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My kid did this!

Awww, that's adorable! Like K-C and Blackjack, I'm wondering why it's so small and reversed, but it's very cute nonetheless. Be sure to tell him how much we all like his art!
Sorry, it's because I had a horrible time uploading it. It was drawn on an 8-1/2 x 11 sheet of paper and I'm not the best when it comes to scanning.^^

Andrew is 9 years old.
Not bad for his age. Not bad at all. The only real mistake I can see is the eyes, which have white pupils, not black pupils. But I'm not normally one to be nit-picky, so I'll simply say that it's pretty good.
Really good for his ages. I'm two times that old and can't draw that way :)

He reminds me of someone I used to know. That boy was, even though he was young as well, a real artist.
He must have gotten this ability from his dad (my ex). I can't draw a straight line with a ruler. ;-)
Where have I heard that before? *looks at the somehow not straight line she tried to draw with her ruler* and using a sizor is totaly worse, even if I draw lines, I don't cut straight behind them. That's something I got from my dad.;-)
I'm a huge admirer of good drawings, but drawing myself......When I finished my high school (at least, something simular to that) my art teacher had a speech for me (I had history of art from him as well, and at a time I was the only student) in wich he said that he "finaly realised I just couldn't do any better"
O, well I had become good friend with him at that time.:)
Barb, I think you're kid there has a lot of talent. If he keeps drawing like that in a few years it'll look professonal. That looks really advanced for a nine year old!

(Uh, that still is a nice picture though ^_^;; . Do you know if it was drawn out of memory or did he have an example, or is this question impossible to answer...?)

Keep your kid into drawing, he looks like he has a natural talent and it could probably get him far.
That is simply excellent work by your son Barb.
Once it is coloured, I will be sure to view the final result. It may even become my desktop image.

Great work by Andrew!
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