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OFFERING: Events, DW, RNG'd shiny, etc.


New Member
Feb 9, 2011
Reaction score
Latest addition (Jun. 13, 2011)



Gen 5 Events:
JP Liberty Ticket Modest Victini (NN'able)
JP Iris's Naive Kibago (NN'able)
JP Ash's Hardy Pidove (Unhatched)
JP Ash's Adamant Scraggy
JP Pokesma! Cubchoo*
JP Pokesma! Quirky Zoroark*
JP Movie '11 Hasty Victini (24/31/19/31/28/30)
JP ANA Modest Darkrai

DW Events:
JP Chlorophyll Bulbasaur* (GL profile page | DW Bulletin)
JP Unburden Treeko* (Campaign Photo | GL Profile Page | DW Bulletin)
JP Speed Boost Jolly Torchic (Campaign Photo | GL Profile Page | DW Bulletin)
JP Iron Fist Adamant Chimchar (DW Bulletin)

JP Inner Force Lonely Umbreon (DW Bulletin)

JP Poison Hand Timid Croagunk (DW Bulletin)
JP Thick Fat Mamoswine* (GL Profile Page | Obtaining | Sending)
JP Rash Arceus (DW Bulletin)

JP Pokemon Cafe Female DW Eevee (DW Bulletin | PGL Profile)
JP Pokemon Cafe Female DW Burmy (PGL Profile)

Past Gen Event:
JP Crown Shiny Entei, Raikou and Suicune
JP Saikyou Naughty Salamence
JP Ageto Lax Shiny Celebi (27/7/22/29/23/31)
ENG WISHMKR Timid/Docile Shiny Jirachi
ENG Gamestop Naive Deoxy
ENG Gamestop Quiet Jirachi
ENG TRU Mild Shaymin
ENG TRU Regigigas
ENG WIN2011 Shiny Entei, Raikou and Suicune
ENG JEREMY Quirky Oddish
GER Fru2010 Jolly Shiny Pichu
GER ALAMOS Modest Darkrai


RNG'd Flawless Gen 5 Events UT:
Adamant/Jolly Movie '11 Victini (Flawless)

RNG'd Flawless DW Events UT**:
Adamant/Jolly Chlorophyll Bulbasaur
Adamant/Jolly Unburden Treeko
Adamant/Lonely/Naughty/Brave Thick Fat Mamoswine

RNG'd Near Flawless DW Events UT**:
Timid/Modest/Bold Chlorophyll Bulbasaur (31/30/31/30/31/30 HP Fire 70)
Timid/Modest/Mild Unburden Treeko (31/31/31/31/31/30 HP Ice 70)
Timid/Modest Quick Feet Jolteon (30/30/30/31/31/31; Mat's only legit Pokemon Labyrinth DW Eeveelution)

RNG'd Flawless DW Events EV'd**:
Adamant/Jolly Chlorophyll Ivysaur (Lv. 31; 6 HP, 252 Attack, 252 Speed)
Adamant/Jolly Unburden Grovyle (Lv. 35; 6 HP, 252 Attack, 252 Speed)

RNG'd Near Flawless DW Events EV'd**:
Timid/Modest/Bold Chlorophyll Ivysaur (31/30/31/30/31/30 HP Fire 70; Lv. 31; 6 HP, 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed)
Timid/Modest/Mild Unburden Grovyle (31/31/31/31/31/30 HP Ice 70; Lv. 35; 6 HP, 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed)

RNG'd Past Gen Events UT:
JP Crown Relaxed Suicune (31/31/31/30/31/31 HP Electric 70)
JP Movie '10 Modest Celebi (30/x/31/30/31/30 HP Fire 70; Unused)
JP Movie '10 Timid Celebi (Flawless; Unused)
JP ALAMOS Timid Darkrai (Flawless)
JP WSC Timid Shiny Milotic (Flawless)
JP Goon's Adamant Scyther (Flawless)
ENG Gamestop Jolly Jirachi (31/31/31/30/30/31 HP Ground 70)
ENG Oblivia Timid Shaymin (31/30/31/30/31/30 HP Fire 70)
ENG Gamestop Timid Celebi (31/30/31/30/31/30 HP Fire 70; Unused)
ENG Ash's Naughty Pikachu (31/30/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
ENG Oblivia Timid Shaymin (31/31/31/31/31/30 HP Ice 70)
ENG Gamestop Adamant/Hasty Jirachi (Flawless)
ENG WIN2011 All Nature Celebi (Flawless; Unused)
ENG Gamestop Shiny Entei, Raikou, Suicune (All Flawless; Unused)
ENG Gamestop Timid Celebi (Flawless; Unused)
ENG Oblivia Timid Deoxys (Flawless)
ENG Gamestop Timid Deoxys (Flawless)
ENG FAL2010 Calm/Timid Mew (Flawless)
ENG Gamestop Jolly Shiny Pichu (Flawless)

