These are based off the experiences I had playing "Pokemon Yellow." I hope you like it, so here it is...
Chapter One:
Pikachu, Please!
Danny was playing with his Pokémon toys. He was make-believing he was battling Pokémon in a gym. He was excited because he was finally going to get his Pokémon Trainers license, and his first Pokémon the next morning! Danny picked up what looked like a Voltorb figure, and shouted, “Pokeball, go!”
A voice then interrupted, “Danny!” It was his mom. She caught the Voltorb figure, which was actually a clock. It opened to reveal the clock face, which read that it was 9:30 PM. “You should get ready for bed. Tomorrow is a big day!”
“You’re right,” Danny sighed. He was already in his pajamas. He also set his Voltorb clock on his nightstand, climbed into bed and snuggled up with his toy Bulbasaur.
He learned that in the morning, he would go over to the lab of Professor Oak, the world’s ultimate authority. His laboratory was not too far from their house. Danny lived with his mother and little brother in Pallet Town. Professor Oak had three Pokémon ready for trainers: Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. Danny didn’t know what to choose! He fell asleep, dreaming all night about Pokémon.
It was now morning. At Professor Oak’s lab, a Dodrio crowed like a rooster. Danny was holding the Voltorb clock in his hand. He was muttering in his sleep as he was dreaming about a gym battle. He then shouted, “GO, ODDISH!” and threw the Voltorb. It slammed against the wall with a loud crashing sound and fell to the ground, broken! The noise of the crash woke Danny up. “Oh no! I broke my clock! And the sun is really high!” He quickly got dressed, brushed his teeth, put on his favorite baseball-style cap, which was red and had a yellow “PKMN” in the center. He ran downstairs and met up his mom.
“I’m going over to Professor Oak’s lab to get my Pokémon!” he said excitedly.
“Yes, that is right. All boys leave someday. It said so on TV,” Danny’s mom said. “Professor Oak, next door, is looking for you.”
Danny ran down the road a bit, across the street (but he looked both ways) and into Professor Oak’s laboratory. There were a bunch of cheerleaders in the main lab, standing with Danny’s childhood rival, Butt Oak. Butt was Professor Oak’s grandson. The cheerleaders were chanting, “Go, Butt! He’s our man! If he can’t do it, no one can!”
“Excuse me!” Danny said, pushing through a couple of cheerleaders.
“Hey, watch where you’re going!” Butt shouted in his nasally voice. “Well, if it isn’t Danny!”
“Butt? What are you doing here?” Danny asked.
“MISTER Butt to you,” Butt sneered. “Show some respect! Well, it looks like we’re both late. Gramps isn’t around. I’m here cause he said he had a Pokémon for me!”
Danny said, “Well, I’m gonna go find him!” He zoomed out of the lab and went over to the roadway out of Pallet Town. There was tall grass ahead.
“Hey, wait!” a voice shouted. “Don’t go out!”
It was Professor Oak. He caught up to Danny and said, “That was close. Wild Pokémon live in tall grass.”
But then, at that moment, a wild Pikachu popped out of the bushes. It shouted, “Pika!”
“Not another Pikachu,” Oak said to himself. “Stand back!” He threw a Pokeball at the Pikachu and captured it. “Phew…” Then he told Danny, “A Pokémon can appear in tall grass at anytime. You need your own Pokémon for protection… I know! Here, come with me!” Danny followed Professor Oak back into the lab. They opened the door and stepped in.
Butt shouted at Oak, “Hey Gramps! I’m fed up with waiting!”
“Butt? What are you doing here?” Oak asked. “I thought I told you to come by later… oh, well…” He turned to Danny and began, “Over here, Danny, I have my Pokémon.” He pushed a button and a small platform rose on a machine. It held three Pokeballs with symbols on them.
“I thought about it for some time, but I think I will choose… Bulbasaur!” He grabbed the Pokeball with the leaf on it, and opened it. But it was empty!
Professor Oak said, “Already taken by someone who was on time.”
“Nuts… I guess I’ll go with Squirtle!” Danny opened the Pokeball with a water drop on it. That one was empty, too!
“That one was also taken,” Oak explained.
“Well, then I’ll take Charmander!” Danny was determined to have a Pokémon! He grabbed the last Pokeball, the one with a flame symbol on it. And of course, it was empty. “Darn it!”
Oak said, “The early bird gets the worm… or in this case, the Pokémon!”
