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New Effectiveness Calculator!


New Member
May 7, 2009
Reaction score
====>UPDATE: Completely new and improved!
see 4/28 post below

Hi all,

So, I've been doing a lot of random online battles since B/W came out. I found that using super effective moves is a major key to victory (duh, right?).

But, I cannot memorize the strengths/weaknesses of 649(?) Pokemon, and I got tired of searching for them on Bulbapedia over and over again, and scrolling down just to find what worked.

So, I created a quick and simple page in which you can reference type effectiveness for each Pokemon... even if you don't know their type off the top of your head!

I call it the "PKMN Effectiveness Calculator" and it is located here:

Needless to say, it's super effective... Enjoy!

Oh, and since it's brand new, I welcome bug-fix info and constructive criticism!
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after much discussion among the staff, we have deemed this thread within the rules. Continue as you will.
I find this would be very useful for some people.

All thought I have memorized type effectiveness for each Pokemon I still say this is useful!
first thought to reading the title : the games will connect to our minds so that effectiveness runs on how our logic runs.
After checking the calc: good work I'm gonna congrats the maker and who ever is gonna use it I'm gonna go back to minecraft!
there's not really much to discuss here unless you want criticism (nice stuff but seriously who can't remember what's super effective!?!)

if we had a thread with "useful pokemon sites" listed this would fit nicely in there but what can we talk about here???

also using Ctrl+F on the bulbapedia pokedex page is far quicker (just saying)

you wanna improve it? have the option to search in alphabetical order - that would speed it up a lot
thanks for the initial feedback!

I'm working on a downloadable EXE version of this widget that should render this one obsolete. Once the EXE is done you should be able to display 6 pokemon at a time so that you can reference your opponent's entire team on the fly.

I took a few courses in college on visual basic but that was a while ago. If anyone is an expert with that software feel free to PM me, I'm sure I'll have lots of questions to polish this thing up!

I'd also like to achieve a very efficient way of selecting from the 649 pkmn... so I'd love suggestions on that! Something akin to the ctrl+f "searching" functionality would be nice. Or even how sites like bulbapedia start making suggestions in a search field based on the available options.

Though searching the bulba dex w/ ctrl+f does give quick access to links, it's still just that: links. you'd have to click on the names, then the type effectiveness link for each pkmn... which takes time. or, you could have the type effectiveness memorized based on the types... but, as I said, this is for folks who (for whatever reason) don't have all that memorized.

ultimately, this was never designed as an alternative to bulba content, I think it's a very unique lil' widget.
slightly off topic but i have an idea for your next project...


i used to use this site: http://waitingforseedot.appspot.com/ but it's well & truly obsolete now - reckon you could do something similar for black/white? that would be impressive!

but back to yours alphabetical order would be a good start - it's easier to learn type effectiveness than memorise 649 'dex numbers (i would be lost on yours looking for say breloom for example - i only know the rough positions of gen 1 & gen 4 pokemon as gen 5 is too new & gen's 2/3 were forgettable)
I've always wanted one of these. For me its not so much that I can remember the weaknesses and super effective types but the resistances. Most resistances don't make sense so this will be helpful.
The new widget is a downloadable stand-alone program that can display all six opponent pkmn at once and has a muuuuuch better selection mechanic.

The program can be downloaded from the following link: http://www.nintemple.com/extras/PKMN-EC%20v1.0.exe

NOTE: Some versions of Norton detect this file as a virus simply because it has not been downloaded/used by X number of people. Though, with any internet program, you use it at your own risk, I can assure you that Norton is over-reacting in this case. =P
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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