pretty! ♥♥♥ I really love the muted colors~
And thank you so much for including the links! <3 You're the best, Miss Jello!
Re: Jelloland - banners and icons

[If I use an X, It means in foreground, and if I use [Y] it means in backrgound. c:)
These look really cool! Can I order, please?
Icon or Banner: Banner
Size: Um, Just Medium Sized.
Image(s): [X] [X] [Y]
Text: None :3
Additional instructions: None. Thanks for reading!
Re: Jelloland - banners and icons

Icon or Banner: Icon
Size: 100 x 100
Image(s): This
Text: WDFD
Additional instructions: Take your time with it. I'm not in any hurry.
Re: Jelloland - banners and icons

Well, I see you haven't dealt with HQ files just yet, so here goes;
Icon or Banner
Size: Eh, large.
Image(s): Have a nice day!
Text: Pika no like text. (And don't bother adding that 'cause that isn't text I want)
Additional instructions: You don't have to include the WHOLE piece, but the head is preffered. I'm not to fond of feet. =P

Anyways. That's about it. Do be creative! Thanks in advance!
Re: Jelloland - banners and icons

Here is your finished banner, ~Pokemoll~:

If there's anything you'd like changed, let me know, I still have the PSD file with me.


@Pika3323: I'm assuming you want a banner? (or both? you didn't actually specify)
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Re: Jelloland - banners and icons

Thanks Jello! That was so fast! Now, if it isn't too much trouble could I have another one in the same style?

Icon or Banner: Icon
Size: 100 x 100
Image(s): This, and this, this.
Text: Sinnoh Pride
Additional instructions: Can it have rounded edges, like the first one please?
Re: Jelloland - banners and icons

Here is your icon, Teddiursaring:

Thanks for coming by :3
Re: Jelloland - banners and icons

Damn, you are so fast! I love your work, I will definitely come back here!
Re: Jelloland - banners and icons

I meant either, but now that I think of it. Banner please. =)
Re: Jelloland - banners and icons

I like the simple, clean style you have. The Batman looks the best in my opinion although the text could be placed better. Neat stuff, your Bulba skin is nice too, but your use of text needs improvement (text in graphics is challenging). Still, very nice job and I look forward to seeing your new graphics :).
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