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EVERYONE: My added concepts and yours


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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In my fanfic, Pokemon Adventures: Black & White, I not only adapt the story from the first Gen. V games or the characters from other TV shows but I also adapt other concepts into my story. I wouldn't call them rip offs since it's fanfiction and anything goes so long as I'm not profiting from this.

My adapted concept are the Hoi Poi Capsules/Dyno Caps from the Dragon Ball series by Akira Toriyama (they're simply called "Capsules" in my fic). In my fic, any Capsule can be made to change into anything from a household appliance to a house itself as well as other things. They take the place of the Hammerspace Backpacks from the games and Hammerspace itself from the Anime (lookin' at you, Team Rocket from before BW). It doesn't make sense at all, I know, so I never explain the mechanics. I leave it to my readers to speculate for themselves.

What do you think and do you have any concepts you add to you Pokemon fic that doesn't exist in any canon of the franchise?
Oh, those capsules. I remember one of them (Capsule 9, I think it was) transformed into an underwater navigation vehicle.

I put in the storage laptop (which wouldn't technically be considered non-canon if you consider the fact that secret bases in RSE had laptops), and the costumes. Definitely the costumes are something original.

The storage laptop is essentially a replacement for hammerspace, kind of acting as an excuse for it.
My created world of Yoso has this in spades, but that's another thread entirely.

--In my imagined Pokeworld, the Pokeflute does not look like it does in official artwork--in my imagination, it looks like a longer recorder (only you don't have to half hole notes), is played like a recorder, but sounds like an Irish flute (example: What an Irish flute (and my imagined Pokeflute) sounds like) This means that kids usually start on a tin whistle before moving to Pokeflute. There are those that can play both instruments--Ash knows how to play both really well in my Pokeworld.

--Brock is a master storyteller (something I figured he might know how to do with all his siblings in the house) and acoustic guitarist extraordinaire (a homage to his classic English voice
The part in which Noah goes back into Mt. Coronet in "Journey out of Mt. Coronet" was partially inspired by Lost.

The part in which Jack decides to go back to the island at the end of Season 3 (I think it's Season 3, or to the British members, Series 3 (Again, I think)).
Other concepts I add to my fanfic is the inclusion of futuristic devices and vehicles like anti-gravity Skycars and Hovercycles and other machines that can even convert to Capsules. This is to show how technologically advanced Unova is.

My heroes tend to rough it out in the great outdoors since they can explore the land, train their Pokemon better and even get fit from walking and running.
A list off the top of my head:

- I tend to think of each "region" of the Pokémon world being roughly the size of the country of Germany (~300,000 sq. km) with approximate populations of 5 million each, though this would vary from region to region.
- Transport is available along main roads between major cities, but there are also "trainer paths," which are comprised of trails typically far away from the main roads that trainers can use to travel the natural way and encounter wild Pokémon. Rangers patrol these paths fairly often in the interest of preserving the surrounding environment in spite of the frequent traffic.
- The International Police (officially called the "International Trainers' Police Directorate") is comprised of selected trainers and is much more organized, dispatching teams to deal with the organized crime situations that are seen in the games.
- Pokémon require almost as much care as pets, and thus it can become hard to manage the needs of any more than six Pokémon at a time, to the point where some trainers stop at raising four in order to better take care of their team.
- The League is a more structured system, with the trainer's gym challenge being seen as a rite of passage by many. As such, trainers are allowed a small stipend in their first year depending upon their progress in the league and recent battle record. This amount steadily decreases, encouraging young trainers to return to the jobs that society requires. The League also pays the salaries of the Elite Four, Gym Leaders and other officials.
- Storage capsules are in widespread use - they tend to be oblong capsules that function similarly to Pokéballs, instead each containing a 2'x2'x4' storage chest. This allows young trainers to carry all the necessary supplies throughout their journey.
- The history of the Pokémon world as I see it takes its lead from the manga, as Pokémon Special tends to present more serious versions of the stories told in the games. The character of Ash Ketchum traveled by himself in this version of the world - his performance in League Tournaments and his involvement in the movie scenarios are canon, but the rest of the anime is not.
- Legendaries are met halfway on the power scale - they are revered by the populace as extraordinarily powerful, but in reality, beyond their specific abilities (time travel, water purification, etc.), their power is roughly equivalent to that of half of the team of an Elite Four member and they are able to breed like any other species. Their incredible rarity helps to hide these facts - they are very strong, but not godlike.
- On a similar note, the "level system" exists, but is not mentioned extensively. A Pokémon's "level" is a general gauging of their aptitude in battle. There is no set level when a Pokémon is able to evolve, but rather Pokémon are more likely to evolve when under the effects of adrenaline as they increase in ability/level. Premature evolution is considered dangerous, however, and can create complications, and as such the league has certain levels that individual species are recommended to reach before attempting evolution. Evolutions based on items, trading and so forth are affected by level recommendations, but to a lesser extent.

I try to put forward concepts that make the world seem more realistically functional, though I admit no matter how far I go, there still has to be some level of suspended disbelief.
Hmm. There is a a lot from other peoples' work.

The drive technology for the airships and hover skiffs are based off the repulsorlift technology from Star Wars.

Zekurom's costumes from Generation 2021 also make an appearance. And their technology is more thoroughly fleshed out and explained.

Digital bags (using same technology as poké balls) serve as the explanation for hammerspace. But you have to put things in there. And the scene where Palkia shoves a hover skiff into the bag is explained by him using his spacial powers to do so.

And a bunch I cannot recall.
Hmm. There is a a lot from other peoples' work.

The drive technology for the airships and hover skiffs are based off the repulsorlift technology from Star Wars.

Zekurom's costumes from Generation 2021 also make an appearance. And their technology is more thoroughly fleshed out and explained.

Digital bags (using same technology as poké balls) serve as the explanation for hammerspace. But you have to put things in there. And the scene where Palkia shoves a hover skiff into the bag is explained by him using his spacial powers to do so.

And a bunch I cannot recall.
In a fic I'm going to start writing soon, Hammerspace is an actual place, a different dimension where space is infinite. Silph Co found out how to access it and put portals to Hammerspace in all the bags they make, allowing trainers to store an infinite amount of stuff in their bags.
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