RNG'd Past Gen Events EV'd:
JP Crown Adamant Entei (Lv. 32; 31/31/31/x/31/31/31; 252 Attack, 6 Special Defense, 252 Speed; Unused)
ENG SMR2010 Timid Jirachi (Lv. 17; 31/14/31/30/31/30 HP Fire 70; 76 HP, 254 Special Attack 180 Speed; Wish, HP, Rest, Draco Meteor)
ENG FAL2010 Jolly Mew (Lv. 16; Flawless; 252 HP, 4 Special Defense, 252 Speed; Transform, Explosion, Light Screen, Trick)

*Reset for IVs/nature upon requested once trade is settled
**I'll only trade my RNG'd DW events for another RNG'd DW events, no exception.



Non-RNG'd UT shinies :

Serious Lapras (x/14/15/30/30/31 - NN'able)

Calm Snivy (Glare)
Modest Sewaddle (NN'able)
Hasty Blitzle
Adamant Cubchoo
Jolly Maractus
Serious Audino
Serious Woobat
Careful Rufflet
Relaxed Cottonee
Modest Shelmet
Modest Deino
Lax Trubbish (NN: HMM)
Naughty Ducklett
Hardy Zorua
Brave Venipede
Docile Karrablast
Impish Sandile
Jolly Yamask
Sassy Terrakion
Serious Axew
Serious Purrloin
Adamant Golurk (T)

RNG'd near flawless UT shinies:

Relaxed/Calm Tangela (31/31/31/31/31/30 HP Ice 70; Ingrain, Constrict, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed)
Timid Tentacool (31/31/31/30/31/31 HP Electric 70; Rapid Spin, Water Pulse, Poison Jab)
Bold Eevee (31/31/31/30/31/31 HP Electric 70; Wish, Yawn)
Lonely Eevee (31/30/31/30/31/31 HP Grass 70; Wish, Yawn)
Modest Eevee (31/31/30/30/30/30 HP Fighting 70; Wish, Yawn)
Modest Gastly (31/30/31/30/31/30 HP Fire 70; Will-O-Wisp, Astonish)
Timid Staryu (31/30/31/30/31/30 HP Fire 70; Gyro Ball)
Modest Bulbasaur (30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Timid Eevee (30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Timid Caterpie (Lv. 3; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Modest Slowpoke (Lv. 12; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Timid Staryu (Lv. 40; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Timid Electabuzz (Lv. 18; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Timid Gastly (Lv. 21; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Timid Growlithe (Lv.18; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Timid Magmar (Lv. 16; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Timid Mr. Mime (Lv. 30; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Modest Oddish (Lv. 5; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Timid Voltorb (Lv. 17; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Adamant Gyrados (Lake of Rage; 31/31/31/14/31/31)

Mild Elekid (30/31/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70; Cross Chop, Meditate, Fire Punch, Ice Punch)
Timid Misdreavus (30/30/31/30/30/30 HP Fighting 70; Ominous Wind, Spite, Nasty Plot)
Modest Cyndaquil (31/30/31/30/31/31 HP Grass 70; Flamethrower, Extrasensory, HP)
Timid Houndour (31/31/31/30/31/31 HP Electric 70; Pursuit, Beat Up)
Modest Mareep (Lv. 13; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Timid Misdreavus (Lv. 45; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Modest Natu (Lv. 18; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Calm Chinchou (Lv. 40; 31/26/31/31/31/31 HP Dragon 70)

Timid Feebas (31/30/31/30/31/31 HP Grass 70; Haze, Hypnosis, Rain Dance)
Timid Roselia (31/30/31/30/31/30 HP Fire 70; Leaf Storm, Sleep Powder)
Timid Treeko (30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Timid Minun (Lv. 12; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)

Timid Drifloon (31/31/30/30/30/30 HP Fighting 70; Hypnosis)
Brave/Relaxed Bronzor (31/31/31/31/31/0)
Timid Rotom (30/30/31/30/30/30 HP Fighting 70)
Modest Carnivine (Lv. 5; 30/15/20/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Modest Chatot (Lv. 20; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)

