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New Marvel Cartoons in 2007

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Jan 4, 2003
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In 2007 you can look forward to a new Fantastic Four cartoon, and a new X-Men cartoon (centered on Wolverine). 26 eps are being made for each, but no one's been announced as the carrier.

Wolverine Series Announced

I have to say, I used to be a HUGE Wolverine fan, but I'm sick of him. Absolutely sick of him.
Because he's everywhere?
Well that's what I was thinking but I asked to make sure.
Kasumi-san said:
Because he's seriously overdone like Harry Potter.

Harry Potter's NOTHING compared to Wolverine in terms of publicity. Wolverine's on the X-Men, the New Avengers, a solo series, a solo MINI-series, a main character in the House of M mini-series, appearing in Marvel Team-Up, and I KNOW I'm forgetting SOMETHING. Along with that, you've got his female clone, X-23, who's in New X-Men, NYX, GOING to be in Marvel Team-Up, GOING to have a solo crossover with Captain Universe, HAD solo mini-series, and appeared in the Age of Apocalypse mini-series (her appearance was COMPLETELY out of nowhere, mind you). To top all that, Wolverine's the top character in X-Men, X2, X3, AND he's getting a solo movie. I used to be a HUGE Wolverine fan, but this is just RIDICULOUS. The ONLY good thing is that he has yet to appear in Runaways, Young Avengers, and doesn't look to be appearing in X-Factor, New Excalibur, or Generation M.

Now, I'm all for a new X-Men cartoon, but the idea of it focusing on Wolverine is horrible, in my opinion. I get WHY they're doing it, but I still don't like it. The problem with all comic companies is that they find a character that the fans like and push him as hard as possible, while plenty of characters that COULD be good, go unused.
X-Men cartoon (centered on Wolverine).


Wolverine is the Pikachu of the X-men. At first he seems unique and likable, but as time goes on you just get frustrated that he's everywhere and constantly in the spotlight while many other more interesting or underused candidates go ignored.

And X-23 is the Pichu/Plusle/Minun of X-men.
As long as they're nothing like X-Men Evolution, or Teen Titans, I'll watch it.
You actually don't like Teen Titans? That's an awesome show. And X-Men Evo was great too.

Nice to see some new cartoons from Marvel, 'bout time we got a new X-Men one. Now if only someone would pick up the Spidey series that MTV abandoned... -_-
MTV Spider-Man was a cool series. I have some DVDs of it.
Kingpin: "Nice of you to show up."
Spider-Man: "No problem..." (notices how fat Kingpin is, and that he got out of the car alone) "...will I be fighting any of your henchmen, or did you already eat them?"
I don't like what they did with the animation of Teen Titans. If they had done it with a good animation, like Justice League, then I'd be all for it. But they had to wannabe-anime it. THAT is what gets me.
The actual animation in Teen Titans is excellent. What you don't like are the character designs. Two very different things there.

And seriously, the art style in Teen Titans is perfect for the light-hearted tone of the show.

I would be excited about the new Marvel cartoons, but I keep thinking how Marvel doesn't seem to want to spend more than $500 per episode.
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