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Need help from Masters of the Code ^-^()

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The RPG Doc
May 23, 2005
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Im not sure if this is the right place for this but I dont know where else I can ask ^-^()

Recently I got a template code for a livejournal thing, and I edited it to fit with my journal but there are a few things that are messed up that I dont know how to fix ^-^()

1)The scroll bar on the right side, I dont know the code for making it out of the way and the same color scheme as the rest of my journal.
2) I like how my journal box is transparent but I dont know how to get it to be all the way on the right or left without making pieces of my text disappear off the edge.
3) I dont know how to change the text color, and I dont know the code for making the 'mood' and 'music' say something else (like Senses Swim or Rhythm of the night like I had before)
4) When I dont journal cut some quizzes they float to the top of my page (like on my friends page right now x.x)

I know this is probably simple stuff but I dont really know a whole lot of HTML except for the VERY basic stuff like links and image stuff ^-^() Theres probably other things that got messed up that I dont know about too. I can send anyone willing to help the code I have in there now so they can see what I did ^-^() the link for the actual thing is here.
Can anyone help???
Ooooh! I get to help you!

1) body {










Make sure you have that in your CSS ^^ Change the colors though.

2) <div align="right">TEXT</div> You can switch that to left of course too

3) No clue =/

4) Not sure what you mean...example?
For #3, that should be somewhere in the overrides.

As for the code that Paul gave ya, remember that scrollbars only get colored in IE.
Ya XD FireFox can't touch scroll bars =/

BTW- Your CSS is screwed on your layout =D There's two </style>, and your scrollbar colors are in the second one.
Thanks ^-^ For an example of #4 go here. Im not sure if its just my computer or not, but someone took a quiz and put the code into their lj, and on my friends page instead of it being in their entry it floats to the top of the page overlapping other peoples entries. I could post screenshots if you need me to.
Sorry for posting again but I tried it and it didnt work ;.; So Im going to post the code I had in there so you can see what is making it the way it is and probably fix it better than what I tried to do ^-^()

<meta content="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Iris(duration=5,irisStyle=star)" http-equiv="Page-Enter">
<meta content="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Iris(duration=5,irisStyle=star)" http-equiv="Page-Exit">
<style type="text/css">

TABLE {WIDTH: 350px; overflow-x:hidden; color:transparent; face:times;}
TABLE TABLE {WIDTH: 90%; overflow-x:hidden; color:transparent; face:times;}
TABLE TABLE TABLE {WIDTH: 90px; overflow-x:hidden; color:transparent; face:times;}
TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE {WIDTH: 90%; overflow-x:hidden; color:transparent; face:times;}
DIV {OVERFLOW: auto; WIDTH: 30%; BOTTOM: 0%; BORDER-BOTTOM: 2px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 100px; right:150; WIDTH:800; HEIGHT: 325px; overflow-x:hidden; color:transparent; face:times new roman;}

TD {BACKGROUND: transparent; color:transparent; face:papyrus;}

BODY {overflow:hidden; color:transparent; face:comic sans ms;
scrollbar-DarkShadow-Color: transparent;
scrollbar-Track-Color: transparent;
scrollbar-Face-Color: transparent;
scrollbar-Shadow-Color: transparent;
scrollbar-3dLight-Color: transparent;
scrollbar-Highlight-Color: transparent;
scrollbar-Arrow-Color: fuschia;
font-family: comic sans ms;
font-size: 8px;
line-height: 10px;
BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent;
BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(http://www.angelfire.com/gundam/ssjbulma/images/summerjournal.txt);}

A:hover{background:url(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v54/FieryScarlett/Blinkies/gliter.gif); text-decoration:none;}


LASTN_TALK_READLINK=><A HREF="%%urlread%%">%%messagecount%% Howl%%mc-plural-s%%</A> <img src=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v359/VivienLeigh/ICONS/infostar-vi.gif>

<td align="right" colspan="2" width="100%" bgcolor="%%color:weak_back%%" class="comments">
%%readlink%%<a href="%%urlpost%%"><b>. .Sing</b>to the<i>sky. .</i></a>

FRIENDS_TALK_READLINK=><A HREF="%%urlread%%">%%messagecount%% Howl%%mc-plural-s%%</A> <img src=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v359/VivienLeigh/ICONS/infostar-vi.gif>

<P ALIGNMENT="RIGHT" CLASS="comments" WIDTH=100%><FONT FACE="Georgia,Georgia,Georgia"
SIZE=1>(%%readlink%%<A HREF="%%urlpost%%"><b>. .Sing</b>to the<i>sky. .</i></A>)</FONT></P>

DAY_TALK_READLINK=><P ALIGNMENT="RIGHT" WIDTH=100%><A HREF="%%urlread%%">%%messagecount%% Howl%%mc-plural-s%%</A> <img src=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v359/VivienLeigh/ICONS/infostar-vi.gif> </P>
That doesnt really solve my main problem of getting the scroll box off to one side without screwing up the whole thing but thanks anyway ^-^()

Still looking for someone who knows what theyre doing ^-^()
Do you have the link to what it was supposed to look like?

*doesn't think it was a particularly good layout anyway* o_O
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