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My Want List (Come in you might have what I'm looking for :D)


Aug 1, 2010
Reaction score
Hey people of Bulbagarden, here is my pokemon want list. Please note that all the pokemons on the list are wanted as shinies.

I don't want hacked pokemons.
I don't care about cloned with an Action replay, but please don't offer any pokesaved/hacked pokes.
RNG is fine.
I clone my pokemons with an Action Replay, if this pose a problem to you, don't even bother posting.

Now the list itself:

I am willing to give 2 of any of my pokemons for these since i really need them.

My Pokes:


UT LVL 1 Duskull(Not the Egg moves Flawless one)
UT LVL 1 Beldum
UT LVL 1 Adamant Swablu
UT LVL 1 Adamant Trapinch
LVL 16 Gastly
UT LVL 1 Larvitar
UT LVL 1 Eevee
UT LVL 1 Drifloon
UT LVL 1 Charmander
UT LVL 1 Teddiursa
UT LVL 1 Bulbasaur
UT LVL 1 Bagon
LVL 18 Oddish
LVL 20 Tangela
UT LVL 1 Jolly Hoppip
UT LVL 1 Jolly Extreme Speed Dratini
UT LVL 1 Skorupi
Shuppet: (Shiny) (M)
Nature: Brave
Ability: Frisk
IV's: 23/18/27/29/29/18
Move Set: Shadow Ball/Thunder/Knock Off/Embargo
OT: Si! ...P...
Gligar: (Shiny) (F) UT
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Hyper Cutter
IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Move Set: Poison Sting/Baton Pass/Agility/Double-Edge
OT: Gabe
Staryu: (Shiny) (UT)
Nature: Timid
Ability: Natural Cure
IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Move Set: Tackle/Harden
OT: Enosh
Tolanator's Corsola
UT Lvl 1 Sneasel
UT Lvl 3 Dunsparce
UT lvl 3 Nidoran (Female)
UT lvl 1 Ralts (Male)
UT lvl 1 Porygon
UT lvl 1 adamant Shellder
UT lvl 1 adamant Swinub
UT lvl 1 timid Psyduck
UT lvl 1 Slugma
Near Flawless( I Dont Know The IVs)Timid Roselia With:
-Leaf storm
-Sleep powder

Flawless Impish Duskull With:
-Night Shade
-Pain Split
+ Reaper Cloth

Shinies RNG'ed by pikuffy OT PENIS From 1 of his Giveaways All Are Males And UT

Nature: Bold Ability: Torrent
Hidden Power: Dark (70) Location: Pallet Town
IVs: 31 HP | 31 Atk | 31 Def | 31 SpA | 31 SDef | 31 Spd
Aqua Jet, Flail, Aqua Ring, Yawn

Nature: Adamant Ability: Torrent
Hidden Power: Dark (70) Location: New Bark Town
IVs: 31 HP | 31 Atk | 31 Def | 31 SpA | 31 SDef | 31 Spd
Leer, Crunch, Water Sport, Aqua Jet

Nature: Careful Ability: Torrent
Hidden Power: Dark (70) Location: Cerulean City
IVs: 31 HP | 31 Atk | 31 Def | 31 SpA | 31 SDef | 31 Spd
Mirror Coat, Curse, Refresh, Ancient Power

Nature: Modest Ability: Torrent
Hidden Power: Dark (70) Location: Mahogany Town
IVs: 31 HP | 31 Atk | 31 Def | 31 SpA | 31 SDef | 31 Spd
Agility, Flail, Aqua Ring, Yawn

UT FAL2010 Mew
UT SMR2010 Jirachi
UT 10 Aniv Celebi
UT Pikachu Colored Pichu(The Events Unlocking In HG/SS) With Everstone
UT movie 10 Celebi
Japanese pikachu (satoshi's pikachu?)
WIN2011 Entei
WIN2011 Suicune
WIN2011 Raikou
WIN2011 Celebi
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I tried adding one in for you, but it wouldn't work for me either. You'll just have to leave it without a spoiler, I'm afraid. I'll see if I can work out what the problem is.

Edit: There's a technical problem on the forum that has broken all spoilers. So you'll have to do without one for now, sorry.
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nah, a shiny eevee is worth it for me in exchange for the five. I am happy to throw in egg moves for some of them too
Really?.. Wow i guess you're just awesome :D When do you think you will be available to trade?
Looks like I've been beaten to it, I'd be able to get you all of these bar Glaceon and Rotom if he can't breed with Ditto.
Looks like I've been beaten to it, I'd be able to get you all of these bar Glaceon and Rotom if he can't breed with Ditto.

I think i already had a deal with him, so it's not really respective from you to come in and try to steal the deal (Hijack).. If it appears he can't trade then i will accept your offer but for now the deal is to him.
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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