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Jersey Bashing in the Media

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Yes We Can
Jan 1, 2003
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This could potentially be moved to the Soap Box. If you see fit, move it.

I want to talk about how much New Jersey is trashed on television and in films.

I'm just want to say... what the hell? I'll be the first to admit Jersey has TONS of problems but why must it be Television's bitch?

I grew up in Jersey. It's not THAT bad of a place.


Fry: "Alright, I give up. What's the catch?"
Guy: "No catch. But we ARE technically in New Jersey."
Fry: "Not ONE remotely liveable place."

*The Group is watching a news report about the Giant Ball of Garbage.*
Reporter: No one knew what to do about the increasing garbage problem. The landfills were full. New Jersey was full. So they resolved to launch it into outer space."

Leela: "Who would of thought HELL would actually exist? And that it would be in New Jersey!"


*George and Jerry are examining cough medicines*.

George: "Where is yours made?"
Jerry: "Jersey."
George *Holds his up*: "White Plains..."
*Jerry rolls his eyes, grabs George's and tosses his aside.*
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Hmm.. something New Yorkers have against Jersey? I've heard all the puns.. and even some college mates agree with me that New Jersey seems to smell funny all over the state they live in.

I've stayed with family in New Jersey [while visiting New York] and I have to say it's a charming place.

I don't know why it gets the slack it does in the media... but you have to agree that slack mostly comes from New Yorkers 95.1% of the time.. (the .1% is me being random)
I too have heard all the Jersey smells jokes and stuff (I'm from Lawn Guyland).

I've never actually been to Jersey though (aside from driving through it on the interstates) so I wouldn't really know if it smells bad or not. I would assume though that it's just like every other state.
evkl said:
White Plains is in NY.

That was the joke. Jerry would rather have a medicine made in NY than Jersey.

And what smell is everyone talking about? I've lived in Jersey for years and I currently live in PA. I smell NO DIFFERENCE. I've been to Vermont, as well as other states and again, I note no difference.
So that's what the media thinks about my second favorite state in the country?
F them! Who gives a crap about what they think. New Jersey is an awesome place, nice beaches, good shopping and miles and miles of farmland. And I'm proud to live right by New Jersey. ^_^
As for why it's in the media that there's something "wrong" with New Jersey, I dont know.
The only reason people say NJ smells is because of a 5 mile stretch of the NJ Turnpike by Elizabeth. There are a lot of factories there and it reeks hardcore. Outside of that it's a mix of suburbia, beaches and fun.
I went to a beach in New Jearsey (No, not Atlantic City :p), and it was really nice. It's just one of the states that gets unfairly picked on.
I think it's mostly the whole NY vs. NJ thing. Both Futurama and Seinfeld took place in NYC (Well, New NYC in the former's case).
Wow two shows, I thought with the way you're going on that there was more examples. Futurama generally makes fun of a lot of things, it works/ed for Simpsons doesn't it, I'm not sure about Seinfeld, never watched it. Anyway Futurama's made fun of LA, Atlanta, France (well the French language really).. you name it, it's not like they pick out New Jersey for every joke.
I agree. Jersey's get a horrible rep in the media. For one thing, everyone always takes the piss out of the Yellow Jersey in the Tour de France - totally uncalled for.

IMO all the Jersey bashing needs to stop ASAP.
That is stupid they are bashing jersey. my Aunt Lives There
I didn't cite a lot of examples because I couldn't come up with alot of the top of my head. But just sit watching TV one day (sitcoms from the 90's in particular) and you'll see PLENTY of jokes.

And I have at least one example of one outside New York.

The Drew Carey Show (Takes place in Cleveland).

Guy pretending to be the devil: " Of COURSE I'm the Devil Drew! It says so on my license!"
Drew: "So, can I see your license?"
Guy: "Sure". *Hands it over*.
Drew: "The Devil. Wow. Jersey, huh?"
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