Jolly Venipede (31/31/31/17/31/31; Roll Out, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Take Down)
Brave Scraggy (31/31/31/16/31/0; Drain Punch, Ice Punch, Fake Out, Thunder Punch)
Timid Sigilyph (31/30/31/30/31/31 HP Grass 70; Ancient Power, Roost)
Timid Zorua (31/31/31/30/31/31 HP Electric 70; Dark Pulse, Protect)
Timid Starter Oshawott (30/18/30/31/31/30 HP Electric 70)
Timid Starter Tepig (30/18/30/31/31/30 HP Electric 70)
Timid Starter Snivy (30/18/30/31/31/30 HP Electric 70)
Timid Petilil (Lv.19; 31/19/30/31/30/30 HP Rock 70)
Timid Litwick (Lv.26; 31/2/30/30/30/30 HP Fighting 70)
Modest Cofagrigus (Lv. 34; 31/23/30/30/30/30 HP Fighting 70)
Adamant Golett (Lv. 31; 31/31/31/1/31/31)
Adamant Tirtouga (Lv. 25; 31/31/31/13/31/31)
Sassy Yamask (Lv. 20; 31/0/31/31/31/31)
Jolly Axew (Lv. 31; 31/31/31/6/31/31)

Dream World:
Timid Anticipate Eevee (Female; 31/16/31/31/31/31 HP Dragon 68; Wish, Fake Tears, Stored Power, Yawn)
Impish Gligar (Female; 31/31/31/1/31/31; Poison Tail, Double Edge, Baton Pass, Agility)
Timid Drought Vulpix (Female; 31/30/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70; Hypnosis)
Modest Overcoat Burmy (Male; 31/22/31/30/31/30 HP Fire 70)

Adamant E Mew (31/30/31/9/30/31; Softboiled, Transform, Counter)
Timid HG Zapdos (30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Bold HG Zapdos (31/14/31/30/31/31 HP Grass 70)
Modest HG Moltres (31/31/30/30/31/31 HP Grass 70)
Timid SS Entei (31/2/31/30/31/31 HP Grass 70)
Timid SS Raikou (31/2/31/30/31/31 HP Grass 70)
Adamant E Deoxys (31/30/31/9/30/31)
Adamant SS Groundon (31/31/31/17/31/31)
Naive SS Rayquaza (26/31/31/31/25/30)
Impish Plt Uxie (31/31/31/25/31/31)
Jolly Plt Uxie (31/30/31/31/31/31 HP Dragon 70)
Sassy Plt Heatran (30/31/31/30/31/31 HP Grass 70)
Adamant Plt Giratina (31/31/31/24/31/31)
Timid Cobalion (31/30/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Jolly Virizion (31/31/31/7/31/31)
Timid Virizion (31/2/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Timid Thundurus (31/18/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
Jolly Tornadus (31/31/31/29/31/31)
Timid Kyurem (31/2/31/30/31/30 HP Fire 70)

RNG'd flawless shinies UT:

Timid/Jolly Bulbasaur (Light Screen, Magical Leaf, Leaf Storm, Power Whip)
Jolly Rattata (Flame Wheel, Counter, Reversal, Me First)
Jolly Growlithe (Agility, Crunch, Flare Blitz, Morning Sun)
Modest/Bold Squirtle (Aqua Jet, Flail, Aqua Ring, Yawn)
Bold Koffing (Curse, Screech, Pain Split, Will-o-Wisp)
Adamant Growlithe (Crunch, Flare Blitz, Morning Sun)
Calm Mr.Mime (Light Screen, Reflect, Substitute)
Adamant Machop (Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Bullet Punch)
Calm Oddish (Synthesis, Charm, Razor Leaf)
Bold Slowpoke (Zen Headbutt, Safeguard, Water Pulse)
Jolly Zubat (Brave Bird, Whirlwind, Pursuit)
Adamant Scyther (Vaccuum Wave, U-Turn)
Calm/Careful Eevee (Wish, Yawn)
Adamant/Jolly Dratini (Extremespeed, Dragon Dance)
Impish Shellder (Rock Blast, Rapid Spin)
Jolly Meowth (Flail, Hypnosis)
Timid Abra (Encore, Psychic)
Adamant Poliwag (Mist, Refresh)
Timid Vulpix (Heat Wave, Flare Blitz)
Jolly Aerodactyl (Whirlwind)
Jolly Aerodactyl (Pursuit)
Adamant Kabuto (Rapid Spin)
Modest Magnemite (Metal Sound)
Timid Charmander
Jolly Pidgey
Adamant Ekans
Jolly Ponyta
Mild Gastly
Adamant Onix
Relaxed/Timid Staryu
Timid Eevee
Timid Porygon
Careful/Impish Snorlax
Jolly Cubone
Adamant Kangaskhan
Impish Nidoran F

