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NASA Telescope Discovers Planet In Livable Conditions

If there's any kind of intelligent being living there, hope they never have to meet us.
Ah, good, that means I don't have to terraform Mars incase Humans wipe out animal life on Earth with their nukes.

I'm sorry but WHY is it people immediately seem to get the idea a sentient race will ALWAYS have a humanoid look? If there are any set requirements for a sentient race, a body style that is just like a human's is NOT one of them. All those lifeforms seen in most shows are all based on earth animals as well. if you want the REAL way they would appear, give a Discovery Channel special called Alien Planet a look, or just look into the book it's based on called Expedition. All of the aliens present in both are truely unique compared to what's seen on Earth.
I think we have no idea even if there is life there much less intelligent life. I would not expect Humanoid creatures. It would probably be quite different than creatures on Earth. They have to prove life can exist there and actually find it. They discovered a planet they think is suitable for life. They do not yet know if thats true.
I'm sorry but WHY is it people immediately seem to get the idea a sentient race will ALWAYS have a humanoid look? If there are any set requirements for a sentient race, a body style that is just like a human's is NOT one of them. All those lifeforms seen in most shows are all based on earth animals as well. if you want the REAL way they would appear, give a Discovery Channel special called Alien Planet a look, or just look into the book it's based on called Expedition. All of the aliens present in both are truely unique compared to what's seen on Earth.

Blame Star Trek for that, even if it they had budgetary restrictions. I whould expect that anything humanoid in shape whould be the decendents of us humans either through natural adaptation and/or genetic engineering. Though, if We Humans did eventually meet aliens, they most likely be more alien then TV Shows actually percieve them as.
Ah, good, that means I don't have to terraform Mars incase Humans wipe out animal life on Earth with their nukes.

I'm sorry but WHY is it people immediately seem to get the idea a sentient race will ALWAYS have a humanoid look? If there are any set requirements for a sentient race, a body style that is just like a human's is NOT one of them. All those lifeforms seen in most shows are all based on earth animals as well. if you want the REAL way they would appear, give a Discovery Channel special called Alien Planet a look, or just look into the book it's based on called Expedition. All of the aliens present in both are truely unique compared to what's seen on Earth.

Humanity is not going to wipe out all animal life on the planet, especially with the various animal activism groups out there to defend all the endangered animal species, Sci-Fi writers seem to constantly forget about a small thing called "evolution", meaning that even when humanity is gone, there will still be life on Earth that will evolve to take our place, whether it's alien colonists or anthropomorphic animals that evolved from our modern day wildlife (or aliens that look like anthropomorphic animals, after all, the term "outer space" is very close to "otter space")

To be honest, there are infinite posibilities out there in the universe, for instance, there may be a planet inhabited entirely by talking dogs, or a planet inhabited entirely by transforming robots divided into two warring factions (Transformers anyone?), Star Trek's aliens are simply described as "aliens that happened to evolve into humanoid forms", with the exception of such creatures such as tribbles ,the makers of "Alien Planet" were more imaginative with their aliens, heck, just look at the Green Lantern Corps in DC comics, they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, not just strictly humanoids and humanoids alone...
Humanity is not going to wipe out all animal life on the planet, especially with the various animal activism groups out there to defend all the endangered animal species, Sci-Fi writers seem to constantly forget about a small thing called "evolution", meaning that even when humanity is gone, there will still be life on Earth that will evolve to take our place, whether it's alien colonists or anthropomorphic animals that evolved from our modern day wildlife (or aliens that look like anthropomorphic animals, after all, the term "outer space" is very close to "otter space")

There can't be an evolutionary process if every single living being on Earth has been wiped out.
There can't be an evolutionary process if every single living being on Earth has been wiped out.

Yeah, humans won't be able to wipe out every single living being now or in the foreseen future. From what little we know of life, we already have some interesting creatures. Tardigrades can withstand high radiation (some were able to reproduce viable offspring after being subjected to full solar radiation!), the vacuum of space, temperatures near absolute zero, and high temperatures, plus they can be found all over the earth. The archea, Thermococcus gammatolerans can withstand radiation up to 30,000 Gy (we die at 4-10), plus they live in hydrothermal vents. There is simply no way we humans can wipe out all life when we have these extremophiles running around, happily eating and living under our feet.
This is genuinely interesting but I sincerely hope we don't gain access to it. Why? Because humans don't know how to look after planets, that's why. Overpopulation or not I pray we don't set foot on that planet in any way until we can learn not to be so disruptive and destructive.
Good grief, misanthropy seems to be ridiculously popular these days...
This is awesome, but why does it have to be so far away? ;_; I wish it could have just switched places with Proxima Centauri. Six hundred light years is an unrealistically far distance to travel. Still, it will be interesting to study it further from here. There's a surprising amount that astronomers can learn about distant planets.
I can't believe the people on here are hating on us humans ironically they are human as well the Earth is a self staining planet which means it can repair itself without the need of interference i mean we are the first species in Earths history that can leave the planet i would love to explore other worlds and study other species so calm down people and what if we discovered a huge galactic community of other space traveling beings that would be awesome so drop the hippie crap and think of the fun we can have with this.
I can't believe the people on here are hating on us humans ironically they are human as well the Earth is a self staining planet which means it can repair itself without the need of interference

It can "repair" itself? That is really dependent on exactly how bad state it is to begin with. Of course, we're not there, nor do we need a new planet to move to anytime in the future the way I see it.
However, that Earth can repair itself from human damages with us still being around, that would take quite a drastic shift in, well, our population and/or our technology. It's certainly not in what could be called great shape, and it's not about to start repairing itself any time soon.

At the moment, this is a fun discovery. Doubt it'll mean anything new that we don't know already though, but let's wait and see.
I'm really excited for the moment we actually do discover alien life. I'm also terrified of what humanity might do with it, but I'm hoping for the best. Or at least that whoever is involved with it has at least read the Ender's Game series so we don't fuck up too badly.

Also, I sincerely hope we don't call the new planet "Goldilocks." Haha
I hope nobody is living there because my grandchildren will probably be on a colonization ship since we have already ruined or planet. And on the subject of aliens, I think they will be different in ways we can't even comprehend. I mean a different species, that can be way deeper than most people may think.
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
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