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EVERYONE: - Complete Jessie and James' legacy


Registered User
Mar 22, 2006
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Arbok sighed. It was another dull day in that patch of Celebi-forsaken patch of woods that Masters had left him and Weezing two weeks before.
There was little to do, except make sure the Ekans and Koffing did not get in trouble.
Arbok had been Master's pokemon for as far as he could remember. She was the most important Human in the world. He had proudly fought Twerp's Pikachu for her Honor, never quitting. A weekly Electric attack was Tradition. It spurred his muscles, motivated him. Now he was missing that. The forest held no Electric types. He looked at Weezing, his only pokemon friend those many years. Leaving Weezing was Crazy. As Crazy as- leaving Masters. Was anything worth living for? Did Life still matter? Did anything?

Weezing, too was bored. Master had always been there. Master and his Rose. Weezing had never known its purpose. Now he wondered: Was it 'cause of me? Do I stink? Who invented 'Home-work'?
Master was strange, but to Weezing, he was Everything. Why else would he Evolve when Master was so depressed? Who else would have listened to stories of 'Jezz-i-bell'?

The two Poison types leaned against each other. As Brothers, they knew that as long as Other was there, Something mattered. Maybe they could catch a meowth. Their cousins should learn of its Evil.

Then, it happened. Human footsteps. MASTERS!! No, it wasn't. It wasn't Twerp either. The Human smelled damp and cool, not bright and fast, nor like that fabulous assortment of smells they loved: roses, oil, balloon, catnip, tuna, honey, pedals. It was a young boy, with a Mudkip, something they did not recognize. The boy was trying to catch an Ekans. Protect Family, serve Masters, battle Human, catch Rare Poke'mon!

The boy stared horrified as thick green poisonous smoke filled the air. Mudkip tried to defend her trainer but failed as an Acid attack followed by a Tackle hit her. She fainted. Having no other poke'mon, the boy ran off.

He had left his backpack. Now Arbok and Weezing gorged on the food, sharing it with their younger cousins. Slowly, the two realized they had found a solution to their boredom.

Arbok created a Human out of sticks. Weezing dressed it with clothes from the backpack, which was hung on the sticks. Then they added a pile of mud in the shape of Pikachu. Now they were ready.

Ekans, Koffing, attack!!
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This is sweet! Arbok and Weezing need love!

TEchinically though, they saw a Mudkip in the second to last episode they were in.
I've always loved Arbok and Weezing most of Jessie and James' poke'mon.
I love ''Lights, Camera, Quacktion" for it's great insight on their personalities!
Who knew they were such great dancers?

Sorry, didn't know they HAD seen a Mudkip, but I needed some Starter from that region, and no offense, it is my least favorite.
No offense taken, everyone has their own opinions.

But, I was always under the impression Arbok was female, oh well....

I like how you have them refer to J&J as "Masters" like they did in Island of The Giant Pokemon.
Yes, this was a great story. I agree that using the terms they used from that ep was a stroke of genius. I think this hits their characterization on the nail. It's almost like a follow-up episode itself.
Please note: The thread is from 19 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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