“Does this mean all of them are gone?” Danny said, sounding a bit upset.
“Well, there is still one left.” Professor Oak pushed another button and yet another Pokeball rose from the platform. “You may have it. Go on, take it!”
“Hey, Gramps!” Butt butted in. (Good pun, huh?) “What about me?”
Oak said, “Be patient, Butt. You can have one later.”
Danny went over to get the Pokeball, but Butt raced ahead of him and swiped it from him! “No way, Danny! I want this Pokémon!”
“Hey! I wanted that Pokémon!” As always, Danny was furious with Butt.
“Butt, what are you doing?” Professor Oak asked Butt.
Butt said excitedly, “Hey Gramps! I want this one!”
“Oh, all right. I was going to give you one anyway…” He then motioned Danny to come over. “Danny, come here. I want you to have this Pokémon.” He held up the Pokeball he used earlier to catch Pikachu. “I just caught it in the wild and it is not tame yet, I must say.”
Danny was anxious. “I HAVE to have a Pokémon!”
Oak handed the Pokeball over to Danny and said, “Well in that case, don’t say I didn’t warn you!”
The Pokeball opened, and bright lights flashed on and off, and when the lights faded, the Pikachu from earlier was standing next to Danny. “Pika-pi?”
“It’s name is Pikachu,” Oak explained.
Danny was pleased. “Oh, it’s so cute! It’s the best of all!” He picked up the Pokémon and said, “Hi, Pikachu!” But then the Pikachu began electrocuting Danny, who yelled, “YOWWWWW! IT HURTS!” Pikachu then stopped shocking Danny.
“It’s usually known as the ‘electric mouse,’” Professor Oak said, “It’s usually shy, but it can sometimes have an electrifying personality!”
“I see what you mean…” Danny said, lying on the ground. He then got up and prepared to leave the lab, but Butt stopped him.
“Wait, Danny! Let’s check out our Pokémon! Come on, I’ll take you on.” And so, before Danny knew it, he was in a Pokémon battle with his rival! “Go, Eevee!” Butt threw his Pokeball, and an Eevee popped out.
“You got an EEVEE?” Danny was surprised. “Well, Pikachu, go battle!”
Pikachu sent a small electric jolt at Danny, and then went into battle.
It was a bitter struggle, for Pikachu only knew Thundershock and Growl, and Eevee only knew Tackle and Tail Whip. But Pikachu eventually defeated its foe, and learned Tail Whip itself!
“YES!” Danny shouted. “I won my first Pokémon trainer battle!”
“What?” Butt was shocked. “Unbelievable! I picked the wrong Pokémon. OK, I’ll make my Pokémon fight to toughen it up! Danny, Gramps, smell ya later!” He and his cheerleaders left.
“Jerk,” Danny muttered to himself. Then he said to his new Pokémon, “Pikachu, go in your Pokeball!”
“What?” Professor Oak was surprised. “Would you look at that? It’s odd, but it appears that your Pikachu dislikes Pokeballs! Just let it follow you around to keep it happy. You can talk to it and see how it feels.”
“OK.” Danny then turned to Pikachu and said, “So Pikachu, how ya doing?”
“Pika…” Pikachu wasn’t really happy to see Danny.
Danny then exited the lab. Pikachu and Professor Oak followed him. A whole crowd was out there. His mom stepped out. “Oh, Danny, I am so proud of you! I brought all your things, including your sneakers and jeans, nice clean shirts and underwear, and your favorite snacks and some hot chocolate for those cold days but be careful not to burn yourself! And a pair of rubber gloves to do your laundry and a new clothesline to hang it out to dry, and some matches for campfires and your favorite books and some money to take care of yourself and… say, is that your Pokémon?” She looked at Pikachu.
“Yep! I am so happy!” Danny was pleased.
“But it looks a little… weird,” Danny’s mom said.
Pikachu didn’t like that insult. It growled, and then began shocking Danny and his mom!
“Those rubber gloves your mom packed will come in handy,” Professor Oak shouted over the electrical noise.
“OUUUUUUUUUCH! WHY?” Danny screamed painfully.
Oak explained, “Rubber blocks electricity!”
Pikachu finally stopped zapping Danny and his mom, whom both collapsed on the ground.
Danny got on his rubber gloves and ties the clothesline around his Pikachu as a leash. As he left Pallet Town, he noticed a dark-haired boy in pajamas running down the road. He was saying, “Squirtle… Bulbasaur… Charmander… one of them’s fine. Just save one for me!”