Timid Cyndaquil (Crush Claw, Flare Blitz, Double Edge, Extrasensory)
Jolly Sneasel (Taunt, Fake Out, Ice Punch, False Swipe)
Adamant Elekid (Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Cross Chop)
Adamant/Jolly Larvitar (Dragon Dance, Outrage, Sandstorm)
Adamant Marill (Aqua Jet, Superpower, Substitute)
Adamant Shuppet (Payback, Destiny Bond, Confuse Ray)
Modest Yanma (Silver Wind, Whirlwind, Signal Beam)
Jolly Gligar (Double Edge, Baton Pass)
Hasty Houndour (Pursuit, Beat Up)
Naughty Murkrow (Brave Bird, Whirlwind)
Jolly Aipom (Pursuit, Fake Out)
Modest Mareep (Safeguard, Reflect)
Impish Skarmory (Whirlwind, Brave Bird)
Adamant Tyrogue (Mach Punch, Bullet Punch)
Careful Larvitar (Curse)
Bold Chikorita (Reflect)
Timid Pichu (Charm)
Adamant Heracross (Pursuit)
Adamant Totodile
Impish Shuckle
Jolly Smeargle
Timid Unown (Lv. 5)

Jolly Torchic (Night Slash, Agility, Rock Slide, Crush Claw)
Adamant Absol (Megahorn, Zen Headbutt, Sucker Punch, Swords Dance)
Adamant Mawile (Sucker Punch, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Ancient Power)
Adamant Nincada (Endure, Faint Attack, Bug Bite, Night Slash)
Adamant Numel (Yawn, Heat Wave, Ancient Power, Mud Bomb)
Adamant Slakoth (Night Slash, Crush Claw, Body Slam, Hammer Arm)
Adamant Carvanha (Hydro Pump, Ancient Power, Double Edge)
Bold Chimecho (Hypnosis, Disable, Wish)
Careful Lileep (Recover, Rock Slide, Mirror Coat)
Jolly Volbeat (Encore, Silver Wind, Baton Pass)
Adamant Bagon (Dragon Dance, Hydro Pump)
Adamant Poochyena (Sucker Punch, Me First)
Adamant Aron (Head Smash, Iron Head)
Adamant Cacnea (Nasty Plot, Payback)
Adamant Swablu (Pursuit, Agility)
Careful/Adamant Mudkip (Yawn)
Adamant Turtwig (Body Slam)
Relaxed/Impish Duskull (Pain Split)
Adamant Starly (Pursuit)
Adamant Relicanth (Aqua Tail)
Jolly Zangoose (Night Slash)
Timid Treeko
Modest Wurmple
Adamant/Timid Ralts
Bold/Modest Baltoy
Adamant Beldum
Jolly Trapinch
Impish Wynaut

Jolly Buneary (Fake Out, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Switcher)
Naive Chimchar (Fake Out, Blaze Kick, Taunt)
Timid Budew (Leaf Storm, Razor Leaf, Sleep Powder)
Careful Skorupi (Night Slash, Pursuit, Whirlwind)
Careful Skorupi (Night Slash, Pursuit, Agility)
Careful Spiritomb (Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond, Pain Split)
Adamant Spiritomb (Shadow Sneak, Pain Split, Ominous Wind)
Adamant Shinx (Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang)
Adamant Bidoof (Double Edge, Aqua Tail)
Adamant Riolu (Agility, Crunch)
Jolly Gible (Outrage)
Modest Cherubi (Aromatherapy)
Timid Drifloon (Hypnosis)
Adamant Turtwig (Body Slam)
Modest Piplup
Adamant Cranidos
Modest Burmy
Timid Drifloon
Jolly Glameow
Timid Rotom

Adamant Scraggy (Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch)
Jolly Cubchoo (Aerial Ace, Ice Punch, Night Slash)
Jolly Archen (Wing Attack, Head Smash)
Jolly Sandile (Thunder Fang, Fire Fang)
Bold Frillish (Pain Split, Confuse Ray)
Calm Yamask (Nasty Plot)
Jolly Minccino (Knock off)
Timid Vanillite (Water Pulse)
Careful Karrablast (Pursuit)

