On the pedia, it has come to my attention that even though Gen III tried to solve the problem of having flying Pokemon not be of the flying type (such as Koffing) by inventing the Levitate ability, there are quite a lot of Pokemon who still fly without either the Flying type or the Levitate ability. It just doesn't count in the games for some reason.
Geodude/Pineco - We've seen Brock's Geodude and Pineco hover through the air numerous times. Not sure about Forretress, though.
Clefable - Was able to fly in the Electric Tale of Pikachu manga.
Jigglypuff - Flies regularly in Pokemon Special AND in Pokemon Snap
Beedrill, Dustox, Illumise, Volbeat, Venomoth, Heracross, Scizor - Winged bugs that are seen in the sky all the time, but lack both Levitate or the Flying type.
Weepinbell - Seen flying in Pokemon Snap.
Magneton, Magnemite, Beldum, Metang, Metagross, Castform, Shedinja - Levitate everywhere constantly.
Glalie - Ash's seems to float sporadically throughout its appearences.
Staryu, Starmie - Misty's have been seen staying in the air than longer should be possible, plus seen flying in Pokemon Snap.
Dragonair - Flies by using air currents, according to the Pokedex. Also, I think seen flying in PokeSpe.
Sableye, Shuppet - Two ghosts who don't Levitate, but do it all the same.
Mewtwo, Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Lucario, and Deoxys. - Legendaries who fly willy-nilly just because they can.
Did I miss any? What's up with this anyways? Like in the episode PokeRinger for flying-type Pokemon - Dustox and Volbeat ain't Flying types. A lot of time this just doesn't make sense.
Geodude/Pineco - We've seen Brock's Geodude and Pineco hover through the air numerous times. Not sure about Forretress, though.
Clefable - Was able to fly in the Electric Tale of Pikachu manga.
Jigglypuff - Flies regularly in Pokemon Special AND in Pokemon Snap
Beedrill, Dustox, Illumise, Volbeat, Venomoth, Heracross, Scizor - Winged bugs that are seen in the sky all the time, but lack both Levitate or the Flying type.
Weepinbell - Seen flying in Pokemon Snap.
Magneton, Magnemite, Beldum, Metang, Metagross, Castform, Shedinja - Levitate everywhere constantly.
Glalie - Ash's seems to float sporadically throughout its appearences.
Staryu, Starmie - Misty's have been seen staying in the air than longer should be possible, plus seen flying in Pokemon Snap.
Dragonair - Flies by using air currents, according to the Pokedex. Also, I think seen flying in PokeSpe.
Sableye, Shuppet - Two ghosts who don't Levitate, but do it all the same.
Mewtwo, Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Lucario, and Deoxys. - Legendaries who fly willy-nilly just because they can.
Did I miss any? What's up with this anyways? Like in the episode PokeRinger for flying-type Pokemon - Dustox and Volbeat ain't Flying types. A lot of time this just doesn't make sense.