Yeah, second time trying to post this. -grumbles about how computers suck for several minutes, before getting to the topic at hand- Anyway, this is a rewrite of a poem in one of my fan fictions on FFN, which I am currently rewriting and will post here some day. The old one...I hate it, so I rewrote it in its entirety, except for maybe the first line? XD That's it. That's all that was left alone. The original had something like 6 lines in all I think, while this has 8. Aw well, to the poem.
Master of Shadow and Mistress of Light,
Both join together, on this dark night.
The sun glows to the West,
the moon shines to the East.
To the North and the South
do our Chosens both stand.
Oh Crystal of mystery, shining so bright,
Bind us together, using your light!
Master of Shadow and Mistress of Light,
Both join together, on this dark night.
The sun glows to the West,
the moon shines to the East.
To the North and the South
do our Chosens both stand.
Oh Crystal of mystery, shining so bright,
Bind us together, using your light!