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Just looking for Christians' repsonse...

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Roses Ablaze

Avatar by Ayumeg
Oct 7, 2003
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I don't agree with this assessment, but some Atheists are against Christianity and the idea of the immortal soul because they feel it cheapens the value of life on Earth. So just wondering, Christians, how do you respond to the perception by some Atheists that Christians don't value life as much?
As a Christian I put a very high value on life. I see life as a gift from God and squandering this gift is an insult. And not only my life but life in general. I fully support environmental and humanitarian efforts.

However, I have noticed some radical sects of Christianity take different stance. Especially the End of Days crowd. Why should life be respected when we're going to be taken? I guess they never read the line about "Only the Father knows".

So, I don't it's the concept of the immortal soul that causes people to devalue mortal life.
The crap about not valuing mortal life because of the immortal soul is crap. I personally believe life is the most valuable gift God gives us (although, in the interest of full disclosure, I lean more toward New Age-type spirituality, though I still consider myself Christian in religion)
Pissing off Christians is easier than defeating a Magikarp. Christianity = Jusaism = Islam. Life is more important than eternity, seeing as you only get one time to live as you.
Pissing off Christians is easier than defeating a Magikarp. Christianity = Jusaism = Islam. Life is more important than eternity, seeing as you only get one time to live as you.
Uh...what does this have to do with this thread?
As an atheist, I can tell you honestly that this is not how I feel.
My objections to Christianity are based more on how it denies human potential through the concept of original sin, and has no basis in reality or logic.
I think many Christians live full, rich, happy lives.
As I know many decent Christians, and all of them put great value on life, I can't understand how anyone would think that of Christianity.
Pissing off Christians is easier than defeating a Magikarp. Christianity = Jusaism = Islam. Life is more important than eternity, seeing as you only get one time to live as you.
Assuming the Hindus and Buddhists are wrong. :p
That's another thing I don't get. I thought Jesus freed us from the original sin so we are all born innocent. So we are no longer bound by the original sin. Uh...there are many concepts I don't agree with the church with on.
The argument that Christians don't value life is ridiculous. Most Christians don't kill the unborn, which shows respect for life. Most of the Christians I know don't smoke or do drugs, which shows that they value their health. They don't have casual, wanton sexual encounters with people, reserving themselves for marriage and thereby protecting themselves from STDs. They wear seatbelts when driving (as is required in most states) and obey the speed limits. Christians do believe that there is a 'better life' to come, but why anyone would interpret that as not valuing their present life is illogical.
It's only some of the Evangelical Christians that seem to do stuff like that.

I don't really even consider them Christians, they are Fallwellians.
The argument that Christians don't value life is ridiculous. Most Christians don't kill the unborn, which shows respect for life. Most of the Christians I know don't smoke or do drugs, which shows that they value their health. They don't have casual, wanton sexual encounters with people, reserving themselves for marriage and thereby protecting themselves from STDs. They wear seatbelts when driving (as is required in most states) and obey the speed limits. Christians do believe that there is a 'better life' to come, but why anyone would interpret that as not valuing their present life is illogical.

Not to get onto a bible discussion, but god killed babies all the time.
CosmoTrainer said:
Not to get onto a bible discussion, but god killed babies all the time.
And Stalin, an atheist, killed 20 million of his own people. Your point?
Just because one considers himself a Christian does not necessarily mean he also believes in the immortality of the soul.
Nor does one considering himself a Christian means he actually "follows to the point" the "Christian Way".
I was talking about the "killing babies" part.

If someone claims to be a "true Christian", and kills babies, then fact is they are just being ass-holes.

Personally though, I don't judge on religion.
I guess that includes our president. Abortion rates are up under him.

Though, Rove's an athiest and only sees Christians as little more than voting stock.
If someone claims to be a "true Christian", and kills babies, then fact is they are just being ass-holes.
And they would obviously be lying. As they would be if they killed anyone else, or did any number of other things that are against both Bible principles (such as the famous Ten Commandments) and modern law.
Personally, I can understand this view. Personally, I try to value life as much as possible (but I'm also very practical ... repetitive sociopaths cannot be "saved" or "rehabilitated" and should be taken out of the population). However, martyrs (of Christianity or Islam or whatever), I feel, take that life and shove it. How does martyrdom differ from suicide, which is supposedly a sin? And it's not selfless either. Take Aslan from the Chronicles story. He sacrifices himself KNOWING AN INNOCENT SACRIFICE will be restored to life. That's not selfless. If you do something for the reward (an instant shot to Heaven for instance), you're not doing it for God or selflessness. It's one thing to take the bullet for your friend but it's another to blow up a train station so you can string a harp all day long for the rest of eternity. So, I guess, yeah, religion can cheapen life, but so can secularism. I think the devaluing of life is just a human trait.
I swear. Do you have any other reason to be in this thread except to troll and antagonize the Christian members? Get a life.

Yeesh, I wasn't antagonizing anyone all I did was say a point. How mad do you get over one sentance?
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