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Non-Battle/Contest Use of Pokemon Moves


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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If we had Pokemon, we would probably use their moves outside of battles and contests (I don't just mean field moves) and the anime writers realize this too. There is typical stuff like using Water Gun to put out a fire and Vine Whip to catch somebody. Anyone have a favorite use of a Pokemon move outside of a battle/contest that you found creative or just plain amusing?
Dawn using Piplup's Bubble Beam to fix her bed hair.
Use Fly, i really hate traffic in Belgrade! I love to walk but flying would rule!
Dawn using Piplup's Bubble Beam to fix her bed hair.

QFT, best use for a move ever XDDD
And I really do love it when the twerps use their Pokémon's moves for stuff other than battles or Contests (actually, this might be partly why I love Contests: moves used for reasons other than actual battles, like the performance round or some certain moves during Contest Battles that aren't really hurting the opponent and are just there to look pretty)
Misty did make a little comment on how Bulbasaur'd be handy in the kitchen (it used Razor leaf on Snorlax and cut some grapefruit into slices, which it ate)
Meowth has also used his claws (Fury swipes) to slice up noodles.

Pokémon are good for cooking too. Mundane Utility. Simple, yet effective.
The Mareep Line being used in BF to help turn random crap into superdrugs via electrolysis. THEY BLINDED ME WITH (REAL) SCIENCE!
If you are campng there would be nothing better then a cuople of grass types to gather food, cut the food, and have a fire type make a quick fire. Also any time a vine whip is used to save someone's life- always thought that was pretty cool.
In "The Psychic Sidekicks," there was this female trainer in the Psychic pokemon village that was trying to chase her Abra. The Abra kept Teleporting everywhere, causing that trainer (as well as Ash and co.) some grief.
Brock once used Forretress' Rapid Spin like a fan to dry the gang's clothes.
I liked in one episode of the Johto saga when Ash was trying to break something (a cage?), and he had Cyndaquil use Flamethrower, shortly followed by Totodile's Water Gun, and finished up with Chikorita's Razor Leaf. I thought it was nice how he had all his starters working together on that.
He's done similar things several times over the years. It's almost like a little science lesson for the kids.
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
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