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Journey through Sinnoh

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Feb 16, 2007
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You pace back and forth on the ferry, waiting for arrival. Suddenly you clutch your ears as the pierce of an alarm fills the air, and you look over the edge of the boat to see the vast region of Sinnoh over the edge. You spot two or three lakes, and then see a group of new Pokemon walking across the shore. A waiter walks up to you, with a tray in his hands. On the tray are three pokeballs.

"Your Pokemon sir? Turtwig, Piplup or Chimchar?"

From here is where you carry the story on, on board the legendary St. Idle (That's a boat, by the way) which has just arrived at the Sinnoh Region. You can pick either starter, and for more D/P information, go here:


From there on, click the left area for whatever you need to know! The RP is about traveling through Sinnoh to: Defeat the Elite Four, Succsessfully complete the Super Contests and to meet new pokemon, or maybe some other reasons come to mind as well. Could you even hold the two ultimate Legendary Pokemon, defeat the Elite Four and become the new Sinnoh Champion?

* means Optional

Starter Nickname*:
Trainer Appearance:
Trainer Personality:

Role-Play Rules:
1. Do not God-mod (Say that your Pokemon is invincable)
2. Bunnying is only allowed with permission. If you choose to travel in groups, I think it would be easier if you got permission to bunny others before joining them.
3. NO Flaming
4. Swearing and Cursing is not allowed; this could attract younger minds.
5. Legendarys may only be caught when I say so, and only if you PM me a copy of your post first. If I think it's worthy of accepting capture of the Legendary, then I shall allow it.
6. Have fun!
7. If rule 6 contradicts with rules 1-5, that's not really my fault....

My sign-up:

Name: Scant Fword
Starter: Turtwig
Starter Nickname*: Nyron
Trainer Appearance: Scant wears a long black coat, similar to the Pokemon Colosseum Characters, only it's jet black. He has light brown hair that slides to the left, and spikes at the tips. He wears a red shirt underneath, with jeans the same colour as his coat.
Trainer Personality: Scant is fun and humerous, and will only take risks once he's thought them through. He is protective of friends, but is serious when battling.
Sure, I'll join! I can't afford a DS so this is a good idea!

Name: Fern Halloway
Nickname*: Nature Boy
Starter: Turtwig (Female)
Starter Nickname*: Ivy
Trainer Appearance: Short and thin with almost-shoulder-length green hair. Wears a Khaki jacket and black, waterproof trackies. Very pale skin colour.
Trainer Personality: A quiet and decisive person. Fern (this is a boy. He just has a weird name) wants to become the ultimate Grass trainer and prove their prowess in any battle. Known by friends as a nature freak, Fern does have a fun side. Even if it is rarely shown.
Other*: Has a pet hate of all things poisonous and anything that could harm the world.
Did you get Halloway out of Charmed? My Mum watches that show...

Anyway, that's why I thought it would work, as people who don't own or can't own the game can experience it in a different way.

starter nickname:charcoal
apperance:nothing special like gary with ragged bluejeans
personality:just battles and has fun with his pokemon
hates:cold water and big bugs

i own a ds but this seems fun to see some shinouh action
Would you mind making your's more like CTTR's? I think that yours needs a little improving. Once we get another member (Not including BR) then we can start.
Stop being so nasty, Bulbasaur. He's only waiting for one more person.
P.S. I don't watch Charmed so no, not Halloway. It just poofed into my head.
Starter: Piplup
Appearance: gray and blue t-shirt with blue jeans.
Personality: Looking for fun in an entirely new region away from his home. Very polite, but can get very angry if provoked. Also very cautious around strangers.Lol

(Oh yeah, what's bunnying and flaming? Lol.)
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Can i join?

