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Non Shiny Legendarys for Shinys or any Events


LF Near/Flawless Events
May 12, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys, I currently have alot of UT legit legendarys that i'd be willing to trade for shinys. (Shiny legendarys = 3 pokemon) (Event pokemon = 5 pokemon)

What I have:


Zapdos - Docile
Zekrom - Lax
Articuno - Hardy
Uxie - Sassy
Moltres - Quirky
Cobalion - Impish
Virizion - Bold
Terrakion - Naughty
Landorus - Naive
Latias - Bold
Latios - Timid
Raikou - Modest
Suicune - Bold
Entei - Adamant


Victini - Lv. 53 - Lonely
Zoroark - Lv. 31 - Adamant
Dialga - Lv. 57 - Bashful
Victini - Lv. 57 - Hardy (Renamed "THE MASTER")
Kyurem - Lv. 81 - Rash
Mewtwo - Lv. 72 - Naive (Renamed "MEWPEW!")
Volcarona - Lv. 72 - Mild
Azelf - Lv. 51 - Careful

Some of these pokemon have PokeRus.

I don't know if the IV's are that great, but I didn't SR or RNG for them, so its random.

Thanks all :D


-- Edit -- If you see me online at any time, it means i'm ready to trade. :)
I have the 3 japanese shiny beasts (I'm assuming cloned, all of their stats and IDs checked out from some Japanese event in 2010), a shiny english Suicune (Win2011), and a shiny Kyurem (possibly cloned).

if the Orlando jr3 deal doesn't happen or whatnot (I realize I'm second in line) I'd like Latias/Latios

Otherwise a Mewtwo, Zekrom, Uxie, or Azelf would be cool.

I know you didn't list it but I can hope for it - You have a Deoxys?
Orlando, Shiny legendary's would be nice, or events would be great

Generic, I got a deoxys from the GTS once, but I can't confirm its legitness, its UT from level 30 but. It honestly looks pretty hacked.

Is the English Suicune the only event one? I'll happily trade my Latias and Latios for it.

If the Japenese shiny beats are events, I'll trade em for anything on my list.

I'll get you the stats of Deoxys in a sec.
Stats of Deoxys:

Apparently arrived at Lv. 30 after a long travel through time
Likes to trash about
Ultra Ball
OT: Jack
ID: 32795
HP: 79, Atk: 134, Defense: 23, Sp Atk 122, Sp Def: 26, Speed 104
Taunt, Pursuit, Psychic, Superpower.

I'll be on all day if you want to trade.

Bursty :D
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