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Mystry's Mystical Trade Shop

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New Member
Apr 24, 2011
Reaction score
Hello everyone, and welcome to my trade thread!

Pokemon I am offering: (May be cloned)

Shiny Legendarys:
Shiny UT Lugia lvl. 45 (Caught in Soul Silver)
Shiny UT Groudon lvl. 50
Shiny NewMoon Islands Darkrai lvl. 100
New: Faraway Islands Jap Shiny Mew lvl. 30 UT

Shiny Events: (Uber rare, will only trade for multiple events/shinys)
Shiny UT WISHMKR Jirachi lvl.5
Shiny 10 ANIV Articuno lvl. 70

Event Pokemon:
UT WIN2011 Raikou lvl. 30
UT WIN2011 Suicune lvl. 30
UT WIN2011 Celebi lvl. 50
UT Japanese 10 Movie Celebi lvl. 50
UT ALAMOS Darkrai lvl. 50
UT ROCKS Metang lvl. 30
UT MYSTRY Mew lvl. 10
UT GAMESTP Pichu lvl. 30
UT TRU Arceus lvl. 100
UT HADOU Mew lvl. 10

Legendary Pokemon:
UT Regice lvl. 40
UT Regirock lvl. 40
UT Regsteel lvl. 40
UT Ho-oh lvl. 70 (Soul Silver)
Regigigas lvl. 71
Heatran lvl. 50
Mewtwo lvl. 78

Shiny Pokemon:
Japanese Sceptile lvl. 100
Sealeo lvl. 52
UT Growlithe lvl. 1
UT Charmander lvl .1
UT Squirtle lvl. 1
UT Bulbasaur lvl. 1
UT Beldum lvl. 1
UT Vulpix lvl. 1
UT Porygon lvl. 1
UT Staryu lvl. 1
UT Lapras lvl. 1

My wants:
UT 2003-2009 Events as well as UT shiny Pokemon. Reply here with what you are interested in and what you have to offer! I also ask that you do not spam me with offers, give it time.

Note: Users who reply/PM me about trades Here will be first served. Please also note that I only trade 4th Gen, strictly no 5th Gen trades.

Some Pokemon can also be cloned, so try not to argue in my thread.

Thank you.
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Just thought I'd bump this thread and say that It's officially open. I'll be adding more Pokemon to the offering list tonight.
hello, a good offering thread you have. I would be very interested in that charmander you have. do u have a channel jirachi?
hello, a good offering thread you have. I would be very interested in that charmander you have. do u have a channel jirachi?

Thank you! That's great, we can sort something out for the Charmander, what do you have to offer?

Sorry, but I don't have a Channel Jirachi at the moment, however I do have a pending trade for one over the weekend, so I'll let you know if It it goes through.
ok, I do have a few ranger events if thats of any use to you, (manaphy egg, ranger riolu, (has bullet punch) a few others...
ok, I do have a few ranger events if thats of any use to you, (manaphy egg, ranger riolu, (has bullet punch) a few others...

I'd be really interested in the Ranger Manaphy Egg. If that's okay with you, of course.
My FC: 0346 9496 9709. Give me yours and let me know when you would like to trade, thanks.
I can offer a legit jolly rnged shiny trapinch ut special thanks to Blaizevoir
Rash Nature
May 19, 2007
Arrived at lvl. 10

Quick to flee.
Likes dry food.
Sorry,I already have the exact same one :(,but I do however take interest in your Shiny Wishmkr Jirachi. Please check my thread and tell me what you want for it(link is in the signature).
Sorry,I already have the exact same one :(,but I do however take interest in your Shiny Wishmkr Jirachi. Please check my thread and tell me what you want for it(link is in the signature).

No worries, yeah It seems to be mass-cloned.
Is there any way I could get the following for the Shiny Jirachi: TRU Regigigas, TRU Shaymin.
Sorry if it sounds like a lot, but there's not much I trade him for.

I want hadou mew interested?

Yeah sure, what's your FC? Mine's posted above.
No worries, yeah It seems to be mass-cloned.
Is there any way I could get the following for the Shiny Jirachi: TRU Regigigas, TRU Shaymin.
Sorry if it sounds like a lot, but there's not much I trade him for.

Yeah sure, what's your FC? Mine's posted above.

Can't trade now but anyway my fc Kurt 5329 1101 2036
No worries, yeah It seems to be mass-cloned.
Is there any way I could get the following for the Shiny Jirachi: TRU Regigigas, TRU Shaymin.
Sorry if it sounds like a lot, but there's not much I trade him for.
It's fine,you mentioned it in your first post anyways.I am currently not available for trade since I have to go to bed already. There are also over mass-cloned of other pokemon like Mild TRU Shaymin,Hardy TRU Arceus,Hasty Gamestop Jirachi. You may want to try to avoid these,I'll PM you their details tomorrow.
thanks for the trade, will most likely be back :D

Anytime, and thank you too.

Can't trade now but anyway my fc Kurt 5329 1101 2036

No worries, PM me when you're ready.

It's fine,you mentioned it in your first post anyways.I am currently not available for trade since I have to go to bed already.

Great, no worries. PM me you FC and I'll message you when I wake up to work out a time.

Actually, I have an rngd absol nicknamed daichi, could I trade u that in exchange for bulbasaur?

Yeah no problem, I can't trade now as I'm in desperate need of sleep. I'll be on around this time tomorrow (probably a lot earlier, but will be here through to this time). I'll PM you when I get on.
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