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Medieval RPG/sandbox style RP: ETERNAL (thread will be updated)

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Semper Vigilus
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Medieval RPG/sandbox style RP: ETERNAL

Journey through the mystical land of Vistan and explore its many wonders. From the northern peaks to the south’s jungle adventure awaits all who dare to find it. You, noble adventurer, now have your chance to go out an make something of yourself. Become an eternal legend.

(ok I admit I have no really story and all that, but the point is that I want other people to make up a story in the setting I’ve made. I do on the other hand have a great setting, loads of fun mechanics, and ideas. I’ll supply those in high hopes that you can make something with it.)

The Kingdom of Vistan:

The massive and ancient kingdom of Vistan has stood for eons. It’s first king, Dilyn, led the people into a great era of peace which allowed the kingdom’s boarders to grow exponentially. Since then his blood line has always sat on the throne. Today his descendant Gavin is king.

The climate of Vistan varies greatly due to the massive area it covers. The kingdom stretches from the far north to the deep south and from sea to sea. To keep track of this giant area the land is divided in fiefs. thirteen make up the entire kingdom. twelve lords control the fiefs excluding the king’s fiefdom, Illid.


Fiefs and leaders (lords or ladies or the king) :

Kade - Ryan

Dike - Garen

Nare - Joan

Haler - Timothy

Forlm - Simon

Reont - Jakio

Tiak - Arthur

Cailr - Ella

Geis - Edward

Whilm - Kyle

Jaeon - Alfred

Casor - Alice

Illid - Gavin

The Kingdom is good allies with Riyon and Esip, nuetral with West Esip, and enemies with Kilnor.

Fiefdoms: (general information about each)


Main exports: stone, gems, metals.
Population(high medium low) : low
main towns and settlements:
Qurn: kingdoms largest quarry and Kade’s largest city.
Fort Hail: large fort which watches the northern boarder.


Main exports: high mountain lumber
Population: med
Main towns and settlements:
Camp Summit: logging camp which harvests the rare trees which grow on the Sky-capped mountains.
Fort Sleet: another northern boarder fort.


Main exports: Riyonion goods, high mountain lumber
Population: med
Main towns and settlements:
Baor: trade city on Riyon’s boarder
Fort Snow: third boarder fort.


Main exports: fish, boats, traded goods
Population: high
Main towns and settlements:


Main exports: weapons, armor, metal products
Population: med
Main towns and settlements:


Main exports: red wood,
Population: med
Main towns and settlements:
Secyon: largest town int he fief.


Main exports: wood, teak wood,
Population: med
Main towns and settlements:


Main exports: fish
Main towns and settlements:


Main exports: fish
Population: high
Main towns and settlements:


Main exports: wheat, farmed plants, meat, leather, wool, cotton
Population: med
Main towns and settlements:


Main exports:
Population: low
Main towns and settlements:


Main exports:
Population: high
Main towns and settlements:


Main exports:
Population: high
Main towns and settlements:

Now that we’re finished with that geography lesson here’s the game mechanics and stuff.


Race: (Elves, dwarves, humans. Any other race ask me then I’ll say. NOTE Vistan is a human country, other races live in towns separate from the country even if they are inside the boarders.)

Appearance: 5 sentences wardrobe and physical traits OR pic and wardrobe.

Background: 10 lines

Personality: 5 lines

Equipment: (1 piece/set of armor and a shield or secondary item of choice Ex. Quiver of arrows)

Weapons: (two weapons. Primary and back up. Ex. Long bow and dagger.)

skills: magic, special moves, abilities.

Looting system: the looting system can be compared to that of Fallout or Skyrim. Pretty much anything the foe had can be looted. Make sure you mention the foe carrying it if you want it to drop. (ex. The thief was lugging around a heavy sack that clanked as it moved. From this you can tell there are metal objects in the sack.)

