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Lots of Pokémon to complete my Pokédex


Keep moving forward
Jan 16, 2011
Reaction score
Here are all the Pokémon I need:

Generation I:
-Pidgey, Pidgeotto or Pidgeot
-Pikachu or Raichu
-Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume
-Diglett or Dugtrio
-Meowth or Persian
-Kadabra or Alakazam
-Machoke or Machamp
-Bellsprout, Weepinbell or Victreebel
-Magnemite or Magneton
-Haunter or Gengar
-Voltorb or Electrode
-Mr. Mime

Generation II:
-Togepi or Togetic
-Mareep, Flaaffy or Ampharos
-Marill or Azumarill
-Any kind of Unown
-Snubbull or Granbull
-Slugma or Magcargo
-Houndour or Houndoom

Generation III:
-Zigzagoon or Linoone
-Wurmple, Silcoon, Cascoon, Beautifly or Dustox
-Lotad, Lombre or Ludicolo
-Seedot, Nuzleaf or Shiftry
-Ralts, Kirlia or Gardevoir
-Slakoth, Vigoroth or Slaking
-Whismur, Loudred or Exploud
-Makuhita or Hariyama
-Aron, Lairon or Aggron
-Baltoy or Claydol
-Bagon, Shelgon or Salamence

Generation IV:
-Bidoof or Bibarel
-Shellos or Gastrodon
-Glameow or Purugly
-Stunky or Skuntank
-Mime Jr.

I can offer most Pokémon not listed there in return. I don't have DW Pokémon, but I have Pokérus. I can also offer most Gen V Pokémon.
My friend code is 2623-2339-3212.
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hey id also like a trapinch if you have multiple. i can give you bagon with dragon dance
Both Trapinch are ready, I'm waiting in the trade room. jbails12, leave me your friend code so I can add you.
Thanks! If you need something else, just ask, I might have what you need.
I can offer you Bellsprout (with Pokérus if that's alright), Aron, and Ralts. In return, may I please have Aipom, Snorunt, and Treecko?

I can also get you Oddish, Togepi, Lotad, and Bidoof, but those will take longer because I'd have to breed them first.

Here's my FC if you're interested: 1979-0175-9889
I already have an Aipom and Snorunt, I need about 5-10 minutes to breed a Treecko, though. What would you want for the other you listed?
I have the Trapinch ready, I am in the wi-fi room right now.
I can get you any of those you want, except for unown. I don't need anything, but pick some and I'll breed em for ya :)
Ah, you're in luck! I just transfered a Haunter onto my copy of Black the other day. Oh, and I has a shiny Pidgeot if you want one.

Others include:
and Marill.

Any way I can get a Mankey? Or Growlithe?
Ah, you're in luck! I just transfered a Haunter onto my copy of Black the other day. Oh, and I has a shiny Pidgeot if you want one.

Others include:
and Marill.

Any way I can get a Mankey? Or Growlithe?

Of course, I can breed them both. What else do you want? I'll take everything on the list minus Flaaffy and Makuhita.

That would be fine! When did you want to trade? I just have to breed them :)

I can't right now, maybe at 9 PM (GMT-4)? (2 hours from now)
That could possibly work with me, I may be in transit around that time but I'll let you know! :)
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
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