A bit later, Danny continued traveling down Route 1. He was still dragging Pikachu behind him on the clothesline. “Pikachu, are you gonna be like this the whole way?”
Pikachu said, “Pikachu.”
“Well, Pikachu,” he told his new Pokémon, “why don’t you open your mouth and tell me what’s wrong?”
Pikachu opened its mouth. In classic Anime fashion, a small picture of its open mouth appeared above Pikachu, and then disappeared.
Danny shook his head and said, “That’s not what I mean. Man, I sure wish I could understand the Pokémon language. Well, would it help if I got rid of the leash?” He untied the clothesline from around Pikachu, and took off the rubber gloves. “There. Is that better?”
“Pika…” the Pokémon replied.
Danny and Pikachu continued traveling through Route One and got past some Pidgey and Rattata. Eventually, they made it to Viridian City. Pikachu’s health was fine, but Danny needed to get some Pokéballs and other supplies. He went over to the Pokémon Mart, and then the clerk behind the desk said, “Hey, you come from Pallet Town?”
“Yeah… why do you ask?” Danny was puzzled.
“You know Professor Oak, right? His order came in. Will you take it to him?” the shopkeeper asked Danny.
“Sure, OK.”
As the shopkeeper handed the package to Danny, he said, “OK, say hi to Professor Oak for me!”
“Yeah, sure,” Danny said, leaving the mart.
Danny returned to Pallet Town yet again. He went over to Professor Oak’s lab and rang the bell. “Come in.” Danny entered, and greeted Professor Oak. “Ah, hello, Danny! How is that Pikachu?” Pikachu forced a big, phony smile, pleasing Oak. “Well, it seems to like you a lot. You must be talented as a Pokémon trainer!”
“I guess I am,” Danny said. “But the real reason I came here is this…” He held up the package.
“What? You have something for me?” Oak opened the box and took out a Pokéball that was colored green and yellow. “Ah! This is the custom Pokéball I ordered. Thank you!”
Suddenly, a familiar voice rang out. “HEY, GRAMPS!” Butt ran into the lab. His cheerleaders followed. “What did you call me for?”
“Oh, right! I have a request for you two,” Professor Oak said. “On the desk there is my latest invention, the Pokédex! It automatically records data on Pokémon you’ve seen or caught. It’s a high-tech encyclopedia! Danny, Butt, take these with you!” He handed them the Pokédexes. “They are both named ‘Dexter,’” Oak explained. “They also contain your ID data. You see, to make a complete guide on all the Pokémon in the world… that was my dream! But I’m too old! I can’t do it!” he said sadly. “So I want you to fulfill my dream for me. Get moving you two! This is a great undertaking in Pokémon history!”
“Alright Gramps! Leave it all to me!” Butt boasted. “Danny, I hate to say it, but I don’t need you. I know! I’ll borrow a town map from my sis! I’ll tell her not to lend you one, Danny! Ha-ha-ha!” He then ran out of the lab, his cheerleaders cheering.
Danny decided he needed a map. As he walked over to Butt’s house, he talked with Pikachu. “So, Pikachu, why don’t you want to get in your Pokéball? The Pokédex must have something about it.” He got it out and began pushing some buttons. “Ah, here we go!”
A robotic voice on the Pokédex said, “While being trained, a Pokémon usually stays inside its Pokéball.” A picture of a Pokéball appeared on the screen on the device. But then Pikachu pushed another button on the Pokédex, and it continued, “However, there are many exceptions. Several types of Pokémon hate being confined.”
“Ah, I see,” Danny said. “Well, off to Viridian City again!”
Danny rang the doorbell to Butt’s house. His beautiful sister, Daisy, answered. “Oh, hi, Danny. How are you doing?”
“Great. Professor Oak sent me on a Pokémon journey! I’m going to be a Pokémon master!” Danny said.
Daisy then said, “Grandpa asked you to run an errand? How lazy of him. Here, this will help you.” She handed him a town map.
“Thanks!” Danny was excited. “Now, Pikachu, let’s go!”
And once again, off they were to Viridian City. Once Danny got there, his Pikachu looked a little tired. “You know,” he said to himself, “I once heard that there were Pokémon Centers to heal tired or injured Pokémon. I think there’s one nearby…” He walked on until he finally got to the Pokémon Center. It was an interesting building. It was dome-shaped, and it had a bunch of glass windows on the top. Danny heard thunder rumbling. A storm was approaching! “Pikachu, we’d better go inside to take shelter from the rain.” They went in.
