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Movie 8? (Mastermind inclusion, availability)


Jul 18, 2006
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I know it once did, but it seems it doesn't anymore! Or is it just Canada? I know I have a friend who got it on release day, and he has the special! I checked Best Buy Canada and such, and they didn't mention it being a special edition, or having two discs.

And why the heck is it impossible to find?

(Personally, I only want it FOR Mastermind. The movie 8 disc is nothing more than a cool-looking frisbee to me.)
The 8th Movie cockslapped your mother so hard it knocked her out. No dissing the 8th Movie.

Odd that they'd all of a sudden remove the Mastermind special from it though - it's not like it says "limited edition" or anything on it...

Maybe you bought a rental version?
Walmart, Future Shop and Best Buy are selling the same version that the USA got, at least they are here in Ontario. $28.99 at Futureshop, 2 DVD set that includes Mastermind. I suggest buying it from Amazon.ca
AFAIK Australia didn't get the Mastermind, and i always thought 2-disc edition is US exclusive. Maybe some shops just imported US version which come earlier than Canadian (i assume).
Actually, I only saw it online, and it doesn't seem to include it except on Amazon.

Everyone I know has the Mastermind ep, though. I taped it off WB, but I want this version. I'm also out of frisbees, and a Lucario-style frisbee would be nice to have.
First off, I don't know why you see the 8th movie as being so bad...It was in fact one of the best.

Erm, anyway...If you're so desperate for the Mastermind special, you could download it and burn it onto a DVD. Problem solved. :p
I didn't like the lack of story.

Also, I'm a collector.

I can't find the movie anywhere, though.
XD375 said:
I didn't like the lack of story.

Then I don't see how you didn't like the Lucario movie since it had one of the most intricate plots of all the Pokemon movies.

If you want a movie with a weak story, try Mewtwo Strikes Back.
All of those (except Deoxys) had weak stories. Nothing really happened in Movie 8.
Lucario was captured in the staff by Aaron in the past. In the modern day, Ash somehow has a similar aura to Aaron and frees Lucario by accident. Kid tries to research Mew but sends it fleeing, with Pikachu and Meowth, probably thinking it was saving them. Lucario shuts himself off from happiness and joines Ash and co. to get Pikachu back. They get to the tree where Mew is. On the way, Lucario has a fight with Ash and the two then begin to respect each other. Also, a Time Flower shows everyone the deal with Aaron... or they think so anyway. So they go in the tree where they're attacking by the tree's "blood cells" and the Regis. Everyone dies/gets absorbed or whatever. Pikachu and Ash find each other, in time for Ash to be gobbled up. Mew's like "oh, okay, I'll save the day!" and brings everyone back. But it's too much stress for Mew and the tree and the two begin to die. A timely Time Flower (hehe) tells us that Aaron had to sacrafice himself to Mew, which stopped the war then and will stop the tree's death now. So Ash and Lucario do their thing, but Lucario pushes Ash away before he can be "destroyed". So another timely Time Flower shows us Aaron's dying moments and Lucario dies too. Then everyone meets up outside. In the end credits, we see Lucario and Aaron are reunited, be it in the afterlife or some kind of frozen state like the dub told us in an attempt to dumb things down.

The quieter moments are filled with small devlopments and cool touches like Lucario's flashbacks, the main cast in a formal party enviroment, and Ash telling us the story of the first episode with a neat little Mezase Pokémon Master thing playing.

That seems like a story to me.
To me it was just:

Playing Dressup
May Fanservice
Getting Eaten By Blobs
Forgetting how boring the movie is because you were too busy listening to the awesome soundtrack to notice how boring it was.

The only things I liked was the character development. Oh, and the flashback of Episode One.

I liked how they actually did stuff in Movies 2 and 7.

So, can someone tell me why it is so hard to find? I've been looking everywhere!
You can't claim the movie doesn't have a plot, because it does. Just say you don't like that plot and that's it. =P
I liked what it had for plot, but it could of had more to it. There were no major battles, the resolution was too fast, no bad guys, etc.
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
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