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New Game to Be Announced

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Mar 14, 2005
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As noted here, a preview was put on the CoroCoro site, revealing the contents of next month's issue. According to it, a new Pokémon game (currently referred to as "the new game of mystery") is to be announced next month. Furthermore, the magazine will commence the "Path to Diamond/Pearl" project.

It should be noted that the previous issue of CoroCoro stated that other than Diamond/Pearl, two or more games are scheduled to be released. As a reminder, the said issue included an interview with Gamefreak's representatives on the subject of Diamond/Pearl, as well as the announcement of the Pokémon Ranger project. Judging from the description, it would appear appear that Pokémon Ranger is a Nintendo DS game, as well as the title of the next anime series and movie. The entire project is supposed to precede the release of Diamond/Pearl, hence the title "Path to Diamond/Pearl". If to judge based on the name alone, Pokémon Ranger strikes one as a spin-off game. It is hard to imagine how this could represent Diamond/Pearl, or how it could later be used as the title for the anime series. Either way, it is safe to assume that the Pokémon Ranger game will not fall under the category of RPG games, seeing as it would be absurd to have a separate RPG game that would be meant to be followed by Diamond/Pearl. Needless to say, this raises many questions that will hopefully be answered next month.

Since the magazine is said to unveil a new game and offer news on the project, it is likely that the former is not Pokémon Ranger. This game is likely unrelated to Diamond/Pearl. Although it is also said to be one of the upcoming Nintendo DS Pokémon games, I believe that it is merely a generalization, and that the game will in fact be for the Gameboy Advance.
At the beginning of the year, Tsunekazu Ishihara and Jun'ichi Masuda stated in an interview that there would be a new title for the Gamecube (now known to be XD), new titles for the Nintendo DS (Diamond/Pearl) and a new title for the Gameboy Advance, all of which would be the focus of attention in 2005. Many did not regard importance to the mention of a new Gameboy Advance title, assuming that it was a reference to Emerald (which was illogical, as by that time the game had been in released in Japan and had been the focus of attention for the second half of 2004). With signs of another upcoming game, I am inclined to think this is the Gameboy Advance title which was brought up in the interview.

The release of the game should coincide with that of the Gameboy Advance Micro system. Nintendo has stressed many times that the Nintendo DS is not to replace the Gameboy Advance series, and yet the company's source of profit is mainly attributed to the Nintendo DS. The release of the Gameboy Advance Micro system is specfically addressed at raising the sales of the entire series, as if to prove that the Nintendo DS has yet to completely replace its place. It seems reasonable to release a new Pokémon game for that goal alone.
I suspect that the game will be the last addition to the third generation of RPG Pokémon games--the third game to FireRed/LeafGreen. I have seen the possiblity raised many times, concluding that most fans view it as far less than desirable. Those who have shown interest in such a game, have only discussed whether it should be the remake of Blue or Yellow. I have yet to see a discussion on what new aspects the game could contain that would make it desirable; people have dismissed the notion without examining the unused data in the current games that could be put to use through such a game. Suffice to say, I believe that there is much to be said on the matter, especially now that there are signs of what is to come.
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No Pokemon Games have been announced for the Japanese launch of the Gameboy Micro, whilst a new Mario Bros Port, Dr Mario, Panel-De-Pon and Mario Tennis Advance will coincide with the release on September 13th.

So, unless the game announced by Coro Coro next month gets made, released and marketed in a fortnight or so, no Pokemon game on September 13th.

the third game to FireRed/LeafGreen

I also find that HIGHLY unlikely. Much more likely that it'd just be another spin-off like TCG or Pinball.
Doctor Oak said:
No Pokemon Games have been announced for the Japanese launch of the Gameboy Micro, whilst a new Mario Bros Port, Dr Mario, Panel-De-Pon and Mario Tennis Advance will coincide with the release on September 13th.