Dream World:
Jolly Marvel Scale Dratini (Female; Extremespeed, Thunderwave)
Impish Immunity Gligar (Male)
Adamant/Jolly Zen Mode Darmanitan (Lv. 35; Female)

Timid HG Articuno
Timid HG Zapdos (Flawless; Heat Wave)
Timid HG Articuno
Timid HG Moltres
Timid HG Mewtwo
Timid HG Suicune
Timid HG/SS Lugia
Timid HG Ho-oh
Timid HG Kyogre
Timid HG Rayquaza
Timid SS Latias
Timid HG Latios
Timid HG Palkia
Timid Plt Azelf
Timid Plt Mesprit
Timid HG Manaphy
Timid Plt Cresselia
Modest Plt Shaymin
Timid Plt Darkrai
Modest/Timid Phione
Timid/Modest Plt Mesprit
Modest HG Dialga
Timid HG Giratina
Jolly Terrakion
Jolly Landolus

RNG'd EV'd shiny pokemons:

Timid Butterfree (Lv. 50; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70; 6 Defense, 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed; Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, HP, Sleep Powder)
Timid Jolteon (Lv. 50; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70; 252 Special Attack, 6 Special Defense, 252 Speed; Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, HP, Baton Pass)
Timid Mr. Mime ((Lv. 50; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70; 6 HP, 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed; Psychic, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt, Trick)
Timid Butterfree (Lv. 40; Flawless, 4 Defense, 254 Special Attack, 252 Speed; Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Bug Buzz, U-Turn)
Impish Cloyster (Lv. 50; Flawless; 252 HP, 6 Defense; 252 Special Defense; Explosion, Rock Blast, Rapid Spin, Spikes)

Modest Ampharos (Lv. 30; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70; 208 HP, 252 Special Attack, 49 Speed; Substitute, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, HP)
Adamant Azurill (Lv. 2; 31/31/31/x/31/31; 116 HP, 200 Attack, 38 Special Defense, 116 Speed; Waterfall, Return, Encore, Substitute)
Jolly Politoed (Lv. 37; 30/31/31/17/30/31; 253 Attack, 4 Special Defense, 252 Speed; Belly Drum, Substitute, Waterfall, Return)

Adamant Cavanha (Lv. 3; 31/31/31/24/31/31; 196 Attack, 38 Defense, 38 Special Defense, 238 Speed; Leer, Bite, Crunch, Aqua Jet)
Timid Sceptile (Lv. 50; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70; 6 HP, 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed; Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Dragon Pulse, HP)

Timid Rotom (Lv.11; 30/30/31/30/30/30 HP Fighting 70; 64 HP, 232 Special Attack, 212 Speed; Overheat, Thunderbolt, Trick, Shadow Ball)
Modest Magmortar (Lv. 24; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70; 2 HP, 252 Special Attack, 4 Special Defense, 252 Speed; Fire Blast, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt, HP)
Timid Polygon-Z (Lv. 51; 31/22/30/30/30/30 HP Fighting 70; 4 Defense, 252 Special Attack, 254 Speed; Tri-Attack, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, HP)
Brave Rhyperior (Lv. 57; 31/31/31/31/31/x; 248 HP, 252 Attack, 8 Defense, 1 Special Attack; Megahorn, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Swords Dance)
Timid Electivire (Lv. 50; 30/15/30/31/31/31; 6 HP, 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed; Thunderbolt; Focus Blast, Psychic, HP)
Adamant Staraptor (Lv. 50; Flawless; 4 HP, 252 Attack, 252 Speed; Brave Bird, Close Combat, Pursuit, Return)

Timid Zoroark (Lv.50; 31/31/31/30/31/31 HP Electric 70; 6 HP, 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed; Flamethrower, Nasty Plot, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast)
Timid Accelgor (Lv.50; 31/31/31/30/31/31 HP Electric 70; 6 HP, 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed; U-Turn, Spike, Acid, Bug Buzz)
Jolly Cinccino (Lv.32; Flawless; 6 HP, Attack, 252 Speed; Tail Slap, Bullet Seed, U-Turn, Rock Blast)

Dream World:
Timid Drought Vulpix (Lv. 50; 31/30/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70; 6 HP, 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed with Fire Blast, Will-O-Wisp, Protect, Energy Ball)