Anyone can go ahead and add another town or special location whenever they want so long as they give an avid description. (twelve to twenty lines, but more is just fine so long as its good.)
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yes there is magic, alchemy, herbology. there can also be rare enchanted items.
Yeah, but do I like put that under weapons or what? Also, which of the towns has the weakest military?
most likely one in Whilm since its mostly just farms and farmers.

also I'll add a skill section. you can put a spell or two there.
This looks rather interesting, I wouldnt mind filling out the details for Cailr becauase that's where I want my character to be from and the character's history is kind of dependent on where they're from. I'll stick to any guidelines that you have but if you don't want to that's also fine.
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Hey JJ, I'm think I want to make a race.

Its a long forgotten race called the Fenice.
Fenician people are a race of humans, gifted with the power of the Phoenix.
At first glance, they looked like a normal human, but their bright red hair is what makes them noticeable.
Every Fenician has a red hair, and has the power to grow red wings on their back, those wings are able to take them to the sky, that's why most of the Fenician wear clothes that has open back.
They live deep inside the south jungle, making almost no contact with the others.
Other than flying, Fenician is invulnerable to fire, but is extremely weak against waters.

Social Background:
The Fenice learned early on that the fastest way to develop and profit is for their people to be happy. A happy person is a productive person. This is why they have freedom of expression and individualism (as long as you are a Fenician).
However, most, if not all of the dominant Fenician are members of Houses. Houses are congregations of individuals who share the same blood (family ties being taken very seriously by Fenician) and/or interests (wealth and power being taken much more seriously by Fenician).
Success breeds success, and while Fenicians promote individual achievement, over the years, the same families harvest most of the wealth and power. Influential Fenicians then lend money, offer services or help to lesser ones, for the conduct of their business or other matters, and strong ties develop between all sides. Soon enough, it is a vast network of interests that emerges. A House. Several networks can intertwine, of course, but the core of every one of them is a powerful and identifiable family that will do its best to keep the relatives, allies, and clients in line with the Houses interests.
Name: Miko Miyazaki
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: Miko is 5 foot 5 inches, but slim for her height. She has long dark black hair, and blue eyes. She wears a reddish, but worn, weaponmaster's jacket, and thin leather armour around her legs, with leather boots, bound around her legs with bandages for less drag. She ties more bandages around her hands and upper arms, to protect her hands during combat. She wears a dark brown travelling cloak over her clothes when trying to remain stealthy, or in the rain.
Background: Miko has no memory of her past before eight years old. The earliest she remembers is her first morning at the Assassain's Guild, aged 8, covered in scars across her entire body. She was dumped, near death, on the steps of the prestigious yet secretive Guild, near Fort Sleet. Fort Sleet's soldiers have never found the Guild, despite many aggressions by the fief's military. She was trained to be an Assassain until age 13, when she left the Guild, as is traditional for all Assassains (keeps younger, less experienced assassains on the market for those without money, or sense). On her first mission, she was near-capture, when she was rescued by Byrne, a travelling Weaponmaster who would become her mentor. She trained with him until the age of 20, when he left her one night, and never returned.
Personality: Miko is an honourable fighter, if fighting against another fighter with honour. In other situations, her assassain training kicks in, and she can be less scrupulous with her morals. She is well aware of her beauty, and uses it to her advantage, but not to the opponents'. She has no mercy in battle, but is protective of those she cares for. She has little-to-no fear of death.
Equipment: Leather armouring for legs. Climbing Gear (rappel, grappling hook, etc.) for assassaination and stealth jobs.
Weapons: Thin rapier, and poisoned darts.
skills: A combination of Weaponmaster and Assassain skillsets

In case you're wondering about the two classes, here's a rundown

Creature of the night, good at stealth, and infiltration. Does little without pay.
Skills- Stealth, some Diplomacy, Silent weapons.

Honourable Warrior when engaging with another such minded opponent.
Skills- Bladed weapons
This looks rather interesting, I wouldnt mind filling out the details for Cailr becauase that's where I want my character to be from and the character's history is kind of dependent on where they're from. I'll stick to any guidelines that you have but if you don't want to that's also fine.

ok then. Now that I've added my map you can see its general location. you can be less specific when adding to a fief then to a town. if you are added special individual towns (ones that you plan to travel to/through) then make sure to flesh those out alot.

Hey JJ, I'm think I want to make a race.

