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Mystery Dungeon question

If you have the Friend Bow, it helps. Also, the level of your Starter pokemon should be quite high. Other than that, I don't know...

A question of my own: Where does one find Feebas in Red version?
well since I'm here i might as well answer, from what i hear and from what i have experienced, it seems starting at level 30 the higher the level of your Pokemon the higher the chance of recruiting, don't forget friend bow increases the recruitment chance by 10%

oh and feebas are found in waterfall pond starting floors 16-19 in red
Thanks a lot! ^^

Do you know where I might acquire the item Trap Scarf?

after MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH research i found out that you can only find it as a buried item :(, buried items are items that are stuck INSIDE of walls and you can only get them by destroying the walls and since i don't know how to i cant really help you but i do know that its a buried item in Far-off Sea so um good luck... o_O
Ahh... all right, I'll keep that in mind. *Goes to find a pokemon that can learn Rock Smash*

So, yet another question (sorry people), after you get the Music Box, is finding Mew totally random, or is there a way to help the encounter rate?
well i'm pretty sure it's random. But i think if you're "lucky" enough to run into a monster house after 36F, there's a pretty high chance you'll spot mew. This is because the monster house spawns a whole slew of random pokes that can be found on that floor (which in this case, includes mew.) Keep an eye out as it will use transorm and you're team members may KO it without you knowing. Also, I suppose you could hold in A+B and speed through turns to try and get one to spawn in a regular room.
Don't bother with Rock Smash, get Super Mobile so you can smash walls for free. Super Mobile is the final IQ skill.

On recruiting:
Your leader MUST perform the final blow. If the final blow doesn't produce EXP then I believe you can't recruit (like leech seed or poison).
The pokemon MUST be adjacent to you in order to be recruited.
L30 and above pokes get a % bonus to recruiting, as well as the Friend Bow
Some pokemon have a negtive recruit rate, which means you MUST have a bonus.
Kecleon has the worst recruit rate, requiring a L90 poke with a Friend Bow to get above a 0% shot.
I would suggest having a lvl 90+ poke, friend bow (which is found on floor 30 at Faraway Mount. Key required) and hitting the target pokemon with not a move, but with a basic attack. I've found that if I finish them off that way, there's a lot higher chance of recruitment, especially with hard-to-get Legendaries, like Mew, the Beasts, and the birds.

As far as Mew goes, you have to have the music box with you on floors 36 and up. He appears only once on every floor aformentioned. Fortunately, I got him on the first try with using the strategy above. It was fun. ^-^
I was under the impression that Mew only appears on *one* floor of 36-99 in the Buried Relic and that it changes on each trip.
I was under the impression that Mew only appears on *one* floor of 36-99 in the Buried Relic and that it changes on each trip.

I've heard that Mew can appear once, and I've heard more than once as well (per trip to the Buried Relic)... I tend to escape if I knock it out.

On another note, remember that RANK affects your recruitment rate as well.
So aside from Mew, is there any point to Buried Relic? Or do you have to make it through the entire dungeon to get the little "GO" symbol off it on your dungeon list?
Hee. I just had this discussion elsewhere. XD;

It seems like, in the original JP games, Mew only appeared once-per-trip. But, from my experience with the US version, she can appear more than once in the same go (i.e: last time I was in there, she appeared in a Monster House on B60-something, and normally on B90-something).

So, I guess they changed it somewhere along the line.

Neku>> Yeah, you have to clear the whole thing to get rid of the 'GO'. ;^^ As for the 'point' of the dungeon beyond Mew, then... the Regi-trio, maybe? That's really all I've seen of value, in there.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, and the three HMs in the treasure rooms (at B45, 60, and 80). Forgot those.
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Boy, this will be fun, then. The furthest I've gotten without escaping/dying so far is B60F.
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