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Most practical Pokemon?


Pokédex Collector!
Dec 19, 2009
Reaction score
If Pokemon existed, which ones would be the most practical for you?

For example, if you're a nurse, you'd probably want a Chansey/Blissey/Audino. If you need to lift heavy objects (i.e. construction), you may want a strong fighting type, like Machoke or Gurdurr. A painter may want Smeargle. Get it?

To me, I'd need a Pokemon that could help around the house with chores, a Pokemon that could cook, and a smart teacher Pokemon! (I'm a student btw.) I'm not entirely sure who they would be though.

So, who would be the most practical Pokemon for you? If you want to add other Pokemon that would help for a certain profession, (i.e. Nurse -> Chansey) feel free to share!
Alakazam--assuming, of course, that its telekinetic powers were enough substitute for strength. I'd think it'd be practical for every purpose, then.

But, if pokemon were real, I'd make my living by battling: in which case, I'd take my favorite, Shaymin.
Charizard. You can fly around wherever you need on it and burn the unworthy from above.

And Manaphy's Heart Swap could prove quite useful. And anithing with Protect.
Porygon-Z to control the world's online media
Aggron to take attacks for me
Alakazam to Teleport me around America
Spiritomb and Gengar bodyguards
I don't really do anything out of the ordinary in my life, so something like an Espeon would be cool, since it could be like a cat, except with psychic powers. I assume it can run fast, so it could come with me when I go out in rollerblade, and even warn me if I'm going to get hit by a car or something.
Darkrai, so that we could have an effective torture method that causes criminals to turn around (by invading their dreams, the only thing they can trust).
Probably something that flies. Flygon would be pretty nice to have for getting around.
Tropius. Makes for a decent source of transportation, but not large enough as to be unwieldy. Can help crops grow. Reliable food source. Gentle enough that it will behave well when I show it off at public gatherings. Pretty decent bodyguard.
Since I'm a student, I'll pretty much pick smart pokemon. Maybe an Alakazam to do my homework instead and telepathy me answers (or at least hints) during exams XD Or Metagross - it never hurts to have high-tech brains plus being part psychic. Also, I can use a few rides - LOL
Gardevoir or Audino. I'm a pretty high-strung person, so having a Pokemon that alleviates some of that tension is great.
I love cats and psychic Pokémon, so I'd probably have Espeon as a pet. With the goal of being a geologist in mind I'd need a good ground and/or rock type, so I'd be looking at Tyranitar or perhaps Excadrill. An Audino would also be good; I stress easily and often need a caring person or pet around to provide company and comfort.
If it was possible, Mew because of Transform. I'd say Ditto, but they're not that powerful, so eh.

I guess something like a Gardevoir would be really helpful. Mightyena too. Gardevoir for lots of things because of their powers, and Mightyena are loyal and great guards.
Id be battling gym leaders and in contests so, id catch all of the ones i wanted, since theyd all be useful
Ludicolo. Oh that would be awesome.

Dragonite would be really helpful though. It can fly, it can swim and is a giant portable pillow.
Mew. The combination of Transform and the ability to learn almost any move (and better stats than both Ditto and Smeargle) gives it an unrivaled level of versatility.
A Pokémon with Rain Dance or the Drizzle ability would help with drought-stricken areas.
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