The Pokémon Center was a really nice-looking place. There were some cushioned benches and plenty of telephones. On the second story were some cots for Pokémon trainers to rest at. A computer was at one end of the center, and there were two desks. One had a woman wearing a white nurse’s outfit and hat with a red cross on it, and she had long red hair hanging in braids. A Chansey with a nurse hat stood next to the woman. The second desk was right near a door and another woman was standing there. Danny went over to the desk with the nurse. “Excuse me…” he began.
“Hello! Welcome to our Pokémon Center. We heal your Pokémon back to perfect health. I am the nurse here. Call me Joy. Shall I heal your Pokémon?”
“Uh, yes, please.” Danny handed her his Pikachu.
Nurse Joy took the Pikachu and said, “OK, we’ll take your Pokémon for a little bit.” She and the Chansey went into a room with the Pikachu. A door closed; it was white with a red cross on it. An LED sign with a white vaccination needle on a red background lit up. Danny paced a bit. 30 seconds later, the sign went out, and Nurse Joy exited the room with Pikachu, whom was feeling much better now. “Thank you. Your Pokémon are fighting fit!” She smiled and said, “We hope to see you again.”
“Thanks, Nurse Joy!” Danny said. A loud crack of thunder pierced the air! Rain began pouring outside. Danny then told Joy, “Looks like I’m not going anywhere for a while. Guess I’ll call Mom.”
He went over to a telephone and prepared to dial. But then, an announcement came over the PA systems. “ATTENTION, CITIZENS OF VIRIDIAN CITY! We have reports of Pokémon poachers in the vicinity! Be on the lookout for suspicious strangers!”
Danny looked concerned. “That doesn’t sound good…” he said. “Come on, Pikachu. Let’s go to the Pokémon Mart and buy some supplies!” He went there and bought plenty of Pokéballs, antidotes, potions and paralyze heals. “Now I am ready for anything!”
Pikachu smiled at him. “Pi, Pikachu!”
“Now it’s off to Viridian Forest!” Danny shouted out.
Chapter One:
Pikachu, Please!
Danny was playing with his Pokémon toys. He was make-believing he was battling Pokémon in a gym. He was excited because he was finally going to get his Pokémon Trainers license, and his first Pokémon the next morning! Danny picked up what looked like a Voltorb figure, and shouted, “Pokeball, go!”
A voice then interrupted, “Danny!” It was his mom. She caught the Voltorb figure, which was actually a clock. It opened to reveal the clock face, which read that it was 9:30 PM. “You should get ready for bed. Tomorrow is a big day!”
“You’re right,” Danny sighed. He was already in his pajamas. He also set his Voltorb clock on his nightstand, climbed into bed and snuggled up with his toy Bulbasaur.
He learned that in the morning, he would go over to the lab of Professor Oak, the world’s ultimate authority. His laboratory was not too far from their house. Danny lived with his mother and little brother in Pallet Town. Professor Oak had three Pokémon ready for trainers: Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. Danny didn’t know what to choose! He fell asleep, dreaming all night about Pokémon.
It was now morning. At Professor Oak’s lab, a Dodrio crowed like a rooster. Danny was holding the Voltorb clock in his hand. He was muttering in his sleep as he was dreaming about a gym battle. He then shouted, “GO, ODDISH!” and threw the Voltorb. It slammed against the wall with a loud crashing sound and fell to the ground, broken! The noise of the crash woke Danny up. “Oh no! I broke my clock! And the sun is really high!” He quickly got dressed, brushed his teeth, put on his favorite baseball-style cap, which was red and had a yellow “PKMN” in the center. He ran downstairs and met up his mom.
“I’m going over to Professor Oak’s lab to get my Pokémon!” he said excitedly.
“Yes, that is right. All boys leave someday. It said so on TV,” Danny’s mom said. “Professor Oak, next door, is looking for you.”
Danny ran down the road a bit, across the street (but he looked both ways) and into Professor Oak’s laboratory. There were a bunch of cheerleaders in the main lab, standing with Danny’s childhood rival, Butt Oak. Butt was Professor Oak’s grandson. The cheerleaders were chanting, “Go, Butt! He’s our man! If he can’t do it, no one can!”