Timid HG Entei (Lv. 46; Flawless; 4 Defense, 254 Special Attack, 252 Speed; Calm Mind, Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Solarbeam)
Timid HG Latias (Lv. 45; Flawless; 112 HP, 206 Special Attack, 192 Speed; Calm Mind, Dragon Pulse, Grass Knot, Recover)
Timid HG Latios (Lv. 45; Flawless; 4 HP, 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed; Dragon Pulse, Grass Knot, Calm Mind, Recover)
Jolly HG Palkia (Lv. 20; 30/31/31/17/30/31; 4 HP, 252 Attack, 252 Speed; Aqua Tail, Outrage, Earthquake, Stone Edge)
Timid HG Palkia (Lv. 46; Flawless; 6 HP, 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed; Spacial Rend, Surf, Thunder, Draco Meteor)



RNG'd Non-Shiny UT

Bold Chansey (31/4/31/31/31/31; Counter, Seismic Toss, Aromatherapy, Mimic)
Jolly Heracross (Flawless; Pursuit)

<None ATM>

Jolly Taillow (Flawless; Pursuit, Brave Bird)

<None ATM>

Bold Sigilyph (31/17/31/31/31/31; Roost, Assist Power, Psycho Shift, Cosmic Power)
Quiet Solosis (31/31/31/31/31/0; Trick, Imprison, Psychic, Trick Room)
Brave Timburr (31/31/31/26/31/0; Mach Punch, Drain Punch, Bulk Up, Payback)
Timid Deino (31/9/31/31/31/31; Dark Pulse)
Timid Larvesta (31/15/30/31/30/30 HP Rock 70; Morning Sun)
Timid Petilil (31/14/31/30/31/30 HP Fire 70)
Timid Crygonal (Lv. 31; 31/6/30/30/31/31 HP Water 70)
Timid Panpour (Lv. 20; 30/30/31/30/31/30 HP Fire 70)
Timid Pansage (Lv. 20; 31/10/30/30/31/30 HP Rock 70)
Timid Pansear (Lv. 20; 31/14/30/31/31/30 HP Electric 70)
Bold Yamask (Flawless; Nasty Plot, Shadow Ball)
Timid Joltik (Lv. 24; Flawless)
Jolly Darumakka (Lv. 15; Flawless)
Adamant Darumakka (Lv. 17; Flawless)
Impish Darumakka (Lv. 18; Flawless)
Bold Litwick (Lv. 29; Flawless)
Timid Litwick (Lv. 28; Flawless)
Modest Litwick (Lv. 27; Flawless)
Adamant Sandile (Lv. 15; Flawless)
Calm Frillish (Lv. 15; Flawless)
Modest Frillish (Lv. 5; Flawless)
Modest/Timid Volcanora (Lv. 70; Flawless)
Timid Zoroark (Lv. 25; Flawless)

Dream World:
Modest Exeggcute (Lv. 10; Female; 31/31/31/31/31/30 HP Ice 70)
Timid Drought Vulpix (Female; Flawless)
Adamant Cloud Nine Swablu (Lv. 10; Female; Flawless)

Impish Plt Regice (31/31/31/1/31/31)
Careful Plt Regirock (31/31/31/30/31/31 HP Electric 70)
Careful Plt Registeel (31/31/31/30/31/31 HP Electric 70)
Calm Plt Cresselia (31/26/31/31/31/31)
Bold Plt Cresselia (31/16/31/31/31/31)
Hasty Plt Diaga (31/31/30/31/31/31)
Careful HG Dialga (30/17/31/31/31/31)
Lonely HG Giratina (31/31/30/30/31/30 HP Fire 70)
Timid Reshiram (31/x/31/31/31/31)
Modest HG Mewtwo (Flawless)
Calm Plt Regice (Flawless)
Lonely Zekrom (Flawless)
All Nature Terrakion (Flawless)
All Nature Virizion (Flawless)
All Nature Landulus (Flawless)
All Nature Kyurem (Flawless)

RNG'd Non-Shiny EV'd

Adamant Lapras (Lv. 21; 31/31/31/31/31/30 HP Ice 70; 161 HP, 96 Attack, 253 Special Defense; Curse, Waterfall, Avalanche, Return)
Adamant Machamp (Lv. 51; 30/31/31/22/30/31; 252 HP, 252 Attack, 6 Speed; Dynamicpunch, Payback, Rest, Sleep Talk)

<None ATM>

Adamant Mightyena (Lv. 54; 31/31/31/x/30/31; 4 HP, 254 Attack, 252 Speed; Howl, Crunch, Facade, Rock Smash)

