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Most unbelievable (or ridiculous…) victories in the anime


"Ursaring, standby for battle!"
Mar 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hello fellow users!! (If a thread like this already exists no problem with deleted or closing it).

This thread is solely dedicated to those wins that a trainer gets in the anime during a league, pokemon battle, gym match, contest, etc.

We’re talking battles like Gary’s Nidoking vs. Giovanni’s Golem where both Pokemon use Tackle at the same time and Nidoking wins in one hit, Ash’s Charizard knocking out Gary’s Golem (that had not lost a single HP) with one Dragon Rage (seems Golem doesn’t have too much luck in battles).

What are some of the biggest WTF victories from the Pokemon anime? I’m talking about from Kanto to Unova including movies and specials.

Let’s make some magic and get the ball rolling because there are 100s of battles that seemed rigged for one reason or the other.

I had to say it.
Here is one that I’ve never really heard anyone talk about;

Ash’s 2nd battle at Oreburg Gym, the battle against Rampardos was just downright ridiculous all the way down to Ash’s come from behind dumba** victory for the badge.

Aipom using Swift to try to cause damage…come on Ash it’s a Normal type move even if it is a Sp. Attack, he was better off using Double Team to buy sometime for a Focus Punch from an angle to inflict some damage. It may not have worked because it didn’t even work on Cranidos but it was still better idea.

Pikachu vs. Rampardos wasn’t that good; I mean Volt Tackle would have been better than relying on Iron Tail and what’s worse was that Ash kept aiming for its head despite the Pokedex telling it that its cranium was incredibly thick.

Pikachu falling in battle was solely for Turtwig to come out on top. This was the worst thing the writers could have done. Taking a Pokemon with one of the highest Attack for non-legendaries and having it lose to a 1st stage starter even though it is weak against its type that being Grass.

Turtwig has high Def. I’ll give it that but for it to take so many attack especially Head Smash and still get up without recovering with Synthesis even once (Ash tried to use it but Flamethrower got it to stop before it could fully recover).

The writers probably just threw it in there to make an excuse for Rampardos to take at least some minimal damage from the recoil. They could have at least let Turtwig use Overgrow or something for a more “believable” victory. And how does Ash win????

By using a “super-charged” Razor Leaf which is just a fancy way of saying “critical hit” well at least in my opinion. If it were an Overgrow, critical hit Razor Leaf then eh…I’d let the win slide a little bit more but still the match seemed rigged.

Also earlier in the battle; the writers do the impossible by pulling an old trick from the play books of the likes of Swellow, having a small Pokemon toss a huge one with little to no effort; Turtwig bites it tail and throws Rampardos into some rocks, like Swellow did to Tyson's Donphan or Pikachu when he threw Juan's Milotic!
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Hello fellow users!! (If a thread like this already exists no problem with deleted or closing it).

This thread is solely dedicated to those wins that a trainer gets in the anime during a league, pokemon battle, gym match, contest, etc.

We’re talking battles like Gary’s Nidoking vs. Giovanni’s Golem where both Pokemon use Tackle at the same time and Nidoking wins in one hit, Ash’s Charizard knocking out Gary’s Golem (that had not lost a single HP) with one Dragon Rage (seems Golem doesn’t have too much luck in battles).

What are some of the biggest WTF victories from the Pokemon anime? I’m talking about from Kanto to Unova including movies and specials.

Let’s make some magic and get the ball rolling because there are 100s of battles that seemed rigged for one reason or the other.

speaking of ash's charizard and golems, ash's charmander beating that random biker's golem with fire spin when bulbasaur failed to beat it? XD i know its filler, but still
speaking of ash's charizard and golems, ash's charmander beating that random biker's golem with fire spin when bulbasaur failed to beat it? XD i know its filler, but still

Oh yeah, I remember that episode some people don't like that episode at all but I found it quite entertaining for a filler episode anyway mainly because we get to see Golem and Cloyster for the first time in the anime I believe.

Anyway, yes I see your point with Vine Whip being x4 effective on a Golem but I think that the point of that battle was showing how hard Golem's shell was like Kingler vs. Cloyster in the Kanto league, remember that Ash kept telling it to use Crabhammer against it and repeatedly it attacked until finally its shell cracked even though it was using Withdraw. Now, how it relates to this situation:

Vine Whip wasn't that strong remember that the biker said that Bulbasaur needed more training because its puny Vine Whip won't do much against Golem's hard shell. Moving on to Fire Spin and Flamethrower. One theory is this; Fire types aren't that damaged by Fire types but Golem's shell must trap the heat from those fire attacks and the damage that Golem took was probably from being contained in that "hot armor" just imagine it with a Rhyhorn to make the situation more believable it is protected from attacks but its thick armor-like hide. Now heat it up to extreme temperature and you've got the recipe for a damaging attack; this may not be the case for a Rhydon that is said to be located at volcanic places with lava.

What do you think?
As mentioned earlier, a level 4 (about) Caterpie beating a level 14 Ekans and level 14 Koffing (those were their levels in the first TRio battle in Yellow).

And let's not forget most (if not, all) of Ash's Kanto gym battles. Infact, if memory serves, he only won the Thunder, Soul, and Volcano badges legitimately (correct me if I'm wrong).
Pikachu's battle against Quagsire in the third movie comes to mind. All it did was jump from the swing and hit its head against it... somehow he ended up winning, I believe. Well, I guess that's one way to win when you're fighting something immune to electricity...? /joke/ It's not really unbelievable since I'm sure that ought to hurt, but ridiculous nonetheless. Though I'm sure the kids found it funny.