“Excuse me!” Danny said, pushing through a couple of cheerleaders.
“Hey, watch where you’re going!” Butt shouted in his nasally voice. “Well, if it isn’t Danny!”
“Butt? What are you doing here?” Danny asked.
“MISTER Butt to you,” Butt sneered. “Show some respect! Well, it looks like we’re both late. Gramps isn’t around. I’m here cause he said he had a Pokémon for me!”
Danny said, “Well, I’m gonna go find him!” He zoomed out of the lab and went over to the roadway out of Pallet Town. There was tall grass ahead.
“Hey, wait!” a voice shouted. “Don’t go out!”
It was Professor Oak. He caught up to Danny and said, “That was close. Wild Pokémon live in tall grass.”
But then, at that moment, a wild Pikachu popped out of the bushes. It shouted, “Pika!”
“Not another Pikachu,” Oak said to himself. “Stand back!” He threw a Pokeball at the Pikachu and captured it. “Phew…” Then he told Danny, “A Pokémon can appear in tall grass at anytime. You need your own Pokémon for protection… I know! Here, come with me!” Danny followed Professor Oak back into the lab. They opened the door and stepped in.
Butt shouted at Oak, “Hey Gramps! I’m fed up with waiting!”
“Butt? What are you doing here?” Oak asked. “I thought I told you to come by later… oh, well…” He turned to Danny and began, “Over here, Danny, I have my Pokémon.” He pushed a button and a small platform rose on a machine. It held three Pokeballs with symbols on them.
“I thought about it for some time, but I think I will choose… Bulbasaur!” He grabbed the Pokeball with the leaf on it, and opened it. But it was empty!
Professor Oak said, “Already taken by someone who was on time.”
“Nuts… I guess I’ll go with Squirtle!” Danny opened the Pokeball with a water drop on it. That one was empty, too!
“That one was also taken,” Oak explained.
“Well, then I’ll take Charmander!” Danny was determined to have a Pokémon! He grabbed the last Pokeball, the one with a flame symbol on it. And of course, it was empty. “Darn it!”
Oak said, “The early bird gets the worm… or in this case, the Pokémon!”
“Does this mean all of them are gone?” Danny said, sounding a bit upset.
“Well, there is still one left.” Professor Oak pushed another button and yet another Pokeball rose from the platform. “You may have it. Go on, take it!”
“Hey, Gramps!” Butt butted in. (Good pun, huh?) “What about me?”
Oak said, “Be patient, Butt. You can have one later.”
Danny went over to get the Pokeball, but Butt raced ahead of him and swiped it from him! “No way, Danny! I want this Pokémon!”
“Hey! I wanted that Pokémon!” As always, Danny was furious with Butt.
“Butt, what are you doing?” Professor Oak asked Butt.
Butt said excitedly, “Hey Gramps! I want this one!”
“Oh, all right. I was going to give you one anyway…” He then motioned Danny to come over. “Danny, come here. I want you to have this Pokémon.” He held up the Pokeball he used earlier to catch Pikachu. “I just caught it in the wild and it is not tame yet, I must say.”
Danny was anxious. “I HAVE to have a Pokémon!”
Oak handed the Pokeball over to Danny and said, “Well in that case, don’t say I didn’t warn you!”
The Pokeball opened, and bright lights flashed on and off, and when the lights faded, the Pikachu from earlier was standing next to Danny. “Pika-pi?”
“It’s name is Pikachu,” Oak explained.
Danny was pleased. “Oh, it’s so cute! It’s the best of all!” He picked up the Pokémon and said, “Hi, Pikachu!” But then the Pikachu began electrocuting Danny, who yelled, “YOWWWWW! IT HURTS!” Pikachu then stopped shocking Danny.
“It’s usually known as the ‘electric mouse,’” Professor Oak said, “It’s usually shy, but it can sometimes have an electrifying personality!”
“I see what you mean…” Danny said, lying on the ground. He then got up and prepared to leave the lab, but Butt stopped him.
“Wait, Danny! Let’s check out our Pokémon! Come on, I’ll take you on.” And so, before Danny knew it, he was in a Pokémon battle with his rival! “Go, Eevee!” Butt threw his Pokeball, and an Eevee popped out.
“You got an EEVEE?” Danny was surprised. “Well, Pikachu, go battle!”
Pikachu sent a small electric jolt at Danny, and then went into battle.
