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Mew mission in Ranger


∠(>w<) #634
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
I'm having a hell of a time trying to capture Mew in Ranger. I've been using Ariados to trap it in webbing, but it always breaks free around the last circle, then flies away. It's the hardest challenge I've had in the game, and I want to beat it so I can get to my neglected Nintendog (you can't save during the Mew mission, so my DS is eternally on sleep).

Does anyone have any advice or techniques? I'll gladly help with any other Ranger problems.
I had the same problems, but then a simple run through the Olive Jungle provided the answer.

I even struggled with Bug Assists, thinking they'd be super-effective. But what you need is a GHOST assist---and there are two Shedinja in the area with the entrance to the Jungle Relic. Mew will still be pretty hard to capture, but lassoing it with a ghost and then looping it like mad should do it.
I got it on the first try by first using Plusle at full stun capacity then immediately using Shedinja. Thanks!
What?! So Mew is in the US Version of Ranger without the need of a promotion event after all?
Yes, as are Celebi and Deoxys. Just not Manaphy.
I thought Manaphy was!

*sigh* No, otherwise people would be buying Ranger like crazy, and they would get their Manaphy for free. There's going to be an event for it (Most likely if you pre-order the 9th movie, they send you some special ticket or something for Manaphy), but we don't know when.

You never know, they might even decide to have it a couple of months before the 5th generation comes out in Japan, like they did with Celebi and Mew.
There is a hidden password entry feature in the English Ranger, meaning Manaphy will probably be accessible via a password. However, we don't know the password.
Can't somebody just hack the game to find out the password? Or is the password function in and of itself a "secret?"

It's curious that the Ranger Net tab on the main menu has the Wireless Connection logo on it.....

EDIT: And if you thought Mew was a bitch, try the Metagross in the Go-Rock Base after you defeat Gordor. It takes THIRTY circles to capture, and its attacks are on a mighty scale.
Hmm, that sounds a lot like PMD... Can you elaborate?

The Ranger Net option becomes accessible after beating the main storyline (i.e. viewing the credits. Normally, only one option comes up after selecting Ranger Net- "Play a special mission." This is where the Deoxys, Celebi, and Mew missions are accessed (One must capture them in order to access the next. By that, I mean to access Celebi, one must capture Deoxys first, and to access Mew, one must capture both Deoxys and Celebi first. Nothing happens after capturing Mew.).

However, holding down L+R+Y+X+Directional pad left puts a second option into Ranger Net- "Enter the password." Both caps and lowercase letters and numbers are available to enter. The password format is "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx." Attached is the best picture I could get with my camera.
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To clarify... were Mew, Deoxys, and Celebi "hidden" like this in the Japanese version?
Well the Ranger Net option has been in the Japanese version, too. The difference is that there is an option for Wireless communication which searches for downloadable missions.

To clarify... were Mew, Deoxys, and Celebi "hidden" like this in the Japanese version?
Yes, pretty much the same despite that they had to be downloaded.
The whole Ranger Net thing didn't appear in the menu without visiting an event, though.
The event staff put the player's Pokémon Ranger and a GBA cartridge into the DS. Pokémon Ranger downloaded the Ranger Net content from the GBA Cartridge. Later, the Celebi and Mew missions could be downloaded within Ranger Net.
Wait....so the function IS in the game without an event? That means all we need to get Manaphy is the password, no?

Somebody PLEASE hack it and figure out what the password is, somehow....
You mean the password people have been looking for for days already? Yeah, they're working on it.
Let's see...

12 digits....
52 letters.....
10 numbers...

Only 6240 possible combinations!
I don't know where you learnt combinatorics, but a string of 12 symbols out of a set of 62 permitting repetitions is 6212, or 3.22 × 1021 (that's 3.22 sextillion). You will need 32.8 zettabytes to store all the possible combinations, and that's not including spaces or newlines.
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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