There's also when that COTD (the boy with the eeveelution brothers) beat the Rockets - and I mean Nyasu, Musashi, Kojiro, and both of their Pokemon - with just a tackle. In fact, it was enough to send them flying. <_<; And I don't believe he had any battling experience prior to that, either.

Those stick out most to me.
Ash isn't the only one to have had cheap battles.

Paul's psycho grizzly bear comes to mind, seriously other than being Chimchar fodder all the time, seriously it could take on anything except Chimchar. I still remember how it tore Pikachu a new one as well as smashing Staraptor's head in, then at the league it crushed Barry's Hitmonlee as well.
Pikachu's battle against Quagsire in the third movie comes to mind. All it did was jump from the swing and hit its head against it... somehow he ended up winning, I believe. Well, I guess that's one way to win when you're fighting something immune to electricity...? /joke/ It's not really unbelievable since I'm sure that ought to hurt, but ridiculous nonetheless. Though I'm sure the kids found it funny.

There's also when that COTD (the boy with the eeveelution brothers) beat the Rockets - and I mean Nyasu, Musashi, Kojiro, and both of their Pokemon - with just a tackle. In fact, it was enough to send them flying. <_<; And I don't believe he had any battling experience prior to that, either.

Those stick out most to me.

Haha, yeah I'm sure that since it was just a movie opening battle that they made it end in a draw and even though it was ridiculous you have to admit it was a bit amusing to have Pikachu win the match with a draw from a swing "Headbutt" lol

As for the Eevee from Tommy he used "Rage Tackle Attack!!!" first he told Eevee to use Take Down, then Rage Tackle Attack so I'm assuming that Take Down was combined with Rage and Tackle for a triple attack which didn't seem to cause recoil to Eevee in the least. Not to mention that Tommy was being pressured by his brothers to evolve Eevee (but they didn't know that he didn't want to) so the writers probably let Eevee save the day to help Tommy have the courage to tell his brothers that he wanted to be an Eevee trainer and not have it evolve.

However, it was still ridiculous considering that Arbok and Weezing dominated over Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon then took an electric move from Pikachu only to then be finished off by an Eevee.

As mentioned earlier, a level 4 (about) Caterpie beating a level 14 Ekans and level 14 Koffing (those were their levels in the first TRio battle in Yellow).

And let's not forget most (if not, all) of Ash's Kanto gym battles. Infact, if memory serves, he only won the Thunder, Soul, and Volcano badges legitimately (correct me if I'm wrong).

I know all it did was "slow" them down with String Shot on Meowth, and the other 2 and then one Tackle helps it reach lv 7!!!!! To evolve to Metapod lol

You're right he only won against Surge, Koga and Blaine; Brock gave him a badge so Ash could live out Brock's dream of traveling, Daisy gave it to Ash because he saved the gym's Pokemon and in her words "If he would have battled against Misty with Pikachu in the first place like there's no way her Water Pokemon could have won.", Sabrina gave him the badge because she and Kadabra were "paralyzed" with laughter due to Haunter, Erika gave him a badge for saving her Gloom from the burning gym and TR were the gym leaders in place of Giovanni.

So he did have cheap "wins" back in Kanto gyms.

Ash isn't the only one to have had cheap battles.

Paul's psycho grizzly bear comes to mind, seriously other than being Chimchar fodder all the time, seriously it could take on anything except Chimchar. I still remember how it tore Pikachu a new one as well as smashing Staraptor's head in, then at the league it crushed Barry's Hitmonlee as well.

Yeah, that's what the thread is all about unbelievable wins not just for Ash but for every character that you can think of.

As for psycho the bear lol, I always wondered why Paul didn't teach it Facade I mean it gets STAB from it, plus it is x2 from a status effect, plus the boosted Attack power from Guts and if it uses Bulk Up phew then that's one powered up move! Yeah, it NEVER won to Chimchar no matter what see the Lake Aucity battle it was paralyzed so it wasn't that swift compared to Chimchar but still it didn't land a single hit which is probably why it wasn't used in the full battle against Ash at the league.
Pretty much any win a main character had in this series was always forced to give them an upper hand. Its not a surprise, its how the show is written.

That's why the opponent who was dominating the entire match before, then says, "What's he doing?" or "What's that?" and they stare dumbfounded as Ash then turns the battle around.
I really am just going to say...Brock vs. Ash, I mean really...sprinklers result in frying a giant rock snake.
When Swellow went up against Harrison's Donphan in teh Hoenn league. It already received a bit of damage from Hariyama by the way. Donphan hit it with roll out after rollout (each of which is getting stronger) plus it been effected by sandstorm for a bit. And swellow beats it by grabbing it while it rolled and threw it. There goes Donphan. I know how tough swellow is and I admire that pokemon but wow that was a bit much.
How about this for a really ridiculous battle. Meowth vs Onix. Meowth won by throwing buckets of water on Onix, and then finishing it off with Fury Swipes (I think it was). When I first saw that, I was like, "For a gymleader Pokemon, Onix is weak. First the sprinklers and then buckets of water." Geez. lol
Brock's Onix being sent flying by a phanpy's rollout attack in the third movie. I know it was a fantasy world but still....
99.9% of Pikachu's wins are ridiculous.
Oh, and Ash vs Tucker. The end.
I don't understand 'Go for the horn'. Really don't.

Why not, 'Go for the mouth'?! Bait Rhydon into opening its mouth wide, and bingo, match over. I'm sure most Pokemon drool, especially big bulky predators.
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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