It was a bitter struggle, for Pikachu only knew Thundershock and Growl, and Eevee only knew Tackle and Tail Whip. But Pikachu eventually defeated its foe, and learned Tail Whip itself!
“YES!” Danny shouted. “I won my first Pokémon trainer battle!”
“What?” Butt was shocked. “Unbelievable! I picked the wrong Pokémon. OK, I’ll make my Pokémon fight to toughen it up! Danny, Gramps, smell ya later!” He and his cheerleaders left.
“Jerk,” Danny muttered to himself. Then he said to his new Pokémon, “Pikachu, go in your Pokeball!”
“What?” Professor Oak was surprised. “Would you look at that? It’s odd, but it appears that your Pikachu dislikes Pokeballs! Just let it follow you around to keep it happy. You can talk to it and see how it feels.”
“OK.” Danny then turned to Pikachu and said, “So Pikachu, how ya doing?”
“Pika…” Pikachu wasn’t really happy to see Danny.
Danny then exited the lab. Pikachu and Professor Oak followed him. A whole crowd was out there. His mom stepped out. “Oh, Danny, I am so proud of you! I brought all your things, including your sneakers and jeans, nice clean shirts and underwear, and your favorite snacks and some hot chocolate for those cold days but be careful not to burn yourself! And a pair of rubber gloves to do your laundry and a new clothesline to hang it out to dry, and some matches for campfires and your favorite books and some money to take care of yourself and… say, is that your Pokémon?” She looked at Pikachu.
“Yep! I am so happy!” Danny was pleased.
“But it looks a little… weird,” Danny’s mom said.
Pikachu didn’t like that insult. It growled, and then began shocking Danny and his mom!
“Those rubber gloves your mom packed will come in handy,” Professor Oak shouted over the electrical noise.
“OUUUUUUUUUCH! WHY?” Danny screamed painfully.
Oak explained, “Rubber blocks electricity!”
Pikachu finally stopped zapping Danny and his mom, whom both collapsed on the ground.
Danny got on his rubber gloves and ties the clothesline around his Pikachu as a leash. As he left Pallet Town, he noticed a dark-haired boy in pajamas running down the road. He was saying, “Squirtle… Bulbasaur… Charmander… one of them’s fine. Just save one for me!”
A bit later, Danny continued traveling down Route 1. He was still dragging Pikachu behind him on the clothesline. “Pikachu, are you gonna be like this the whole way?”
Pikachu said, “Pikachu.”
“Well, Pikachu,” he told his new Pokémon, “why don’t you open your mouth and tell me what’s wrong?”
Pikachu opened its mouth. In classic Anime fashion, a small picture of its open mouth appeared above Pikachu, and then disappeared.
Danny shook his head and said, “That’s not what I mean. Man, I sure wish I could understand the Pokémon language. Well, would it help if I got rid of the leash?” He untied the clothesline from around Pikachu, and took off the rubber gloves. “There. Is that better?”
“Pika…” the Pokémon replied.
Danny and Pikachu continued traveling through Route One and got past some Pidgey and Rattata. Eventually, they made it to Viridian City. Pikachu’s health was fine, but Danny needed to get some Pokéballs and other supplies. He went over to the Pokémon Mart, and then the clerk behind the desk said, “Hey, you come from Pallet Town?”
“Yeah… why do you ask?” Danny was puzzled.
“You know Professor Oak, right? His order came in. Will you take it to him?” the shopkeeper asked Danny.
“Sure, OK.”
As the shopkeeper handed the package to Danny, he said, “OK, say hi to Professor Oak for me!”
“Yeah, sure,” Danny said, leaving the mart.
Danny returned to Pallet Town yet again. He went over to Professor Oak’s lab and rang the bell. “Come in.” Danny entered, and greeted Professor Oak. “Ah, hello, Danny! How is that Pikachu?” Pikachu forced a big, phony smile, pleasing Oak. “Well, it seems to like you a lot. You must be talented as a Pokémon trainer!”
“I guess I am,” Danny said. “But the real reason I came here is this…” He held up the package.
“What? You have something for me?” Oak opened the box and took out a Pokéball that was colored green and yellow. “Ah! This is the custom Pokéball I ordered. Thank you!”
Suddenly, a familiar voice rang out. “HEY, GRAMPS!” Butt ran into the lab. His cheerleaders followed. “What did you call me for?”