Its a long forgotten race called the Fenice.
Fenician people are a race of humans, gifted with the power of the Phoenix.
At first glance, they looked like a normal human, but their bright red hair is what makes them noticeable.
Every Fenician has a red hair, and has the power to grow red wings on their back, those wings are able to take them to the sky, that's why most of the Fenician wear clothes that has open back.
They live deep inside the south jungle, making almost no contact with the others.
Other than flying, Fenician is invulnerable to fire, but is extremely weak against waters.

Social Background:
The Fenice learned early on that the fastest way to develop and profit is for their people to be happy. A happy person is a productive person. This is why they have freedom of expression and individualism (as long as you are a Fenician).
However, most, if not all of the dominant Fenician are members of Houses. Houses are congregations of individuals who share the same blood (family ties being taken very seriously by Fenician) and/or interests (wealth and power being taken much more seriously by Fenician).
Success breeds success, and while Fenicians promote individual achievement, over the years, the same families harvest most of the wealth and power. Influential Fenicians then lend money, offer services or help to lesser ones, for the conduct of their business or other matters, and strong ties develop between all sides. Soon enough, it is a vast network of interests that emerges. A House. Several networks can intertwine, of course, but the core of every one of them is a powerful and identifiable family that will do its best to keep the relatives, allies, and clients in line with the Houses interests.

When I said other races I meant other common races ex. goblins, orcs, merpeople. I will look into this, but to be honest they seem a bit over powered. complete invunrability to fire is too much, high resistance would be fine (so they can't just sit in a fire to evade enemies or go swimming in lava. they can withstand most direct fire and are immune to heat.)

Name: Miko Miyazaki
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Human

Appearance: Miko is 5 foot 5 inches, but slim for her height. She has long dark black hair, and blue eyes. She wears a reddish, but worn, weaponmaster's jacket, and thin leather armour around her legs, with leather boots, bound around her legs with bandages for less drag. She ties more bandages around her hands and upper arms, to protect her hands during combat. She wears a dark brown travelling cloak over her clothes when trying to remain stealthy, or in the rain.

Background: Miko has no memory of her past before eight years old. The earliest she remembers is her first morning at the Assassain's Guild, aged 8, covered in scars across her entire body. She was dumped, near death, on the steps of the prestigious yet secretive Guild, near Fort Sleet. Fort Sleet's soldiers have never found the Guild, despite many aggressions by the fief's military. She was trained to be an Assassain until age 13, when she left the Guild, as is traditional for all Assassains (keeps younger, less experienced assassains on the market for those without money, or sense). On her first mission, she was near-capture, when she was rescued by Byrne, a travelling Weaponmaster who would become her mentor. She trained with him until the age of 20, when he left her one night, and never returned.

Personality: Miko is an honourable fighter, if fighting against another fighter with honour. In other situations, her assassain training kicks in, and she can be less scrupulous with her morals. She is well aware of her beauty, and uses it to her advantage, but not to the opponents'. She has no mercy in battle, but is protective of those she cares for. She has little-to-no fear of death.

Equipment: Leather armouring for legs. Climbing Gear (rappel, grappling hook, etc.) for assassaination and stealth jobs.

Weapons: Thin rapier, and poisoned darts.

skills: A combination of Weaponmaster and Assassain skillsets

In case you're wondering about the two classes, here's a rundown

Creature of the night, good at stealth, and infiltration. Does little without pay.
Skills- Stealth, some Diplomacy, Silent weapons.

Honourable Warrior when engaging with another such minded opponent.
Skills- Bladed weapons

sounds good, but I have one question and a comment:

is this guild in in or out of Vistan?

also the fort is mostly there for boarder patrol just to make sure you know.
In, but hidden in the mountains. Somewhere.
And I figure law and order falls under their MO too, as well as housing any soldiers the king sends to try and find the Guild.
Oh, alright.
Could you reserve me a spot?
I'll post as soon as I got home.
Firstly, about Cailr. As seen on the map, Cailr sits on the east Coast of Solria, bordering the Kalon Sea. As its location would suggest, Cailr’s main export is fish, with the main and capital city Salinn lying just on the coast. Salinn is also a busy port city, docking ships from other Fiefdoms or lands. This also means that many merchants come to Salinn and Cailr to conduct trade. Salinn’s skyline is dominated by the Iron Palace, the government building and the residence for Lady Ella. The climate is usually warm but it gets cooler the further you travel inland. The Fiefdom of Cailr isn’t very populated and, the majority of the people live in or around Salinn. Everyone in Cailr knows and thinks fondly of Lady Ella, the head of state. Despite being rather young, she still takes her role as leader seriously, trying to do whatever is best for her people.

