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My first try at spriting.


New Member
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score

It`s just a recolor of Torterra. I think its ok, what do you guys think as a first try?
Thankyou. Yeah the colors don`t look right, he is a grass poke after all and not fire. It was a pain in the butt to do this on Fireworks, kept getting like 10 pixels at a time at 900x magnification. Anyone know of a better program to do spriting on?
i tried something from scratch this time. I`m getting used to doing it with Fireworks so no need for a spriting program.


I think I`ll try a splice next.
I personally do my spriting in MS Paint, and then port them to Fireworks if I need to do anything special, such as for a banner. MS Paint, as much as it's outdating, is good for the simplicities like pixel by pixel work, and doesn't lag as much as Fireworks does with some of its functions.

As for Torterra, I personally don't approve of recolors, but the reason the colors don't look right is because that shade of red is an "artificial" shade. Look at your custom colors screen, and notice the the rainbow of colors. You need to get a duller shade; not darker, but more natural looking. The red you used is like red paint; the red you need is more like the red that leaves turn in autumn. Even the red you used for your scratch sprite would be great. Just mess with different shades and tones; the colors need to be around the same tone, or it looks like it's all grey and had a bucket of red paint dumped on him.

As for your scratch sprite, it's good, especially the sword. The shading is especially impressive. The arm looks a bit stiff, but I won't bug you about that since it is a scratch sprite and those take time to perfect.
Thankyou for the tips. I`m new at this so some constructive criticism is really helpful. Next time I`ll use some more realistic colors and remember to get the white out of the area near the sword. lol
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