Brave Rhyperior (Lv. 57; 31/31/31/31/31/x; 248 HP, 252 Attack, 9 Defense 1 Special Attack; Stone Edge, Earthquake, Megahorn, Swords Dance)
Timid Yanmega (Lv. 57; 30/22/30/31/30/30 HP Ground 70; 4 Defense, 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed; Bug Buzz, Air Slash, HP, U-Turn)
Careful Drapion (Lv. 50; Flawless; 252 HP, 6 Defense, 252 Special Defense; Crunch, Taunt, Toxic Spikes, Whirlwind)

<None ATM>

Dream World
Timid Drizzle Female Politoed (Lv. 56; 31/x/31/29/31/31; 252 Special Attack, 6 Special Defense, 252 Speed; Scald, Hypnosis, Ice Beam, Psychic)

Modest HG Moltres (Lv. 50; 31/29/30/30/31/31 HP Grass 68; 252 Special Attack, 4 Special Defense, 252 Speed; Fire Blast, Air Slash, HP, Roost)
Timid HG Raikou (Lv. 40; 31/x/31/30/31/31 HP Grass 70; 4 HP, 252 Special Attack, 253 Speed; Calm Mind, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, HP)
Adamant HG Ho-oh (Lv. 50; 31/31/31/17/31/31; 224 HP, 252 Attack; 32 Speed; Brave Bird, Sacred Flame, Earthquake, Roost)
Bold HG Lugia (Lv. 70; 31/17/31/31/31/31; 252 HP, 64 Defense, 192 Speed; Roost, Reflect, Whirlwind, Ice Beam)
Timid HG Kyogre (Lv. 50; 30/31/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70; 4 HP, 254 Special Attack, 252 Speed; Water Sport, Surf, Ice Beam, Thunder)
Timid HG Latios (Lv. 42; 30/18/31/30/31/30 HP Fire 70; 4 HP, 254 Special Attack, 252 Speed; Calm Mind, Dragon Pulse, Grass Knot, HP)
Adamant HG Rayquaza (Lv. 75; 31/31/31/17/31/31; 252 Attack, 4 Special Defense; 252 Speed; Sword Dance, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Extremespeed)


*I can catch Japanese Ditto in both Gen IV and Gen V upon request.

Calm (IV+V; Flawless)
Timid (IV+V; Flawless Shiny)

Modest (IV+V; Flawless)
Timid (Flawless)
Modest (HP Bug)
Modest (HP Electric)
Modest (HP Fighting)
Modest (HP Flying)
Modest (HP Ghost)
Modest (HP Ice)
Modest (HP Psychic)
Modest (HP Rock)
Modest (HP Steel)
Modest (HP Water)
Modest (All 0)



5th Gen UT:
Timid Male Zorua (28/x/30/31/31/28; Dark Pulse, Extrasensory)
Calm Male Snivy (31/18/30/31/18/31, Glare)
Quiet Female Snivy (16/22/30/31/31/31, Glare)
Relaxed Female Larvesta (25/x/31/30/19/31, Morning Sun)
Rash Female Vanillite (30/31/12/30/28/26, Ice Shard)
Adamant Male Roggenrola (30/31/21/21/31/x, Curse)
Adamant Male Scraggy (27/31/31/x/17/28, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch)
Calm Female Oshawott (31/x/31/31/17/31)
Adamant Male Tepig (29/31/31/14/31/31 or 27/31/31/31/31/19)
Adamant Female Tepig (29/31/14/31/31/23)
Brave Female Tepig (x/31/29/31/30/30)
Modest Chlorophyll Petilil (31/x/14/31/31/30)
Gentle Own Tempo Petilil (30/31/30/25/31/31)

DW female pokemon UT:
Timid Drought Vulpix (26/28/29/31/26/28, Heat Wave)
Modest Harvest Exeggcute (x/26/31/31/x/31, Leaf Storm)
Rash Moody Remoraid (10/31/28/31/29/12; Toxic, Ice Beam)
Quiet Hydration Lapras (14/x/31/31/31/31)
Timid Hustle Rattata (19/23/30/x/31/31)
Bold Marvel Scale Dratini (19/31/30/10/31/31)
Lax Swift Swim Poliwag (15/30/31/31/28/31)
Modest Vital Spirit Elekid (31/31/31/29/24/21)
Lax Vital Spirit Elekid (23/31/31/27/31/30)
Brave Vital Spirit Elekid (31/31/31/24/23/29)



