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Let's see how many replies THIS art topic gets

TK n Happy Ness

Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
Seeing as how my fan-fic in Non-Pokemon fan-fics didn't get one reply, let's see how many this art one gets. This is a fan-profile based on one of my new fav chars, Clawdia from Fighting Foodons.
Since you seem to whine so much about your topics never getting replies... I'll reply, but I'll show no mercy.

Add some shading to your pictures. It looks flat and it hardly keeps my interest, though it does stand out from the background. ^_~

I would say more, but I can't be mean and cruel, since I can't find a picture of Clawdia.

But don't whine about your topics getting zero replies... it'll probably attract negative attention, at least that's my theory. Just keep trying.

...okay, I did show mercy, plenty of it. Kind of contradicts what I said. ^_^;;
Funny, whenever I see you around you're complaining about how few replies you get. Acctually I really feel the urge not to reply on this. I agree with Hanachan that complaining about little reply only asks for getting less replies.

Now about the picture: The shape is ok, but I'd prefer to see thiner lines, and you should work on the shading. It's just flat, twodimensional. work somewhat on you shading and you may acctually get some replies because it's rather good
Overall the picture is not the best picture I have ever witnessed but it is good for a picture that looks like it was drawn on the computer.
I'd like to point out that complaining about the lack of replies is a bit... annoying. Unless you can make something sound appealing, are well known, or have good quality work, you may get less attention than others. Sad to say, but that is how most people work.
Now I'm gonna reply to this just because I remember you from UPN. ^_^
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