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Legit iv bred and ev trained Gengar HP ice 70.


The Lark Ascending.
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
Offering- a Legit Gengar with iv's 31/10/30/31/31/31 which gives it a hidden power ice power 70. has been ev trained with 252 speed 252 spA.

I'm not in need of this gengar anymore, so am willing to trade it.

Decent legit shiny pokemon (un-nicknamed)
Other competitive OU iv bred pokemon
Leveling services via Rare candy clones, need to get a few pokemon to level 100 from around level 20.

reply on here or vm me if interested!
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Is the Gengar nicknamed "GENGAR" or "Gengar"? I can help Rare Candy your Pokémon but I probably would only have the patience to do 1 or 2 because of the way the cloning works.
ohh, your right! I was certain it was Hp ice 70. I need to double check it's iv's, shouldn't take long just need to level it.
It needs even/odd/even/odd/odd/odd or odd/even/even/odd/odd/odd for HP Ice. It might have 30/17/30/31/31/31 or 31/16or18/30/31/31/31 IVs, then.

Just incase someone wanted it for its HP, it's best to make sure you list it right. :p
Oh of course, i'm going to teach it hidden power and see what the type and power is now.

Okay i have checked and it is definitely HP ice power 70, i shall edit the ivs in the first post now!
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could i get u to CMT for that gengar as well? also if you would need it at all i could clone the Gengar for you so u have a few copies to trade
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