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Korobooshi? What is it?


Jun 11, 2004
Reaction score
Forget Lucario's Ledgendary Status, or the Kimba the White Lion shadow, none of these are as mysterious as the reclusive Korobooshi.


Now, what is he? We know he is strong against Grass types, and is affected by Ground attacks (according to people who played the demo), and he know Bide, Roll Out, and Growl. Also, his name seems to come from kuro booshi, which is a Black Spotted Beetle.

Volbeat or Illumise Evolution
The first idea that came when he was revealed, it was rumoured he was connected to these too. This seems to not hold really any theory as he doesn't seem to have much traits in common except perhaps his atennaes. Also, he seems to be male, so it's likely a Illumise evo would be shown as well.

Volbeat or Illumise Pre-evo
Another idea, despite that Korobooshi seems to be bigger then these two. And the idea of him evolving into either based on gender seems a little odd for him. He definately appears not to be gender neutral, as he leans to more of a gentlemen status.

Before Pocchama was revealed, he was likened to a Penguin due to his mouth which looks like a beak and he appears to wear a tuxedo, which penguins are likened to. However, this seems to be false as his name indicates a bug.

Pimp Machine?
Perhaps Korobooshi is the personification of a "love bug". He appears to be ready to woo a female perhaps, and he could be a male only Pokemon perhaps who is known as the Poke-Pimp. We can only guess.

Dance Master
Or perhaps he is the personification of a "Jitterbug"? Ready to groove in his new, styling suit. Partaking in such dances as the "Crazy Torchic" and the "Wurmple".

Orchestra Conductor
He also resembles that of a conductor in an orchestra, with his funky suit and collar. He could be a cricket, who conducts other bug Pokemon in a coordination of sounds.

Demon Hell Spawn
Perhaps he is the ultimate evil? Able to rip any Pokemon to shreds?

Time will tell, until then, know one thing...

I've always thought that it resembles an otter holding a scallop, although the name and type totally don't go along with that. It would have been adorable to see that thing floating around on it's back, breaking open a shellder with the its antennae.

(I still plan to catch three and name then Poppo, Pippo, and Quppo)
If I wasn't afraid of being a blashphemous I'd agree with you Misty.

It certainly is my favorite, don't know why, I'm just attracted to it.
What kind of fucked up otters and penguins do you people hang out with? I don't know WHAT this is, but I highly doubt it's avian or mammalian in origin. And I STILL don't see how it could be connected to Illumise or Volbeat in ANY way other than VAGUELY based on the antennae and some other vague similarities. My money's on some vague bug. That's ALL I'm willing to say in confidence. And, hell, I'll admit that I could be dead wrong about everything.
It was back when we had a very unclear pic of it, we though it was all those.

Yeah, if it's not a bug, then milk me.
I say it's a dung beetle. It's just the first thing to pop up in my mind for some reason.
(Maybe it's just because I was rolling quite a few of these guys up in Katamari a while ago...)

I like how Rollout looks in the anime, but I hope it has some other interesting moves.
Now you said it was affected by ground moves? as in ground is Super Effective? or Normal? If either is the case Koroboshi CANNOT be a Bug type alone as Ground moves are Not Effective vs Bug Types... Leads me to think that...

Koroboshi is a Fire Type of some kind and not a bug at all if Ground moves are SE against it, or Bug/Fire if ground moves are neutral against it... If it is Bug/Fire you are so screwed as far as it being useful Habunake... a 4x weakness to Rock moves usually suxorz (as they say)...
I meant Ground affects him normally so he is not flying.
So that means that if it effects him normally that also means he cannot be a Bug Type alone... Ground moves are "Not Effective" against Bug types, which means if Koroboshi is a bug, it has to have a dual typing that would allow Ground to be Netural Damage... Bug/Fire most likely if it is a bug
Yea it could certainly be Poison/Bug but it doesnt really have that "look" remember they said Grass was no good on it...

Bug/Steel (unlikely)
Bug/Fire (maybe)
Bug/Poison (maybe)
Bug/Electric (also maybe)

I have no confidence in picking any of these... but who knows If i had my guess either Bug/Fire or Bug/Electric are the best candidates of these 4 choices...
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
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