I have plenty of pokemon or maby another item,
Also need leftovers.
Level 25 Adamant Male Aerodactyl with Scary Face, Roar, Agility, Ancient Power
Level 20 Naive Male Jolteon
Level 50 Lonely Male Blaziken with Earthquake, Brave Bird, Flamethrower, Shadow Claw
Level 1 Female or Male Gible with Outrage, Fireblast
Level 37 Docile Male Pineco with Spikes, Payback, Explosion, Rapid Spin (If requested)
Level 80 Sassy Cofagrigus with Shadow Ball, Psychic, Will-O-Wisp, Calm Mind
Level 42 Sassy Cobalion with caught moves
Ask for a specific pokemon if wanted ill see what i have.
Also need leftovers.
Level 25 Adamant Male Aerodactyl with Scary Face, Roar, Agility, Ancient Power
Level 20 Naive Male Jolteon
Level 50 Lonely Male Blaziken with Earthquake, Brave Bird, Flamethrower, Shadow Claw
Level 1 Female or Male Gible with Outrage, Fireblast
Level 37 Docile Male Pineco with Spikes, Payback, Explosion, Rapid Spin (If requested)
Level 80 Sassy Cofagrigus with Shadow Ball, Psychic, Will-O-Wisp, Calm Mind
Level 42 Sassy Cobalion with caught moves
Ask for a specific pokemon if wanted ill see what i have.
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