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New League in Brisbane, Australia

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Dec 29, 2002
Reaction score
  1. He/Him
Fastbreak Games (a.k.a. Fastbreak Sports)
1 Chapel Street

Every Saturday from 11am

Saturday October 1st

(As far as I know anyway. If there is a cost with admission, it'd probably be to buy a booster at the store)

I've had to poke and prod these guys to actually get them to set up the league, so let's make it worth their while, so we can actually get some more support, okay? Queensland doesn't have any other leagues ATM, so it's no wonder our players are lagging behind everyone else. Hell, the Brisbane city champion declined to go to Nats last season, so I'm not even sure we had a single rep down there! Let's not let that happen again.
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An update. I've just been informed that there will be a $5 cost per week for the league for everyone. From the sounds of things however, this will include a booster, and they're usually $5.95 anyway.

There will also be a tournament on Sunday, October 23rd, starting at 10.00am. Entry is $12.00. This will be a proper sanctioned modified format (HL-on) tournament. Decks will *not* be provided.
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