And now the sign up

Name: Haithe Firon
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Appearance: Haithe is of average height, around 6”1 and of average build. He has brown hair that is relatively short. He isn’t very muscular like many of the other swordsmen in Cailr as his profession of archery requires him to be nimble and quick. As a result, his typical wardrobe consists of brownish pants and a shirt which he wears a blue vest over. In battle or, when serving as a guard for Lady Ella, he wears the traditionally Cailr armor, predominantly made out of grey steel with a blue fabric cape and a helmet.

Background: Haithe was born and raised in Cailr, specifically, the town of Salinn. His parents worked in the city as the owners of an inn where travellers docked in Salinn would come and stay. As a result, Haithe met many people from around the kingdom, listening to their many stories. Growing up, his passion was archery and he dreamt of becoming the best archer in all of Cailr. After becoming good enough, he began to work as a freelance archer, going on quests or doing errands for people who needed the precise skills of someone very good with a bow and arrow. He soon got bored of this however and thanks to his prowess in archery got a job at the Iron Palace working as a security guard. He worked his way up and now serves as a member of the security team in charge of protecting Lady Ella.

Personality: Haithe is quite easy going and loves to be sarcastic. He tries to find ways to make people laugh as he finds humor to be quite enjoyable. He does however, take his job seriously and always fights with honor if the job requires. He is seen as a bit of a flirt by women as he continuously tries and fails, sometimes comically, to court the Lady of the land, Ella.

Equipment: Has a suit of armor that he wears when in battle or serving on the guard.

Weapons: Longbow and sword

Skills: An exceptional archer but is very week when it comes to sword combat.
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Name: Eliot Nadel
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Appearance: Eliot is almost never seen outside of formal attire. He usually wears black slacks and nice shoes, a white button shirt, a tuxedo vest, and a tie. On his face, he always wears a pair of heart-shaped pink sunglasses. His skin is a warm tan color, like milk chocolate, and he dyes his somewhat long hair blue. His eyes are green. He's fairly tall, at 6'2, and has a slender build. He wears a ring made of rose gold on his left middle finger.

Background: Eliot belonged to a nomadic people, and was thus raised on the road. His family and a few others constantly travelled in their caravan, trading various goods between towns, until he turned six, when bandits attacked. Normally, his family could fend them off, but the person keeping watch had fallen asleep, so they were surprised.
Eliot's mother managed to send him off on one of their pack animals, allowing him to escape. He was found by Dynatha, a priestess of Freia, goddess of love.She took him in, and taught him to be a priest. At 18, Eliot made an oath to follow the whims of Freia, to protect the weak, and protect beauty and love in all it's forms. Eliot grew older, and as he did, he yearned to get in touch with his roots, and travel the earth again. So, saying goodbye to his adoptive mother, he took a job as courier. After all, if he was going to travel the world spreading peace and love, he may as well get paid for it. So he now travels the world, defending the weak, fighting for love, sampling the world's fine wine and cuisine, and trolling for women. He is bound by oath to help anyone in need.

Personality: Eliot may be religious, but then, he worships the goddess of love and pleasure, which means he is far from an austere minister. Far from it, he spends much of his time hitting on women, and devotes much of his time to playing card games and art. However, he is very kind, and has in fact sworn an oath to serve others before himself. He'd literally give anyone the shirt off their back if they asked. He also has a poetic, flowery manner of speech.

Equipment: He always carries a roll of enchanted gauze with him that augments his Stone Skin spell, further hardening areas he wraps it around.

