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My attempt at Gym Badge names

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New Member
Nov 18, 2011
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Don't know where to put this so, Um yeah, so here it goes.

Lion badge. Shaped like the profile of a female Lion's head, with BC on the neck, because before the common era was cool.

Esky badge. Green oval, with the letters EE, I don't know, an alliteration?

Stamp badge. Has a galloping horse on it, just cause.

Rider badge. An S in a sort of rectangular green background.

Bomber badge. A W.. for WINNING

Ticat badge. A tiger enclosed in a circle, because Tigers are awesome.

Argo badge. An A enclosed in a circle, because Fonzie says it all the time.

Al badge. An A with a running bird in front.

Taking note of that, and the speculation of Pokemon Grey version, with the emphasis on Grey, so who's psyched about it?
This thread is locked because the material is not necessary for an individual thread as there will not be much discussion from this. This is about your personal opinion on a particular matter and the topic revolves around it, so this can be suitable for a blog.

Thanks for reading.
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