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Like a moth to a candle... uhm, Dustox


Starbuck Temptress
Apr 1, 2003
Reaction score
Alright, I know I'm probably one of only three people in the whole world who actually likes this pokémon, but since I've mentioned this project in this forum before and since this is always a good place to get constructive criticism and feedback, I'm posting it anyway. =Þ I actually started on this one at the same time I was working on Mudkip, so it features the same kind of outlining technique and stuff that one did... well, I don't want to start rambling about that all again. Suffice to say one can view it right here!:


Named after the bookstore and the delightful coffee they vend there, of course! ^.^ Something seems to have gotten lost somewhere in converting it to .jpg format, but other than that I think it turned out alright. But yes--the fact that it's Dustox aside, I hope it pleases you all. :cool:
That is so cute! I love its little smile!

Wow, it's eyes look like masks...

The wings look feathery, for some reason that I can't put my finger on...
Wow, really? You think it's cute? I'm so pleasantly surprised to hear it! ^.^ Most people seem to think Dustox is an ugly pokémon, though I adore its lovely wings and think it looks almost plush and cuddly-like somehow... *imagines it must feel nicely furry*

And yes, his little smile--I figured he'd feel quite pleased at finding that lantern, since most moths seem to be fascinated by such things. ^.^ At least the ones that flock to my lamps in the summer are.

*is so glad somebody enjoys the picture*
Imo, it kinda looks like it's heading straight toward a bug zapper.:p

I think it's cool looking, especially the shading and lighting; how it gives the body an appearence of gloss and shtuff.

*brandishes the wiffle bat and smacks metr0id to the ground*

I'll thank you not to mention bug zappers again in this thread, pal! :embarass: You're hurting Barnes' feelings.

And aww, Mercury thinks he's cute too... I'm so tickled to hear it. ^.^ You guys are all speaking praise, and not a single suggestion or anything to speak of yet! I guess that means you really *do* like it...

I am officially stoked now.
Actually, I think I do have a suggestion: Try to add some shinyness on Barnes' eyes. He'll look much cuter that way, at least that's what I think. ^^;;

By the way, do you happen to have a Deviant Art account? Just curious. ^_^
Alright, suggestion noted. ^.^ I actually did add some shininess with the lamplight and such, but I assume that's not the kind you're referring to.

And about the Deviant Art thing, no I don't. Somebody asked me the very same thing on Serebii, but until very recently I actually didn't even know what it was (I've since figured it out on my own). I have considered signing up though, since it seems to be the popular thing to do and since I keep getting asked about it...

Meh. It *is* free, right? ^^;
UGH! Once again I find myself without any decent words for describing how great a picture is... Well, this is one of the best (and probably the only one) Dustox picture I have ever seen! The night theme is very well added to the drawing and... *head explodes due to mental overflow*
Awww... he's so happy!

My brain wasn't working at first, and I expected a Duskull. I was all "HOW can you think THAT'S cute!?" until I saw the cute lil moth. Bugs are much better than smelly ghosts (at least the Duskull, but I got annoyed with them quickly).

Have I mentioned I really like that outlining? You've got me wanting to try it. ^^
Oooh, you totally should! While it *does* take me much longer than the conventional black does, in my own opinion the finished product looks so much better off for it... I think it's more than a fair trade in that regard. I myself probably do it the hard way (outlining in a solid color, then using the gradient tool, then painstakingly shaving away at the lines to smooth and taper them, then adding some additional flair with the burn/dodge tools), but considering you guys all seem to have a much better idea of what you're doing in Photoshop I'll bet you could find an easier way and still have it look great.

And, thank you everyone! *is muchly pleased* I figured the night theme would compliment him well, with moths being nocturnal and all, and I finally decided to go with clear skies and a full moon after considering doing a cloudy sky (I somehow think that would better suit one of the ghost or dark-types I've been contemplating drawing, more than Dustox). Anyway though, I'm very glad you guys like it... thanks for the replies!
^___^ *huggles the picture*

Actually, I like Dusktox. I trained one the first time I played through Pokemon Sapphire... although, I am rather annoyed that she doesn't have good Spec Attack to pull Confusion or Psybeam off.

And Jessie has one, which is great. ^_^
That's really nice, it seems like you really mastered the gradient style shading! It shows so very much in this picture because the lighting is dead on. Enough from the moon and lamp! This picture is very nice! The only thing that could possibly be considered off is the mouth; the thick black outline makes it look like it's wearing black lipstick, but other than that... Excellent!

I do think though that on your next picture you should try to break away from your art style for a little and not use any thick out lines (or any). It looks like you've mastered that style anyways and it seems like you do that on the backs so it'd be intresting to see without any on the focus. You don't have to I just thought it'd be cool and intresting.
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Wow generalstar! That dustox is cool and cute. Well done. Have you shown any of your chibi artwork yet since I only saw your Wobbufett one back at serebii.net forums? Can you show them sometime. I would love to see them.
OMG! General Star! I love it! You made Dustox look so cute! Dustox is actually one of the first Ruby/Sapphire Pokémon I ever had. I had caught a Wurmple, and it had evolved into a Cascoon and then a Dustox before I even knew there was an alternative. Once I figured out the propehcy of Wurmples, I got myself a Beautifly from a Wurmple too.

Dustox is more powerful, and I think it's more awesome than a Beautifly, but I hate the backside view of it when you're battling with it. Not enough of it is there.

Anyway, I love that pic! It's so cute! ^_^ You are EXTREMELY talented!!!!!
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