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Contest Kanto Ground Wars: Marowak, Dugtrio & Sandslash


The Hellish Angel
Apr 24, 2011
Reaction score

Figured I'd use the old artwork.

Anyway, here we have three fully evolved Kanto Ground-Types. One is a three headed mole, one's a pangolin, and the other... well I honestly have no idea. :confused: We'll just use it's Pokedex species name, the Bonekeeper.

So, who has the better design?

Who has the better movepool?

Who would win in a fight?

And finally, in Generation 1 only, which is better?
(Only reason why I ask is because I want to use one, but can't figure out which one to use.)

Personally, I like Marowak the best. Probably 'cause Bone Club and Bonemerang seem like good (enough) moves to start with, and it doesn't have Dugtrio's crappy H.P.

What do you think?
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Re: Kanto Ground Wars: Marowak, Dugtrio & Sandsalsh

I've been using Sandslash for a while, and oh my, isn't it a beast? Its defenses are very nice and so is his attack and movepool and, as long as you can get ride of special attackers (especially water, grass and all those he's weak to) he can sweep quite well. Besides, I'm quite partial to its design. Just a shame he's slow, but he can sponge enough attacks if the ones I mentioned earlier are avoided.

Dugtrio is also quite good. It's very frail, but it's speedy and with its fine attack it can score some nice KOs.

As for Marowak, I never tried it "competitively", but I used it a bit in SoulSilver and I liked mine a lot. Slow, but when it hits, it hurts.

As far as I design goes, it's Sandslash > Marowak > Dugtrio. I like their designs, don't let me wrong, this is just an order of preference. If you were asking for Cubone's design, it would be on the lead, but I don't like Marowak as much.

Now for the vote....overall, Sandslash combines fighting prowness and design very well among these three.
Re: Kanto Ground Wars: Marowak, Dugtrio & Sandsalsh

Well, ok, but what about in Gen. 1? I've been putting Blue on hold so I can get one of them.
Re: Kanto Ground Wars: Marowak, Dugtrio & Sandsalsh

I never really played gen I much, sorry, but I guess they didn't change much since them. Ingame I'd say Sandslash is a weak choice because it's base movepool is very bland and literally Normal, while Dugtrio learns Dig and latter on Earthquake while Marowak's base movepool is ok but not as good as Dugtrio's.
Re: Kanto Ground Wars: Marowak, Dugtrio & Sandsalsh

Ah, ok. I was planning on using him for Lt. Surge, but now... darnit, I'm still torn.:bash: Crud. Well, let's see what the others think!
Re: Kanto Ground Wars: Marowak, Dugtrio & Sandsalsh

I cant decide between them all. But If i had to choose just one, i would choose Dugtrio because as it levels up, it learns better moves than Marowak and Sandslash. And it looks like a porcupine, kinda.
Re: Kanto Ground Wars: Marowak, Dugtrio & Sandsalsh

Ok well first, let's start with Dugtrio, well I've never really liked the idea of 3 Pokemon joining together to create 1 but It has a pretty good move-set, Dig and Earthquake would be It's signature move, and both are great moves in battle. But I hate it's design, Dugtrio is eliminated. Next, Sandslash, Great Design, Beautiful I love Sandslash, pretty good Attack and Speed and great move-set. Now, Marowak, Also,Beautiful Design, and great move-set,with Bone-Club being it's signature move. Well it's pretty close and I think a skull and bones along with knifes as a design is great but out of the two, I have to say, just because of the Cubone and Marowak, dead mother story, Marowak gets my vote.
Re: Kanto Ground Wars: Marowak, Dugtrio & Sandsalsh

Ah, ok. Let's see, what movesets do you ecommend? (Keep voting, though.)
Re: Kanto Ground Wars: Marowak, Dugtrio & Sandsalsh

So, who has the better design?

Sandslash! <3 I just love Pokemon with sharp claws. Sandslash has always been a favorite ground type of mine, second to only Flygon. (In fact, Sandslash used to be my 3rd favorite ever back when I was 9 and Gen IV was new.)

Who has the better movepool?

Uh, I'm going to say Marowak off of the top of my head.

Who would win in a fight?

Dugtrio might if it got hax with Tri Attack.

And finally, in Generation 1 only, which is better?

I never used any of them in Gen I, so. xD; I did use a Sandslash once or twice in LG though and it was pretty good from what I can remember.
Re: Kanto Ground Wars: Marowak, Dugtrio & Sandsalsh

I would say for Gen 1 a Dugtrio got me through almost all the Gyms with my Blastotoise since I caught it, so go for it!
Re: Kanto Ground Wars: Marowak, Dugtrio & Sandsalsh

Do you want movesets for gen1?

Slash (guaranteed critical hit)
Rock Slide
Swords Dance

Rock Slide
Your choice

Seismic Toss
Strength/Body Slam/Thrash
Your choice

I recommend Sandslash, he's great against the elite four in gen1.
After one Swords Dance, he can bring Lance's team to it's knees.
Re: Kanto Ground Wars: Marowak, Dugtrio & Sandsalsh

@ ^

Sandslash should be Dig,
Dugtrio your choice should be Dig too, as if you spam it it is totally worth it.
Body Slam out of the three, Then Dig for your choice.
Re: Kanto Ground Wars: Marowak, Dugtrio & Sandsalsh

DUDE, THANK YOU!!! Keep voting.
Re: Kanto Ground Wars: Marowak, Dugtrio & Sandsalsh

Thanks to GatoRage for the Movesets, though I also thank you for suggesting dig/body slam.
Re: Kanto Ground Wars: Marowak, Dugtrio & Sandsalsh

Dugtrio -- its speed is godly.

Also, Sandsalsh!
Re: Kanto Ground Wars: Marowak, Dugtrio & Sandsalsh

Who has the better design?
It's a tie between Marowak and Sandslash. I'm not really a fan of Dugtrio.
Who has the better movepool?
Either Dugtrio or Marowak, because they learn some Ground-type moves. Sandslash learns no Ground move, except Sand Attack and Sand Tomb, not in Gen. I though.
Who would win in a fight?
Either Sandslash or Marowak, because Dugtrio has really bad HP/Defense.

I voted for Marowak, because I prefer its design.
Re: Kanto Ground Wars: Marowak, Dugtrio & Sandsalsh

Marowak because of Double Edge + Rock Head.
Re: Kanto Ground Wars: Marowak, Dugtrio & Sandsalsh

Shoot, didn't realize it had that.
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