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Marina in the new episodes?


Jun 1, 2004
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I was a bit worried about posting this (chances are people have already seen it or something), but since I couldn't find it around anywhere...what the heck is this? I'm guessing it's from the new episode, but with Marina there that almost seemed a bit to good to be true. o_o;


And for anyone wondering, I got it from Pokesho's imageboard.
It's just a picture, it's not like she's actually in the show, right?
True, but pokemon isn't exactly known as the anime of continuity.
Yeah, sadly it's just a picture. Perhaps her journey brought her to some big city and some dude paid her to be a one-time model.
Marina-chan!! ^___^ Is that screenshot from the new ep preview?
It looks like she is on an advertisement for the Pokétch so probably.
I wouldn't have been surprised to see Daisy there either. Or maybe she will be in the episode and that's Misty's Psyduck. :p
Heh, just when I noticed PokeAni mentions Marina the "Idol-trainer" being in the preview for the Poketch ep, I go to BMG to see whats up and the first thing I notice is this thread. Heh, and its based on something else. But anyway, PokeAni did mention something about her being in the preview for Poketch.

Maybe she reached her aim and became the Idol Trainer and a famous celebrity. And now appears on the advertisement because Poketch producers wanted the famous Marina/Dani for advertising their product.
I hope it's not just an accidental coincidence. It does make sense indeed, but why not to choose someone more famous, like Brad Van Darn? xD
I hope it's not just an accidental coincidence. It does make sense indeed, but why not to choose someone more famous, like Brad Van Darn? xD

Because everyone knows that more boys choose to journey that girls, and are therefore appealing to them. *OVERT SEXISM!!!*

Because Crystal's more recognizable to the audience than Brad Van Darn is. But if Marina and her male GS entourage do make an appearance in some future episode, pray for Jackson and Yoshi English-wise, and not Vincent and Jimmy.
Haha, that's nice.

Now if they could just reference May for once in the D/P series. I find it awfully sad that Ash and Brock never even bothered to tell Hikari that they traveled with a coordinator before. Talk about forgetting everything from the AG series.
Have a look at their reactions when Hikari told Professor Oak that she wants to become a coordinator.

And I hope if we get a future episode with the LoT cast that PUSA do clear up the fact that Yoshi and Dani are not Jimmy and Marina. And that Vincent is clearly his real name.
Well PUSA redubbed the Mastermind special, it would be nice to see the Raikou special redubbed and released properly as a movie like it was originally intended.
The reasons behind the Mastermind redub don't apply to LoT.

And it was in movie format on the DVD.
Honestly, it seems to just be a cute little reference to Marina. I really doubt that she'll actually appear and Ash's group. It did surprise me to see that, though. :) I'm hoping for more references to other characters.
Glad too see the writers grew some balls and aren't shy from showing older characters like they were in most of Battle Frontier.

Anyway, Psyduck? Korinku? Where the f*** are my clowns, damnit!
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
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