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Nidoran gender, not species!


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May 7, 2011
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I don't know about everyone else, but I definitely think the Nidorans should be the same species. I mean, they're just a different gender. Generation I-III, I understand. But Generation IV and V? They have gender differences. I'd like to hear everyone else's opinion too. We could start a protest.
Meh, it's way too late to change that now.

It would've been best if they changed it in gen II.
i think it has something to do also with their evolutionary lines being different, since there can't be male Nidoqueen or female Nidorino. Though with the likes of Frosslass, Vespiquin (sp?) and Gallade it is a little odd why they didn't just recon it asap. eh well. not enough roar in this beast to really cause an uproar about it and i doubt there ever will be.
Complete renumbering of pokedex. That is why.

Also, there's a handful of Pokémon whose male/female counterparts are different species; Tauros/Miltank, Volbeat/Illumise... and in a way Glalie/Froslass and Gardevoir/Gallade (although Glalie and Gardevoir have both genders).

Nidoran lines even have different movepools; for me they're just different species with similar names. Wormadam being a single species with different types and moves bothers me more.
At this point, they're different enough where it doesn't matter. Let bygones be bygones, I say.

Also, there's a handful of Pokémon whose male/female counterparts are different species; Tauros/Miltank, Volbeat/Illumise... and in a way Glalie/Froslass and Gardevoir/Gallade (although Glalie and Gardevoir have both genders).

Nidoran lines even have different movepools; for me they're just different species with similar names. Wormadam being a single species with different types and moves bothers me more.

Can't you hatch a volbeet from a Illumise egg and vice versa?
In hindsight, that should have been the case, but I'm afraid it's too late now. It would be much too confusing for those of us who have memorized the Pokedex and will now have to deal with a complete restructuring (not me, but perhaps some others).
The only thing I'd change of the Nidos is the breeding factor. ._. It always disturbed me that Nidorina and Nidoqueen are no-eggs while Nidoran F can breed. It's borderline lolicon in the Mystery Dungeon world, where prevos seem to be mostly children. Ew.
Meh, it's way too late to change that now.

It would've been best if they changed it in gen II.
They changed the Johto dex numbers, though I'd imagine if this were done and the Nidoran lines were fused, it would be during another Gen II-->Gen III type shift where you lose compatibility with past generations due to changes in their data structure.

If Game Freak doesn't retcon it there, then I doubt they'd ever retcon it.

But then, Volbeat and Illumise are actually gender counterparts but were clearly made separate in Gen III.
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
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