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new company more dvd freedom?

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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2010
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an idea came with me awhile ago when black and white is competled and dvds releases are anncouned couldn't they release the team rocket vs team plasma episodes uncut on dvd even if they never air while 4kids never released some of the skipped kanto episodes or wishcash episode on dvd if they got them could it be possible that the pokemon company and viz might be able to do such a thing it a long shot but you never know anyone agree disagree i see people say thier dubbed months in advance while if this happens it will prove it.
People really need to stop being so concerned about the TR/TP episodes. We'll get them when we get them, and they'll be aired on TV. We aren't going to get them on DVD before they're aired. These episodes are too important to be skipped, we'll see what happens. In the mean time try actually enjoying the show and the episodes that are coming out. It hasn't lead to any huge plot holes yet, so deal with it.
It would all depend on whether or not the Japanese licensors let them; which is very unlikely. We know for a fact that they won't allow Electric Soldier Porygon due to it being banned by the Japanese government (4Kids did dub it). The Japanese licensors have much more control than we think; they even get to make the shots on what the foreign DVD cover art looks like! (Manga UK have referenced that particular point in their twitter when discussing why they sometimes sporadically change the cover art of some of their licensed anime).

Beauty & The Beach has only aired twice (and it was heavily edited), and has never been released on the various Kanto-era VHS and DVD releases. Also, it was never shown anywhere outside of Asia and the United States. The sexual references in the episode make it a no-no for a kid's show.

Holiday Hi-Jynx and The Ice Cave went unaired due to the focus on Jynx (and its controversial skin colour back then); such a paint edit to fix the colour would be too expensive for filler episodes - at least Lenora was an important character in Black & White. Other episodes with Jynx in them didn't have the Pokémon being important to the episode's plot. However, Holiday Hi-Jynx is still available on the previously released Kanto VHS/DVDs (and was aired in the UK). Dubbed copies of The Legend of Dratini do in fact exist, but the reason it wasn't aired in the first place was due to the overuse of firearms. Shaking Island Battle! Barboach vs Whiscash! was banned due to the prominance of earthquakes in the storyline, and the planned airing being just after an earthquake; and considering what went on earlier this year, I highly doubt we'll see this one.

Besides, aside from The Legend of Dratini and the Team Rocket vs Team Plasma two-parter, they're all filler episodes anyway. No big deal.

With the TRvTP 2-parter, TVTokyo have said they will re-air it at a later date; it's most likely that they are being edited to remove sensitive issues (y'know, unstable energy source...Fukishima etc etc).
Beauty & The Beach has only aired twice (and it was heavily edited), and has never been released on the various Kanto-era VHS and DVD releases. Also, it was never shown anywhere outside of Asia and the United States. The sexual references in the episode make it a no-no for a kid's show.

Bollocks. The episode was only aired twice in the US and never licensed for home release or foreign release because it was produced and aired as a TV special unrelated to any particular season. Licensees buy the show by season, if they wanted this episode they'd have to specifically request and pay for it as a separate product, something they had no interest in doing for obvious reasons (it's one episode, there's nothign they can do with it to make back the money they'd have to spend on it).

Holiday Hi-Jynx and The Ice Cave went unaired due to the focus on Jynx (and its controversial skin colour back then); such a paint edit to fix the colour would be too expensive for filler episodes - at least Lenora was an important character in Black & White. Other episodes with Jynx in them didn't have the Pokémon being important to the episode's plot. However, Holiday Hi-Jynx is still available on the previously released Kanto VHS/DVDs (and was aired in the UK).

Holiday Hi-Jynx was aired everywhere. It was later removed from a single channel's lineup in a single country because of complaints.
Bollocks. The episode was only aired twice in the US and never licensed for home release or foreign release because it was produced and aired as a TV special unrelated to any particular season. Licensees buy the show by season, if they wanted this episode they'd have to specifically request and pay for it as a separate product, something they had no interest in doing for obvious reasons (it's one episode, there's nothign they can do with it to make back the money they'd have to spend on it).
The previously released Christmas Night and Kanga Games were made a part of Pokémon Chronicles. If 4Kids wanted to, they could have placed Beauty and the Beach in there with it. Also, the lack of any other international broadcast can't be ignored. Bulbapedia may say that those specials had their television debuts with Chronicles, but they were previously released on a Pikachu's Winter Vacation VHS. I can't remember if Delibirds Dilemma and Snorlax Snowman were a part of that VHS (My copy of it has been in storage for years now), but I definitely remember Christmas Night and Kanga Games were on it. They could have also included Beauty and the Beach on a Kanto boxset, but they haven't.

Holiday Hi-Jynx was aired everywhere. It was later removed from a single channel's lineup in a single country because of complaints.
Shortly after it aired, it was pulled from rotation in the U.S. (At least that's what Bulbapedia says). However, as I said in my post, it has been made available via VHS, DVD, and on Cartoon Network Video as well. So it's status on Bulbapedia's banned page is questionable; but until another channel re-airs that season, it's hard to tell if it's a mere ban on television airings.
The previously released Christmas Night and Kanga Games were made a part of Pokémon Chronicles. If 4Kids wanted to, they could have placed Beauty and the Beach in there with it.

Quite correct, they could. I guess they just didn't want to, then.

Also, the lack of any other international broadcast can't be ignored.

I just said licensees purchase the series by season, and thus wouldn't end up with this not-part-of-any-season episode unless they specifically requested, and specifically paid extra for this 20-minute special episode, which all licensees would see as a complete waste of money. *bangs head against wall*

Bulbapedia may say that those specials had their television debuts with Chronicles, but they were previously released on a Pikachu's Winter Vacation VHS.

I don't think you know what "television debut" means.

I can't remember if Delibirds Dilemma and Snorlax Snowman were a part of that VHS

They weren't. Those were dubbed specifically for Chronicles.

They could have also included Beauty and the Beach on a Kanto boxset, but they haven't.

No, they couldn't do that without specifically licensing it, which they have no reason to do, because it's not going to make a change in sale numbers of those sets. Which I just said.

Shortly after it aired, it was pulled from rotation in the U.S. (At least that's what Bulbapedia says). However, as I said in my post, it has been made available via VHS, DVD, and on Cartoon Network Video as well. So it's status on Bulbapedia's banned page is questionable; but until another channel re-airs that season, it's hard to tell if it's a mere ban on television airings.

It's part of "season 2", and is available to all who license "season 2", DVD companies and TV channels alike. What some American TV channel decided to not air is up to them.

And Bulbapedia needs to learn what "banned" means.
Joshawott said:
We know for a fact that they won't allow Electric Soldier Porygon due to it being banned by the Japanese government (4Kids did dub it).

Dubbed copies of The Legend of Dratini do in fact exist, but the reason it wasn't aired in the first place was due to the overuse of firearms.

Yeah, there's no proof that either one of those have been dubbed. Please don't regurgitate bullshit Internet rumors here.

As for the topic at hand, I really don't think we'll have to wait that long because the episodes will be released before the end of Best Wishes!. Like GreatLiver said, people really need to stop obsessing over these two episodes.

I really see no reason to keep this thread open, so I'm closing it.
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