Weapons: He doesn't need any, he has his fists and his geomancy.

skills: Eliot, as part of his training as a priest, was required to achieve harmony between his body and the earth. As such, he became a Geomancer, one who uses magic stemming from the earth. He currently knows two spells:
Stone Skin: Allows Eliot to absorb stones into his body, making his skin as hard as rock. He can keep it in him as long as he wants, but it gets kinda itchy, so he usually expels it in the form of a cloud of sand shot from his hands.

Erode: By touching a stone or metal object, and exerting a little bit of his magic on it, Eliot can degrade it. Rocks turn to sand, armor rusts and crumbles away, and brick walls crumble apart.
However, his magic relies on him remaining pure and devout. Thus, he has three codes he must follow, or lose the ability to use his powers for a set amount of time depending on the principle broken.:
Principles of the Self
-Principle One: Bodily Purity: Followers of Freia must keep their bodies pure and clean at all times. As such, they must bathe every day. Breaking these principles results in them losing their powers until they bathe.

-Principle Two: Mental Clarity: Followers of Freia must keep their minds pure at all times, and thus refrain from voicing unnecessary despair. In other words, no whining, or Eliot loses his Geomancy until he asks Freia for forgiveness. He also must meditate for one hour every day, or lose his powers until he meditates again.

-Principle Three: Soulful Radiance: Followers of Freia can not lie. They may not kill unless failing to do so would result in more loss of life than refraining from killing the person. They must only use violence to protect themselves or others, and only as a last resort. Liars lose their powers for three days for every lie told. Murderers lose their powers for one year. People who use unnecessary violence lose their powers for a month, after which they must provide a sacrifice of their own blood, equivalent to however much they shed.
Further, for the purposes of better understanding the significance of life via learning it's workings, and to protect such, Eliot learned unarmed combat and acrobatics.

By the way, anyone want to coordinate starting locations? RPs where characters start on opposite ends of the game world tend not to last. How about we all start on Illid?
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I have accounted for something like that, PiPi, by not specifiying where Miko is as the Rp begins.
I was thinking I'd start Eliot out in Illid. Maybe. Unless people are all somewhere else.
Oh, alright.
Could you reserve me a spot?
I'll post as soon as I got home.

well it seems you've been away from home for a long time, btu I don't really care I'm keeping reservation infinite since I dont have a limit really.

Firstly, about Cailr. As seen on the map, Cailr sits on the east Coast of Solria, bordering the Kalon Sea. As its location would suggest, Cailr’s main export is fish, with the main and capital city Salinn lying just on the coast. Salinn is also a busy port city, docking ships from other Fiefdoms or lands. This also means that many merchants come to Salinn and Cailr to conduct trade. Salinn’s skyline is dominated by the Iron Palace, the government building and the residence for Lady Ella. The climate is usually warm but it gets cooler the further you travel inland. The Fiefdom of Cailr isn’t very populated and, the majority of the people live in or around Salinn. Everyone in Cailr knows and thinks fondly of Lady Ella, the head of state. Despite being rather young, she still takes her role as leader seriously, trying to do whatever is best for her people.

And now the sign up

Name: Haithe Firon
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Appearance: Haithe is of average height, around 6”1 and of average build. He has brown hair that is relatively short. He isn’t very muscular like many of the other swordsmen in Cailr as his profession of archery requires him to be nimble and quick. As a result, his typical wardrobe consists of brownish pants and a shirt which he wears a blue vest over. In battle or, when serving as a guard for Lady Ella, he wears the traditionally Cailr armor, predominantly made out of grey steel with a blue fabric cape and a helmet.

Background: Haithe was born and raised in Cailr, specifically, the town of Salinn. His parents worked in the city as the owners of an inn where travellers docked in Salinn would come and stay. As a result, Haithe met many people from around the kingdom, listening to their many stories. Growing up, his passion was archery and he dreamt of becoming the best archer in all of Cailr. After becoming good enough, he began to work as a freelance archer, going on quests or doing errands for people who needed the precise skills of someone very good with a bow and arrow. He soon got bored of this however and thanks to his prowess in archery got a job at the Iron Palace working as a security guard. He worked his way up and now serves as a member of the security team in charge of protecting Lady Ella.

