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Mafia Non-mafia Games Index

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Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
Non-Mafia Game Index

This thread is all about those other games that don't patronize shooting up innocent civilians under the cover of an organized crime syndicate. We'll use this space to track down these games so you don't have to. If you feel you have a game that's intense on strategy, pretty competitive and not about mafia, you're free to post away! If you want to be sure you've got the right place for your game, you can always cross check with us in this thread. ;3

Current Games

Taking Signups


In Progress


Bulbagarden Idol
Rabbit Doubt - Phoenicks
BMGF Chess - The Puppetmaster and Hellion
The Pokemon Mystery Murder - Icy404
Rabit Doubt II - Phoenicks
BMGf Indian (Card Game) - Mintaka
War Room Murder Mystery - Hellion
Minority Rule - Sharpshooter★
Death Note - The Game - ghaskan
Total Drama as Pokémon - Argus Claydol

Works in Progress:

The Mole -- Turtwig A -- 5-28-11
Last One Standing -- IceKyurem-- 5-30-11
The Treasure Hunt -- Transform -- 5-30-11
Pokémon Wars - Mariowie - 9-5-11
Keroro Gunso [Sgt. Frog] - ~HollowTree~ - 9-14-11
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Re: Non-mafia Game Check-in Station (We have those too!)

Reserving spot, though I wont start my game until my exams get over (see sig)

1 ball , map,

actions include throw (must do if you have the ball), run (to an adjoining spot), set up (you stand behind someone in an adjoining spot... If the ball is thrown at them and they run you are out, if the ball is thrown at them they don't run they are out, can work if no one is at a square because they move into a square, and can stay in he same place and set up), and idle (don't move, increases chance of catch). If no player is on a spot the ball is aimed at the spot further on, but the chance of neither is decreased by half. This is because its more likely that one of the people can catch the ball and get the other out.

Last 2 players left win, the spot which is empty after a player dies closest to edge is removed. If you are cornered (ie, cant move because all nearby spots are gone, you die).

Spots are randomized

Each player has a role and 2 ratings. The first is dodge rating. If 2 people are in the same spot (one person ran onto a spot with another player, the chances that a player is hit goes as follows person who stayed’s rating * 1.2 : person who ran’s rating : ¼ the two added up. Total of all 3 divided by 100, multiplied by each of the individual numbers, is the chance of each person getting the ball (ie, the other person got hit). If the last one happens, neither player gets the ball, the person in the line of fire behind gets the ball (not out either).


Player A stays and has a rating of 5, Player B ran in and has a rating of 6, and player C ran in and has a rating of 4. 6+6+4=16. 16*1/4=4 100/20=5. 30% + 30% + 20% + 20% = 100%. If player A, B, or C’s percentage comes up, both the others are out.

Rating 2: if multiple people set up a square which no one is on, follow above system. If multiple people are setting up and there are people on the square. Use the same ratio system as above (you can set up your own square), but with your height rating. Again, everyone on the square is out.

Height rating and dodge rating are inversely proportionate to balance game.

They way the game works:

1. People sign up. Square number of people get in (25, 36, 16, or even 49)
2. The game board is made, and the spaces are randomized. Same with ratings.
3. The spaces are Numbered (for later use), and the ball is given to a random player, known by everyone.
4. People have 24 hours to send their actions in.
5. Actions are processed.
6. ball is thrown in direction holder chooses, people are out.
7. New holder picks up ball.
8. Outer most empty square is now off limits. If people lose because they cant come in the field of play this is when they lose (ie, they will win if there are 2 players left at stage 7)
9. Post results.
10. Repeat steps 4-9 until game ends.

Priority system for step 5/6 (in case needed)

1. Players who run go.
2. People who set up go.
3. Idlers and set uppers are ready
4. Ball is thrown.
5. Player catches ball or is out.
6. Other players on square are out.
7. (step 7) Ball is possessed by a player again.
I think I'll call it "Dodge ball free for all"
Re: Non-mafia Game Check-in Station (We have those too!)

Bulbagarden Idol isn't really in progress to be honest, though someone could start Season 2. ;)
Re: Non-mafia Game Check-in Station (We have those too!)

So I see, XD

Well if you're done with Bulbagarden Idol Badal, just let me know if you're ready to close it or not.

I'd love to see another music competition go up in the near future.
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Re: Non-mafia Game Check-in Station (We have those too!)

Badal is doing Bulbagarden idol, not me. Somehow he tried to force me to be a judge, which I never agreed to. Talk to him about it.
Re: Non-mafia Game Check-in Station (We have those too!)

End it. We're never getting that done :3

I'd probably do some music thing in june. I had an idea in mind.
Re: Non-mafia Game Check-in Station (We have those too!)

Badal is doing Bulbagarden idol, not me. Somehow he tried to force me to be a judge, which I never agreed to. Talk to him about it.

Oops, my mistake. Sorry about that. ^^;

And sounds great Badal, looking forward to it.
Re: Non-mafia Game Check-in Station (We have those too!)

Working on the very first Bmgf Trail(inspired by the BitF Trail)! 15 players, one game,(mine won't be the size of BitFourms') set on the pokémon world. Please add me to the working-on list.
Re: Non-mafia Game Check-in Station (We have those too!)

I'd like to host a forum version of the Mole (you know, the TV series). It would be limited participation, but can run multiple times in a row or multiple at a time.
Re: Non-mafia Game Check-in Station (We have those too!)

I'd like to host a forum version of the Mole (you know, the TV series). It would be limited participation, but can run multiple times in a row or multiple at a time.

I have always wanted to do that, but I never knew exactly how.
Re: Non-mafia Game Check-in Station (We have those too!)

I got two.

1: TheSimpleGame: This game is simple. Two players per team (You can pick a partner or be randomly put with one). As many teams as needed/wanted. Each team (Using PM) chooses to Share or to Take. If there are more takers than sharers, then the sharers are eliminated. If there are more sharers than takers, everyone stays in but the sharers win a point and the takers lose a point. If it is even, everyone loses a point. The winners are the first to get to 20 points or the last team standing. (This will lead to two teams in the final, meaning they will both win. The strategy here is to make sure you share to get points, but if you feel paranoid to take. You can either attempt to knock everyone out to win, or win with points. Either One Team will win or Two Teams will win. In either case, the winner(s) will go through to a final and win a Signiature thing saying they won (Named Partner and if applicable other team).

2. The Treasure Hunt: I'll create a web of pages on the interwebs with clues and puzzles. One of these will lead back (eventually) to a page on Bulbapedia. Then they PM me the page. Every time someone gets it right, I'll change what page it links to.
Re: Non-mafia Game Check-in Station (We have those too!)

Add me to the WIP list with ´Last One Standing´.
Re: Non-mafia Game Check-in Station (We have those too!)

Exams=over and gone. Posting my game's signups now.
Re: Non-mafia Game Check-in Station (We have those too!)

I'm working on a scavenger hunt game, similar to one of the games played during the Christmas season here in BMGf.
(The 'answers' won't be limited to BMGf or Bulbagarden, I think. ^^;)

EDIT : Working with parma for the game.
Re: Non-mafia Game Check-in Station (We have those too!)

The BMGf Trail is now taking sign-ups!
Re: Non-mafia Game Check-in Station (We have those too!)

I am going to be hosting a version of Rabbit Doubt. No roles or preparations are required, except to sign players up. With no objections (AKA, approval), I'd like to begin sign-ups now.
Re: Non-mafia Game Check-in Station (We have those too!)

I'm working on Chess: the BMGF edition... Wait, is Chess a trademarked name? XD
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