Drought Vulpix
Harvest Exeggcute
Moody Remoraid
Hydration Lapras
Hustle Rattata
Marvel Scale Dratini (become Multi-Scale as Dragonite)
Swift Swim Poliwag (become Drizzle as Politoed)
Flame Body Ponyta
Rain Dish Surskit (become Unnerve as Masquerain)
Regenerator Tangela
Harvest Tropius
Big Pecks Chatot
Unnerve Aerodactyl
Defiant Farfetch'd
Run Away Oddish (become Stench as Gloom, Effect Spore as Vileplume and Healer as Bellossum)
Big Pecks Pidgey
Rain Dish Tentacool
Infiltrator Hoppip
Forecast Castform
Pressure Wailmer
Sap Sipper Miltank
Swift Swim Anorith
Frisk Yanma
Damp Horsea
Plus Mareep
Cloud Nine Swablu
Sand Strength Shellos
Guts Shinx
Justified Growlithe
Volt Absorb Pachirisu
Weak Armor Skarmory
Adaptability Corphish
Wonder Skin Skitty
Quick Feet Zigzagoon
Magic Bounce Natu
Speed Boost Cavanha
Rattled Poochyena (become Moxie as Mightyena)
Own Tempo Lotad
Sap Sipper Marill
Hustle Nidoran M (becomes Sheer Force as Nidoking)
Hustle Nidoran F (becomes Sheer Force as Nidoqueen)
Steadfast Scyther (becomes Light Metal as Scizor)
Vital Spirit Elekid
Limber Buneary
Swift Swim Psyduck
Rattled Sudowoodo
Storm Drain Lileep
Immunity Gligar (become Poison Heal as Gliscor)
Sheer Force Krabby
Hydration Barboarch
Sap Sipper Stantler
Inner Force Kangaskhan
Lightningrod Goldeen
Rain Dish Wingull
Water Veil Buizel
Friend Guard Igglybuff
Tangled Feet Doduo
Early Bird Sunkern
Insomnia Delibird



Any JP Unova and other catchable pokemons
All version exclusive
All starters
Some JP past gen breedable (ask me and I'll tell you if I can breed those or not)

And maybe some others, but you have to ask me what I have. I can't think of all of them right from the top of my head.


MOST WANTED!!! DW starters except Bulbasaur and Treeko (with proof of legitimacy)

Will take other fair trades, like good IV/nature shiny or events as well.

White FC: 0518 2942 0809
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id love the adamant shiny dratini or bagon or the shiny jolly marvel scale dratini. i can give either lvl 100 shiny porygon or lvl 100 shiny dragonite (not sure how legit they are. got them on gts) or i can trade you virizion, terrakion, cobalion, or kyurem if any of those sound ok let me know
Wow thats quite an impressive list! Im interested in to many things to name atm, so i was curious if you could CMT and see how many of these i might be able to pry from u lol
Ill trade you a UT WISHMKR jirachi for that axew.

Alright. I'll take that.

id love the adamant shiny dratini or bagon or the shiny jolly marvel scale dratini. i can give either lvl 100 shiny porygon or lvl 100 shiny dragonite (not sure how legit they are. got them on gts) or i can trade you virizion, terrakion, cobalion, or kyurem if any of those sound ok let me know

Sorry, I don't want GTS pokemon (especially when they're lv.100 shiny) and have no need for those legendaries (as I already have all of them)

Wow thats quite an impressive list! Im interested in to many things to name atm, so i was curious if you could CMT and see how many of these i might be able to pry from u lol

Replied in your list.
For my Elekid could i get:
Modest Mareep (Lv. 13; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
I should be online almost the entire day today so lemme know whenever u wanna trade
would you want a shiny charizard for bagon or dratini? i got it off another trading site (not gts)
For my Elekid could i get:
Modest Mareep (Lv. 13; 30/15/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70)
I should be online almost the entire day today so lemme know whenever u wanna trade

Alright, I'll be going in now.

would you want a shiny charizard for bagon or dratini? i got it off another trading site (not gts)

Sorry, not interested since I already have shiny Charmanders.

Sorry to be dumb, but what do you mean by "proof of legitimacy"?

Just as the word say, anything that prove that you obtained your stuff legitly, which in case of DW events, I mean something like PGL screenshot, DW screenshot or any kind of proof that show that you did have the serial codes to get those events.
actually i have to drive my gf off to work atm so itll be a little bit before i can trade, ill vm u once i get back.
I'm interested in the Gamestop Deoxys. Check out my shop to find the Pokemon you are interested in. The link is in my Signature.
No problem! I can trade now. Also, I want the Liberty Island Victini. Again, take a look in the shop for what you want.

Alright, and sorry, I'm actually only interested in the Salamence in your thread, so... ._."

Be in the room one sec...Which FC do I have to use, English or Japanese?
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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