Personality: Haithe is quite easy going and loves to be sarcastic. He tries to find ways to make people laugh as he finds humor to be quite enjoyable. He does however, take his job seriously and always fights with honor if the job requires. He is seen as a bit of a flirt by women as he continuously tries and fails, sometimes comically, to court the Lady of the land, Ella.

Equipment: Has a suit of armor that he wears when in battle or serving on the guard.

Weapons: Longbow and sword

Skills: An exceptional archer but is very week when it comes to sword combat.

mostly good.

first and formost an archer would not be wearing metal armor like that. archers wear leahter cloth and assorted other soft armors. even an archer guard would.

second you have two primary weapons. the secondary is meant to be a last resort kind of you'd never pick it over the first.

third skills are meant to be more specific abilities which are used. Pi for example has spells under the skill section. as an archer you might have something like rapid fire, snipe, or whatever.

Reserve me a spot?

same as blue.

Name: Eliot Nadel
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Appearance: Eliot is almost never seen outside of formal attire. He usually wears black slacks and nice shoes, a white button shirt, a tuxedo vest, and a tie. On his face, he always wears a pair of heart-shaped pink sunglasses. His skin is a warm tan color, like milk chocolate, and he dyes his somewhat long hair blue. His eyes are green. He's fairly tall, at 6'2, and has a slender build. He wears a ring made of rose gold on his left middle finger.

Background: Eliot belonged to a nomadic people, and was thus raised on the road. His family and a few others constantly travelled in their caravan, trading various goods between towns, until he turned six, when bandits attacked. Normally, his family could fend them off, but the person keeping watch had fallen asleep, so they were surprised.
Eliot's mother managed to send him off on one of their pack animals, allowing him to escape. He was found by Dynatha, a priestess of Freia, goddess of love.She took him in, and taught him to be a priest. At 18, Eliot made an oath to follow the whims of Freia, to protect the weak, and protect beauty and love in all it's forms. Eliot grew older, and as he did, he yearned to get in touch with his roots, and travel the earth again. So, saying goodbye to his adoptive mother, he took a job as courier. After all, if he was going to travel the world spreading peace and love, he may as well get paid for it. So he now travels the world, defending the weak, fighting for love, sampling the world's fine wine and cuisine, and trolling for women. He is bound by oath to help anyone in need.

Personality: Eliot may be religious, but then, he worships the goddess of love and pleasure, which means he is far from an austere minister. Far from it, he spends much of his time hitting on women, and devotes much of his time to playing card games and art. However, he is very kind, and has in fact sworn an oath to serve others before himself. He'd literally give anyone the shirt off their back if they asked. He also has a poetic, flowery manner of speech.

Equipment: He always carries a roll of enchanted gauze with him that augments his Stone Skin spell, further hardening areas he wraps it around.

Weapons: He doesn't need any, he has his fists and his geomancy.

skills: Eliot, as part of his training as a priest, was required to achieve harmony between his body and the earth. As such, he became a Geomancer, one who uses magic stemming from the earth. He currently knows two spells:
Stone Skin: Allows Eliot to absorb stones into his body, making his skin as hard as rock. He can keep it in him as long as he wants, but it gets kinda itchy, so he usually expels it in the form of a cloud of sand shot from his hands.

Erode: By touching a stone or metal object, and exerting a little bit of his magic on it, Eliot can degrade it. Rocks turn to sand, armor rusts and crumbles away, and brick walls crumble apart.
However, his magic relies on him remaining pure and devout. Thus, he has three codes he must follow, or lose the ability to use his powers for a set amount of time depending on the principle broken.:
Principles of the Self
-Principle One: Bodily Purity: Followers of Freia must keep their bodies pure and clean at all times. As such, they must bathe every day. Breaking these principles results in them losing their powers until they bathe.

-Principle Two: Mental Clarity: Followers of Freia must keep their minds pure at all times, and thus refrain from voicing unnecessary despair. In other words, no whining, or Eliot loses his Geomancy until he asks Freia for forgiveness. He also must meditate for one hour every day, or lose his powers until he meditates again.

