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New Moves for Competitive


Registered User
Aug 5, 2005
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As you guys know there will be a number of new moves in XD which certain pokemon could not obtain normally. I'm not including the shadow moves just my thoughts on the new movepools for competitive battling.

Baton Pass Xatu;

Wow this things is going to be the clam minding BPer of UU.
How i would use it?
Simple really, CM maybe, and if they stay in with a pokemon that can't do much damage, CM as much as possible. Then they bring out something to try and take you out 1 hit, mainly a psyical sweeper, this is when predcition comes in handy, just BP to your next pokemon who can take the hit and sweep. Awesome in my opinion. With this thing as it is i guess a set would go like this;

-Baton Pass
-Clam Mind

This can also be the same for BP Lunatone/Solrock. Along the same lines i guess.

Refresh Snorlax;
Now this thing will be more popular than ever in NB/rsbot. The main way people deal with most Laxs are to burn/para, after a few Curses' this thing is dangerous, you burn he refreshes you para, it happens again and taking hardly any damage cause of great hp/sp def, and after curse defense too, not to mention deadly attack.

-Shadow Ball

Psycho Boost/Feather dance Lugia;
Hmm this seems interesting, been as Lugia can be somewhat of a spounge, to have such attack power on it can do some damage, feather dance can give you time to CM along with recover. Now this thing will be dangerous.

~hmm something to boost either Sp attack or Sp Def/def
-Psycho Boost
-Hidden power something maybe[/u]

Heal Bell/Haze/Extrasensory Articuno;
This pokemon can now suppport other pokemon while dealing some psychic/ice damage, along with heal bell and haze i think maybe it will become as good a pokemon as Zapdos is right now.

~sp def maybe
-Heal Bell
-Ice Beam
-hidden power something/Extrasensory

Baton Pass/Extrasensory/Metal Sound Zapdos
Oh my, Zapdos just got 50x better, dealing with a metal sound on the switch then BPing to another pokemon fr support is a nice way to go. Already being a good pokemon as it is its going to get better. Extrasensory with give it that extra boost for pokemon who Soak up electric type atacks.

~Umm Timid/Modest
-Metal Sound
-Baton Pass
-Thunder Wave

Morning Sun/Will-o-Wisp/Extrasensory Moltres
finally Moltres used to have hardly anything in its move pool, same with articuno it will now get alot of use, setting up the morning sun/WoW/FlameThrower/Sunny Day combo will become very good. I think this is one of the pokemon i will try first.

-Morning Sun
-Sunny Day

Interesting or what? Yes you will have to switch on things that absorb fire butt thats ok, you can also leave the door open for pokemon which have boosted speed from sun. But yet this thing will burn you dry!

Heal Bell Dragonite.

Yay I guess this will let you set up DDnite even better now it can heal itslef from Para/toxic/burn etc, in your face Sala :p
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Psychoboost Lugia and the three birds are just another reason to not take part in an official tournament where legendaries and ubers are allowed. -___- I bet if there is another one in germany, I'll see a lot of those just like there were atleast two hoenn legends in about every match at the colosseum championship last year in germany. I so hate this ...
Yes just like the hyper beam raquaza that was pathetic.
There's a difference between ubers and legends though. There's not a problem with the three birds.

Psycho Boost is a pretty meh move. It might go somewhere on a physical set, but I don't really see Lugia having much room for it.

Heal Bell Dragonite is one of the hottest things to come.
I don't see why Snorlax would need Refresh when Rest already removes ailments AND restores HP to 100%.

Are there any new moves on Ho-Oh? Cause Morning Sun Ho-Oh would probably be better then Moltres IMO.

EDIT: Why would DDnite suddenly get better because of Heal Bell?

You'd be giving a Defensive move to an Offensive Pokemon. One that is still offensively inferior to Sala.
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You really don;t know what you are talking about

Refresh snorlax instead of sleep and taking the damage, also letting thispokemon CM, SD is stupid. DDnite is a one dragon Army with heal bell it can stop staus effects to sweep. After its DDed up.
After just a few Curses, Snorlax has no weaknesses. The damage after falling asleep is like nothing.

And DDnite doesn't have enough move slots for Heal Bell. What would you drop from HP Fly, EQ, FB and DD? You need all those moves.
the only thing is that snorlax can get phazed while asleep. if its not asleep it only fears skarm really
skarmory is highly overrated.

some useful combos here, especially allowing Moltres to become usable, finally, but not too much else in the way of metagame-changing things.
skarmory's not that overrated. he still walls almost all physical attacks and only really dies to magneton.
Yeah i agree with evkl, this opens alot of slots for new useings of these pokemon. Glad they didn't try too hard though.
yes, but walls themselves are nothing substantial. a good tyranitar can down the entire skarmbliss combo with ease. and the case in point here is skarmory as a physical wall--it's good, up until someone pulls a twist on you, which everyone has realized how to do, and can eliminate your skarm. fireblast on anything is wel enough, as is a hidden tbolt.
Lemme list all the decent/great Skarmbliss counters and their second 'occupation' that I can remember.

Salamence- Hybrid Sweeper
Charizard- Hybrid Sweeper
Tyranitar- Subpuncher
Ampharos- Subpuncher
Dragonite- Subpuncher/DD Sweeper
Gengar- Subpuncher/Hybrid Sweeper
Nidoking- Subpuncher
Camerupt- Skarm/Weez-Bliss Counter
Magmar- Subpuncher
Electabuzz- Subpuncher
Blaziken- Subpuncher/Hybrid Sweeper
Metagross- Suprise Mixed Sweeper
Which allows Tyranitar a free hit, which can still be devastating.

My point is that Skarm/Bliss, while an effective combo, is neither necessary nor invincible, and is generally overrated in its application and usage. A decent mixed sweeper can easily devastate a team that loses a key component or two.
Please note: The thread is from 19 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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