So, unless the game announced by Coro Coro next month gets made, released and marketed in a fortnight or so, no Pokemon game on September 13th.
Emerald was released two months after its announcement in last year's July. Surely you do not believe that the entire game was made during the lapse of time between its announcement and release date.
For the record, it has yet to be confirmed that the Gameboy Advance Micro will be released on September 13th. Thus far, it has only been suggested that the release of the system will coincide with the 20th anniversary of the Super Mario franchise. Theoretically, the game could be released two months after its announcement, which would be in October, as could the system. Granted, it makes no difference when exactly the system is released for sale--the game's release date would still roughly coincide with it.

I also find that HIGHLY unlikely. Much more likely that it'd just be another spin-off like TCG or Pinball.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, as long as they do not state them as absolutes or ignore the evidence. I do have to say that if it is a spin-off game, it should be for the Nintendo DS, much like Pokémon Dash. Considering that Pokémon Ranger is much more likely to be a spin-off game (as said, it would be absurd to dedicate one RPG game to showcasing another), I find it hard to believe that this game could be of a similar type.
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I really hope they don't make pokemon ranger a Xenofreaks like game. That would be even more of a disappointment than Pokemon Channel 2.

I really wish that they went somewhat all out on the game, passing it to another developer to make you a pokemon ranger:
>Being able to live in a pokemon wildlife park in maybe Diamond Pearl or near it

>Being in first person

>Being able to take pictures of pokemon similar to the beta version of Pokemon Snap for the 64DD, and sell them to make money.

>Buying different baits and items

>Discovering new pokemon and taking their picture.

>Finding injured pokemon and having to capture (without a pokeball) and take it to the parks pokemon center where you have to heal them.

>Maybe making part of the game like Hey You! Pikachu where you can take care of one to four pokemon of 10 types (using AI similar to Nintendogs). Maybe letting them level up to learn moves, then being able to be taught the command to them similar to nintendogs. Also learning tricks for wildlife rescuse and non-attack tricks to use on the feild to be taught nintendogs style (like sniffing out an injured pokemon, or fetching an item). I'm thinking for monsters there could be a mix: Pikachu, Treekco, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Cyndaquil, growlith, electrike, trapinch, kecleon, hoothoot,with murkrow, swablu, aipom, celebi, mew being secert unlockable (though download service or something). They'd each have the personalities form the Ru/Sa games but each moster would have one personality to the species. It won't varry as much as nintendogs, but it could still be a relitively good amount of varience for what it is.

>Best of all using the moster to chase away poachers, maybe introduce a new gang from DP who are trying to steal monsters, keeping wild monsters from attacking visitors, and such

>It could still be filled with DP cameos, like maybe randomly being able to run into the base trainer, seeing some of the monsters appear in the park, trainer items, and berries. Plus putting in a GBA pokemon game could probably unlock things in this game.

>Plus it should take place in real time with random weather (limited to sun (heatwave, or sunny), cloudiness, and rain)

...darn-it, I want this game -.-;
Nintendo has been listening to fans so I'll keep my fingers crossed (and post this again wherever I see this topic on other boards), because I'm really hoping for it not to turn out like xenofreaks. I also think it could still just turn out to be the name of the Pikachu dungeon game...
bell02 alpha said:
I really hope they don't make pokemon ranger a Xenofreaks like game. That would be even more of a disappointment than Pokemon Channel 2.

I really wish that they went somewhat all out on the game, passing it to another developer to make you a pokemon ranger:
>Being able to live in a pokemon wildlife park in maybe Diamond Pearl or near it

>Being in first person

Well, there is an Arcade game similar to that. Based around the Safari Zone, catching Pokemon and getting toys I believe for it. An expansion of that into a full game could be possible.

In fact, with a name like Pokemon Ranger, it would fit pretty well. If that is actually going to be a game name.

Surely you do not believe that the entire game was made during the lapse of time between its announcement and release date.

Well, I was exaggerating, but even at that, a September 13th release (which I do believe the Gameboy Micro will come out on), would leave approx. 2 weeks for marketing.

That's not enough. I couldn't see it launching therefore with the Gameboy Micro at all.

A Christmas release in place of Diamond and Pearl's original expected release however...
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