-Principle Three: Soulful Radiance: Followers of Freia can not lie. They may not kill unless failing to do so would result in more loss of life than refraining from killing the person. They must only use violence to protect themselves or others, and only as a last resort. Liars lose their powers for three days for every lie told. Murderers lose their powers for one year. People who use unnecessary violence lose their powers for a month, after which they must provide a sacrifice of their own blood, equivalent to however much they shed.
Further, for the purposes of better understanding the significance of life via learning it's workings, and to protect such, Eliot learned unarmed combat and acrobatics.

By the way, anyone want to coordinate starting locations? RPs where characters start on opposite ends of the game world tend not to last. How about we all start on Illid?

very nice Pi. I also agree that the Rpers should start near by one another. IDC where but Illid would be the simplest.
Ugh, sorry, but please cancel my reservation.
I'm a little busy at the moment, soo...
Good luck with the RP.
Name: Conner Hawk
Age: 26
Gender: male
Race: Half-Elf

Appearance: Conner has the face of his father, but with the additions of a few elven traits. Dark green eyes are sharp and focused remaining shaded under his dark brown hair. His head has a angular appearance to it which fits perfectly with his pointy elven ears. Overall he is lean and tone from his vigorous training.

He wears a dark grayish green shirt with long sleeves and dark brown pants. Over this he wears a brownish green gray cloak and cowl that help to camouflage him when necessary. Most of the time he has a pair of leather boots on even when inside or in town. When training or off hunting he has his quiver at the ready worn on his dark leather belt and attached to his leg in a style most often used for cavalry archers.

His armor includes leather gauntlets/wrist guards, a chest piece, shin and leg guards, and shoulder pads. Conner sometimes wears the gauntlets even when not necessary.


Most elves keep to themselves remaining in their small towns and cities dotted around the kingdoms, but not Conner’s mother. She, for some unexplainable reason, decided to leave a little elven village known as Ciern and headed north. After a couple of years Eala, Conner’s mother, met Gregory Hawk, a young hunter from Reont. Skip forward a few more years and Conner was born.

Being the only child he instantly was to take on his father’s trade when he was old enough. Ever since he could hold a bow Conner was trained by doing to become a hunter. With his father’s teaching and his mother’s natural guidance Conner was very well off.

Conner didn’t care to amount to much in life. He was happy with being a humble hunter. It’s a fine living, but a small rebellion brought about a few changes. Conner being skilled at using a bow was enlisted into the militia and trained for real combat. Having gotten a taste of it and performing so well in battle Conner became interested in the kingdom’s military, to an extent. He traveled to the main city in Reont, Secyon, and applied for a post in the archers’ ranks. Conner was denied due to mostly a lack of need for suck archers. The kingdom already had plenty, and some kid wasn’t worth making room.

While returning to his home Conner was attacked by bandits. He was badly out numbered, but not alone. A stranger appeared farther up the road striding up with a longbow in hand. The stranger drew his bow and fired at the bandits. Each time he drew an arrow back and fired another bandit fell. Conner attempted to join in using his composite bow, but was only quick enough to pick off one fleeing bandit. After the ordeal ended the stranger introduced himself as Mark. The man was a ranger. Part of a guild which spread across Vistan. Apparently Mark had been scoping out the enlistment office when Conner visited. Seeing potential in him Mark decided to follow Conner and possibly invite him to the guild. Even though he hadn’t done much to sell himself Mark did make the offer to Conner, who accepted of course.

Now a month or so later Conner is training in the guild under Mark. He is doing well, but his hunter instincts add a primal side to his combat. Conner has proven to be a very different kind of ranger, but Mark is proud to be training him either way.

Personality: Conner is very…how do I put this… active. He likes doing things for himself and keeping himself busy. Waiting around and pre-planning are not his strong spots. He demands a constant flow of things to do. He doesn’t care what so much as the fact that it gives him something to do. Conner also is very observation and out spoken about things. His mind constantly needs something to occupy it so Conner begins looking over every detail he can find. When he finds something unusual he often cant help but mention it.

Equipment: basic leather ranger armor a quiver that has additional pockets for fletching materials.

Weapons: composite bow and hatchet

skills: acrobatics (on a scale of 1-12 he would be a 6 or 7.) and hunting (on a scale of 1-12 he would be an 8) (don’t ask why I used 1-12)
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