“Oh, right! I have a request for you two,” Professor Oak said. “On the desk there is my latest invention, the Pokédex! It automatically records data on Pokémon you’ve seen or caught. It’s a high-tech encyclopedia! Danny, Butt, take these with you!” He handed them the Pokédexes. “They are both named ‘Dexter,’” Oak explained. “They also contain your ID data. You see, to make a complete guide on all the Pokémon in the world… that was my dream! But I’m too old! I can’t do it!” he said sadly. “So I want you to fulfill my dream for me. Get moving you two! This is a great undertaking in Pokémon history!”
“Alright Gramps! Leave it all to me!” Butt boasted. “Danny, I hate to say it, but I don’t need you. I know! I’ll borrow a town map from my sis! I’ll tell her not to lend you one, Danny! Ha-ha-ha!” He then ran out of the lab, his cheerleaders cheering.
Danny decided he needed a map. As he walked over to Butt’s house, he talked with Pikachu. “So, Pikachu, why don’t you want to get in your Pokéball? The Pokédex must have something about it.” He got it out and began pushing some buttons. “Ah, here we go!”
A robotic voice on the Pokédex said, “While being trained, a Pokémon usually stays inside its Pokéball.” A picture of a Pokéball appeared on the screen on the device. But then Pikachu pushed another button on the Pokédex, and it continued, “However, there are many exceptions. Several types of Pokémon hate being confined.”
“Ah, I see,” Danny said. “Well, off to Viridian City again!”
Danny rang the doorbell to Butt’s house. His beautiful sister, Daisy, answered. “Oh, hi, Danny. How are you doing?”
“Great. Professor Oak sent me on a Pokémon journey! I’m going to be a Pokémon master!” Danny said.
Daisy then said, “Grandpa asked you to run an errand? How lazy of him. Here, this will help you.” She handed him a town map.
“Thanks!” Danny was excited. “Now, Pikachu, let’s go!”
And once again, off they were to Viridian City. Once Danny got there, his Pikachu looked a little tired. “You know,” he said to himself, “I once heard that there were Pokémon Centers to heal tired or injured Pokémon. I think there’s one nearby…” He walked on until he finally got to the Pokémon Center. It was an interesting building. It was dome-shaped, and it had a bunch of glass windows on the top. Danny heard thunder rumbling. A storm was approaching! “Pikachu, we’d better go inside to take shelter from the rain.” They went in.
The Pokémon Center was a really nice-looking place. There were some cushioned benches and plenty of telephones. On the second story were some cots for Pokémon trainers to rest at. A computer was at one end of the center, and there were two desks. One had a woman wearing a white nurse’s outfit and hat with a red cross on it, and she had long red hair hanging in braids. A Chansey with a nurse hat stood next to the woman. The second desk was right near a door and another woman was standing there. Danny went over to the desk with the nurse. “Excuse me…” he began.
“Hello! Welcome to our Pokémon Center. We heal your Pokémon back to perfect health. I am the nurse here. Call me Joy. Shall I heal your Pokémon?”
“Uh, yes, please.” Danny handed her his Pikachu.
Nurse Joy took the Pikachu and said, “OK, we’ll take your Pokémon for a little bit.” She and the Chansey went into a room with the Pikachu. A door closed; it was white with a red cross on it. An LED sign with a white vaccination needle on a red background lit up. Danny paced a bit. 30 seconds later, the sign went out, and Nurse Joy exited the room with Pikachu, whom was feeling much better now. “Thank you. Your Pokémon are fighting fit!” She smiled and said, “We hope to see you again.”
“Thanks, Nurse Joy!” Danny said. A loud crack of thunder pierced the air! Rain began pouring outside. Danny then told Joy, “Looks like I’m not going anywhere for a while. Guess I’ll call Mom.”
He went over to a telephone and prepared to dial. But then, an announcement came over the PA systems. “ATTENTION, CITIZENS OF VIRIDIAN CITY! We have reports of Pokémon poachers in the vicinity! Be on the lookout for suspicious strangers!”
Danny looked concerned. “That doesn’t sound good…” he said. “Come on, Pikachu. Let’s go to the Pokémon Mart and buy some supplies!” He went there and bought plenty of Pokéballs, antidotes, potions and paralyze heals. “Now I am ready for anything!”
Pikachu smiled at him. “Pi, Pikachu!”
“Now it’s off to Viridian Forest!” Danny shouted out.