Starter Nickname:Toton
Trainer Appearance:tall with short black hair wears faded blue jeans and navy blue top,also has a dragons claw on a chain around his neck.
Trainer Personality:Friendly,kind and chatty but can get lonely sometimes,he also likes to search for new places to go to.
Other:Ahmed loves water type pokemon and the sea more,even though he nearly drowned in it.

i really hope that i can join
Name: Koki
Starter Nickname*:
Trainer Appearance:

Koki is about four-foot-eleven. Has kind-of pale skin. He has black hair with a red hat covering most of his hair. He usually wears a Black shirt, blue jeans, as well as a pair of red and grey tennis-shoes.
Trainer Personality:
Koki will never give up, no matter the situation, he is very outgoing. He can be kind of annoying with his never-give-up attitude. He also trusts people a little too much...
Other*: He is the grandson of the Co-Champions of Hoenn.
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Hope you guys don't mind if I come in. I really like RPing and stuff, especially about stuff to do with Pokemon D/P. ^_^

Name: Jordan
Nickname*: Yorana (Pronouced Yolana)
Starter: Piplup
Starter Nickname*: Pochama (If that's okay, I just like the Japanese name so much more. ^_^; )
Trainer Appearance: Jordan has long brown hair, with some blond highlights. She is somewhat tall, standing 5 feet and 3 inches or so. She has white colored skin and usually wears a light green T-shirt with black pants with white streaks at the side.
Trainer Personality: Although Jordan acts very weird, and is mostly called a "guy" by girly-girls about how tomboyish she acts, she is very sweet on the inside. She sometimes has a hard time communicating with others and is very shy. As much as she tries to be funny, she usually never suceeds on that. Even though she is shy, around friends she can be very hyper and jumpy. If she ever sees someone or something hurt or in trouble, she always tries her best to help them. She is known to adore almost every cute thing she sees.
Other*: She has a hate for bugs and girly-girls that act very rude and also does not like the Pokemon Floatzel(But she loves Buizel for it's cuteness). For she had been attacked by one in her early childhood. Now has a scar on her arm which will ocassionly randomly cause pain at times for odd reasons.
Name: Kevin
Nickname*: Stranger
Starter: Piplup (male)
Starter Nickname*: Inu
Trainer Appearance: Standing at 4 foot 5 inches, Kevin has been short all his life. He is very pale, and has black hair down to his shoulders. He wears a black t-shirt with a white x from the shoulder to the waist. He has khaki pants with many pockets. He is never without his orange sleeveless trenchcoat, his mirrored sunglasses, and his necklace. It is a red crystal surrounded by silver.
Trainer Personality: Kevin is a member of the prestigious Gambon family, one of the five richest families in all of Sinnoh. He was raised away from the public, because it seemed that he was sick, from his skin and height. His only love was swimming in his indoor pool. He swam with the water pokemon his father had bought, which influenced his love of the water types. He was only out once, when he was six. He tried to play with other kids, but they told him they didn't play with Strangers. He has preferred to be called Stranger ever since. He left home at ten, to begin his pokemon journey. He renounced his Gambon history, taking only enough money to survive, his necklace, and the clothes on his back.
Other: He has a hard time making friends, but once he does, he does for life. He has a knack for finding things, especially if they are shiny. He sometimes over-analyzes things, but can always come through with a plan in the end. He also seems to have anything and everything you can need, mostly through finding things.
I am nothing like that. Laughs. Except other.
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Name: Momoko
Nickname: Momo xD
Starter: Piplup.
Trainer Appearance: Rather short, she has black hair that she puts up into pigtails on top of her head, and bright green eyes. She always wears things that are somewhat girly and complicated.
Trainer Personality: She is very sweet and somewhat naive. She gets embarrassed quickly, and has trouble speaking to strangers. She loves her new Pokemon more than anything *~*
Other: Is obsessed with cuteness, and all cute Pokemon. She also has a somewhat strange idea on what is cute.
if it's not too late- i'd like to sign up..

Trainer Appearance: David is about 5"11, and 200 pounds. He wears a blue Turtleneck, and Black Jeans. He wears glasses, and on his shirt- he has the design of all of the former water starters, Mudkip,Squirtle, and Totodile. He has Hair shaped in an afro shape, and he is carrying a green backpack

Trainer Personality:David is a intellegent guy, who has tendencies to be a bit of a smart alec;Putting it nicely. He cares for his pokemon deeply, although he doesn't trust others very much. He is also a fierce battler, not quitting until he and his pokemon are utterly exhausted. Finally, he doesn't like to see people bullied- and will do anything he can to help may it be pokemon or human...
Toton4! You are Team Aqua Flame on Pokemon Crater Forums! Play Topaz Version Already!
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